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Are you so sure?a soft voice whispered in Theodore's head.

Tetsuhara-sensei! ?

Your feelings are strong. That is good.Ninjo andgiri must be balanced. They are a circle, the yin and the yang. If one is too strong, the balance is broken. You must strive to maintain the balance.

I have striven, sensei. I've failed.

A man cannot be said to have failed until after he is dead. As long as there is life, there is hope. Are you such a coward that you have abandoned hope?

I'm no coward, sensei.

Exactly. You are not your father. If you remember this, you will prosper. I will remember.

When you go forth into the world, you must be your own man. You cannot live another man's dreams, nor be that which you are not. All that you do will be you, and you will be all that you do. You are your own karma.

Theodore started. Those were the exact words Tetsuhara- senseihad used when they had parted on the occasion of Theodore's departure for Sun Zhang Academy. On reflection, he realized that all of the sensei'swords were things that he had said to Theodore at different times and in different places. The conversation was a construct of Theodore's mind. But artificial or not, he recognized the timely wisdom of the sensei'scounsel.

The Dragon possesses five virtues,he reminded himself. Bravery, audacity, and tenacity are but three. Even my father grants me those. The fourth is integrity, the one I had come close to abandoning. I must not allow myself to be so weak.

Perhaps, this is the beginning of the fifth virtue, wisdom. If so, then I am the true heir to the Dragon.


Throughout this book, Kurita officers and other officials are referred to by their ancient Japanese rank names or titles. The equivalents in English are:

Tai-shu        Warlord or General of the Army

Tai-sho        General

Sho-sho       Brigadier

Tai-sa          Colonel

Chu-sa         Lieutenant Colonel

Sho-sa         Major

Tai-i            Captain

Chu-i           Lieutenant

Buso-senshi  Mech Warrior or AeroSpace Pilot

Kanrei          Deputy

Jokan          Noble Lady

Shudocho     Abbot, Master of an order

Jukurensha   Adept

Shoshinsha   Novice

Sensei         Master Teacher

Some other Japanese phrases that appear in this book and their translations:

Baka                        Fool

Dekashita                 Nice going!

Do                           Kendo term: body armor covering abdominal area

Do itashi moshite        You're welcome

Domo arigato             Thank you very much

Gempuku                  Rite of passage upon reaching manhood

Giri                          Duty, obligation, justice

Hai                          Yes

Hakama                    Skirt-like male garment worn by samurai over kimono on ceremonial occasions

Hara                        Belly

Iie                           No

Kabuto                     Helmet

Kamishimo                 Samurai ceremonial dress— kataginu and hakama color-coordinated

Kataginu                   The triangle of cloth covering the shoulders and breast in ceremonial dress

Katakana                  Japanese lettering

Katana                     Sword

Kendo                      Fencing—literally, "The Way of the Sword"

Ki                            Heart, mind, spirit, feeling

Kobun                      Soldiers of the yakuza

Konnichi wa               Hello

Kuromaku                  "Fixer," gang go-between

Meiyo                       Reputation, honor

Meiyo to naru            "Respected teacher" sensei

Men                         Kendo facemask

Ninjo                        Humanity, sympathy

Ninjutsu                    Literally, "Art of Invisibility," the skill of the ninja

O-medeto                 Congratulations!

Obi                          Sash that goes with kimono

Ohayo                      Good morning

Otomo                      Palace guards

Otosan                     Father

Oyabun                    Yakuza ringleader

Ryu no tomo              "Dragon's Friends"

Seimeiyoshi-              Federation of gangs rengo

Senshi                      Warrior

Seppuku                   Samurai ritual suicide

Shikata ga nai           Approximately, "It can't be helped"

Shimatta                  Exclamation of dismay

Shinai                      Bamboo sword in kendo

Shitenno                   In context, inner circle of advisors; literally, "Four devas"

Shizen                      Nature

Shogi                       Chess

Shoji                        Paper door or panel

Shuriken                   Throwing star or small dagger

So ka                       1. Oh? How interesting!

                              2. Is that right?

Sugu                        At once, immediately

Tachi                       Nature, disposition—second nature

Tatami                     Straw floor-matting

Teki                         Enemy, opponent, rival

Tengu                      Long-nosed goblin

Tono                        Lord

Wakarimasu-ka?         Do you understand?

Wakizashi                 Shortsword

Yubitsume                 Yakuza finger-cutting atonement

List of Abbreviations:

AFFS     Armed Forces of the Federated Suns

DCMS    Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery

DEST    Draconis Elite Strike Team

HPG      Hyperspulse Generator. An inter- stellar communications device used by ComStar

IFF       Identification: Friend or Foe

ISF       Internal Security Force. The Kurita secret service

LCAF     Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces

LRM      Long-range missiles, indirect fire missiles with high explosive warheads

NAIS     New Avalon Institute of Science

O5P      Order of the Five Pillars

PPC      Particle projector cannon, a magnetic accelerator firing high-energy proton or ion bolts. It is the most effective weapon available to a BattleMech

ROM      ComStar's secret service

SRM      Short-range missiles, direct trajec- tory missiles with high explosive or armor-piercing explosive warheads

VTOL    Vertical Takeoff/Landing, including helicopters and directed thrust aircraft