A Feast of Flesh
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Страниц: 18
Символов: 111593
ID: 203119
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2012
Издательство: Skull Salad
Город печати: New York
Создана 3 мая 2014 12:43
Опубликована 3 мая 2014 14:34


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Tales of zombies, undead fiends, bloodthirsty monsters, and hideous nightmare-ghouls waiting to rend and tear human flesh... A Feast of Flesh includes: "Cargo" - in a post apocalyptic wasteland, one little girl reaches out in friendship "Tesoro's Magic Bullet" - they shot Tesoro in Iraq, but this Marine did not die "The Way of Things in Fly-Over Country" - in a zombie littered wasteland, the undead are not the only ones to fear "Former Vocations" - a poem of the dead and their past lives "The Distillery" - Tommy must get past the grey men if he wants his baby girl to live "In the Primal Library" - little boys' imaginations give birth to hungry, lustful things "Familiar Faces" - two survivors, one hotel room, and a host of zombies "Sea of Green, Sea of Gold" - where even the prairie grass hungers "Bona Fide King of His Realm" - Uncle Rego is a monster "Down There" - in a town with rich history, the dead outnumber the living

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