City at the end of time

Страниц: 124
Символов: 791409
ID: 203528
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год написания книги: 2008
Год печати: 2009
Издательство: Del Rey
Город печати: New York
Создана 6 мая 2014 04:17
Опубликована 6 мая 2014 04:46


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In a time like the present, in a world that may or may not be our own, three young people–Ginny, Jack, and Daniel–dream of a decadent, doomed city of the distant future: the Kalpa. But more than dreams link these three: They are fate-shifters, born with the ability to skip across the surface of the fifth dimension, inhabiting alternate versions of themselves. And each guards an object whose origin and purpose are unknown: gnarled, stony artifacts called sum-runners that persist unchanged through all versions of time. Hunted by others with similar powers who seek the sum-runners on behalf of a terrifying, goddess-like entity known as the Chalk Princess, Ginny, Jack, and Daniel are drawn into an all but hopeless mission to rescue the future–and complete the greatest achievement in human history.


Книга повествует о Кальпе, последнем городе на Земле в конце времен, и его обитателях.

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