The Fountains of Youth
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The Fountains of Youth

Страниц: 84
Символов: 553400
ID: 203553
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2000
Издательство: Tom Doherty Associates
Город печати: New York
Создана 6 мая 2014 05:17
Опубликована 6 мая 2014 05:23


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This is a science fiction novel of enormous scope and ambition, filled with wonders that expands Brian Stableford's on-going future history series. Hundreds of years in the future, further ahead than the settings of Inherit the Earth and Architects of Emortality, Mortimer Gray is born into a world where he can potentially live forever. But after a traumatic natural disaster that kills millions, Gray devotes the next five hundred years of his life to the study of death and its effects on human civilization, viewed from a post-death perspective. Through it all we see the broad, large-scale accumulation of change and the growth of humanity on Earth and out to the stars as Gray experiences his boundless lifetime.

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