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Silver Veil bowed her head in ironic acknowledgment of the truth of his answer. "Well, here and now comes the time to leave a certain amount of discretion outside the garden, and speak frankly, northerner to northerner, friend to friend." She leaned forward, her violet-gray eyes darkened momentarily. "I need to give you some small idea of the world you have blundered into."

"It baffles me," Amberdrake confessed. "I am not certain how to act, and I find myself doing nothing rather than chance an incident." He looked to Winterhart for confirmation, and she nodded.

Silver Veil fanned herself quietly. "Your instincts must be guiding you correctly," she told them both, "For that is the safest thing to do here; nothing.Had you noticed anything odd about the Court itself? Physical things, I mean; things that seem familiar, but antique."

Amberdrake frowned, for he had, although he could not name precisely what had set off those strange feelings of familiarity at one remove. But Winterhart was quite certain.

"There are strange echoes of ourpast here," she said. "I see it in the clothing, some of the customs, even some of the food. But none of it is like the North we left."

"Precisely," Silver Veil said, with a nod. "It is like the North of years, decades, even centuries ago. That was what gave me the key to understanding these people. They both abhor, and adore, change."

Amberdrake shook his head. "I'm not sure I understand," he began.

Silver Veil interrupted him with a gesture of her fan. "The Haighlei are a people who avoid change at all cost. Their own customs go back in an unbroken line for hundreds of years. To them, our way of life with its constant changes and readjustments is one short step below blasphemy, for if the gods wanted men to change, would the gods not decree it?" She shrugged. "The point is, they not only hate change, it is mandated against by their holy writings. Change comes as the gods decree, when the gods decree."

Winterhart frowned. "But if that's the case, how is it that customs of ours have ended up in practice here?"

"A good point." Silver Veil looked pleased. "That is one reason why change, with all the attraction of the forbidden, is very appealing to many of them. And the answer to how change comes to them is this; someone, at some point, understood that without some changes taking place, this society would rot from within. So at some point in the past, the holy writings were modified. There is a celebration connected to an eclipse that takes place once every twenty years. The more of the sun that vanishes, the more change can be integrated into the society. Thereafter, however, it does not change, except for deep exploration of the details. That is why you see things here that have only been written about in our lands. And that is why the office and position of kestra'chern were established here in the first place."

"But it is the kestra'chern of a hundred years ago that they imitate?" Amberdrake hazarded.

"More like two hundred or more, the kestra'chern who were the pampered and cultured members of the households of the very elite, and never seen by the common folk at all." She pointed her fan at the two of them. "You are on sufferance here; you embody change. Only if Shalaman accepts you and adds you and your presence here to the Eclipse Ceremony will you be actually accepted by the Haighlei as a whole." She flicked her fan idly at a blue fly blundering past. "You don't have many friends here. The Speaker to the Gods is firmly against your presence. Others are curious, but fearful of all the changes you represent."

He nodded, slowly. "I understand. So the question becomes, how do we persuade others over to our side?"

She shook her head, and her jewelry sang softly. "Gentle persistence. It helps that you have Skandranon with you; he is such a novelty that he is keeping peoples' minds off what you folk truly represent. I was accepted because what I amfell within the bounds of what they had already accepted. You must tread a careful path, Amberdrake. You dare not give offense, or give reason for the Haighlei to dismiss you as mere barbarians."

"What else do we need to know?" Winterhart asked urgently.

"Mostly that the Haighlei are very literal people; they will tell you exactlywhat they mean to do, not a bit more, and not a bit less." She creased her brow in thought. "Of course, that is subject to modification, depending on how the person feels about you. If you asked one who felt indifferent toward you to guard your pet, he would guard your pet and ignore the thief taking your purse."

Amberdrake nodded, trying to absorb it all.

"What can you tell us about this Eclipse Ceremony?" he asked.

Silver Veil smiled.

"Well," she said, with another wave of her fan, "Obviously, it begins, ends, and centers around the Eclipse...."

Zhaneel found the hot afternoons as soporific as any of the Haighlei, and usually followed their example in taking a long nap. Even the youngsters were inclined to sleep in the heat—her Tadrith and Keenath and Winterhart's energetic girl Windsong. Well, since the twins had been born, shehad been short on sleep, so now she might have a chance to make it up at last. Let Skandranon poke his beak in and around the corners of this fascinating Palace; while it was this hot, shewould luxuriate in a nest of silken cushions, or stretch her entire length along a slab of cool marble in the garden.

She was doing just that, when one of the servants entered, apparently unaware of her presence. The twins were asleep in the shade, curled up like a pair of fuzzy kittens beside one of the pools, for they liked to use the waterfall as a kind of lullaby. The servant spotted them and approached them curiously, then reached out a cautious hand to touch.

Not a good idea, since the little ones sometimes woke when startled in an instinctive defensive reaction. An unwary human could end up with a hand full of talons, which would be very painful, since each of the twins sported claws as formidable as an eagle's. She raised her head and cleared her throat discreetly.

The servant started, jerking upright, and stared at her for a single, shocked second, with the whites of his eyes showing all around the dark irises. Then he began to back up slowly, stammering something in his own language. She couldn't understand him, of course, but she had a good idea of the gist of it, since this wasn't the first time she'd startled a servant.

Nice kitty. Good kitty. Don't eat me, kitty

She uttered one of the few phrases in his language she knew, the equivalent of "Don't be afraid, I didn't know you were coming in; please don't wake the babies."

He stared at her in shock, and she added another of the phrases she'd learned. "I prefer not to eat anything that can speak back to me."

He uttered something very like a squeak, and bolted.

She sighed and put her head down on her foreclaws again. Poor silly man. Doesn't anyonetell these people about us?It wasn't that the Haighlei were prejudiced, exactly, it was just that they wereused to seeing large, fierce, carnivorous creatures, but were notused to them being intelligent. Sooner or later she and Skan would convince them all that the gryphons were neither dangerous, nor unpredictable, but until they did, there would probably be a great many frightened servants setting new records for speed in exiting a room.

Those who accept us as intelligent are still having difficulty accepting us as full citizens, co-equal with the humans of White Gryphon,she reflected, wondering how they were going to overcome that much stickier problem. At least I don't have to worry about that. Skan does, but I don't. All I have to do is be charming and attractive. And the old rogue says I have no trouble doing that! Still, he has to do that himself, plus he has to play "Skandranon, King of White Gryphon."