Shrapnel: Fragments from the Inner Sphere



Страниц: 48
Символов: 305481
В избранное добавлена 1 раз
ID: 202848
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 1989
Издательство: FASA Corporation
Город печати: Chicago
Создана 1 мая 2014 12:42
Опубликована 1 мая 2014 12:56


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For any fan of the classic Battletech universe, this is essential reading. Patrick Kell's "wife", the reason Tormano Liao split for exile in the Federated Suns, and a once-a-decade interview with then-Major Natasha Kerensky, the "Black Widow" her very own self. It's worth it for the art. Almost every piece of art FASA ever used for everything from novel covers to miniatures boxes is there, an easy way to replace all the stuff you hung on your wall and Mom trashed when you left home.

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