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“The hard way, according to Dulcie. There’s little enough advantage in wheels, or even in using logs as rollers, on terrain as uneven as this, and you’ve probably noticed that the local tree-substitutes aren’t much given to the production of nice straight logs with a circular cross-section. They had no beasts of burden, so they had to carry the stones themselves, one by one, or maybe a few at a time slung in hammocks from poles and frames carried by small parties of humanoids. But the real question—the bigquestion—is whythey felt they had to move the blocks.”

“They had enemies,” Matthew said, making the obvious deduction. “Their fields were precious, and had to be defended.”

“Maybe it’s not so surprising,” Lynn went on, “whichever hypothesis you favor as to the reason for the great leap forward from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural ones. If it really was a fabulous stroke of inspiration, the tribes that hadn’t made it were probably keen to get in on the act. If it was a desperation move forced by ecological crisis, the tribes that hadn’t made it would have been even keener. On Earth, the major ongoing conflict was always between settled agriculturalists and nomadic herdsman, but the relative dearth of mammal-equivalents in this ecosphere seems to have ensured that the humanoids never took to animal husbandry—not in a big way, at any rate—so the Cain and Abel allegory doesn’t apply.”

Matthew noticed the tacit assumption that the “enemies” the city-builders wanted to keep out were others of their own kind, but he didn’t call attention to it. Instead, he asked: “Which hypothesis do you like? The inspirational leap or the existential crisis?”

“The crisis scenario always made more sense to me as an explanation of our own prehistory,” Lynn admitted, “but if we don’t know for sure why our own hunter-gatherer ancestors settled down, we’re hardly likely to be able to come to a firm conclusion about these guys. That’s the way I tell the story to myself, though. If the people who migrated up the river and built the city did so because life down on the plain was becoming too difficult, successive waves of their increasingly distant cousins would have followed in their train. Maybe, at first, some or all of them were taken in, coopted to the grand plan—but as living space became more cramped, the people in the city might have become increasingly desperate to keep others out while the people trying to get in became more desperate in proportion. Positive feedback, ultimately bringing the conflict to a mutually ruinous climax.”

“It sounds plausible,” Matthew agreed.

“Not to Dulcie,” Lynn observed. “Not enough evidence of elaborate weaponry in the hidey-holes we’ve so far excavated. Ideally, of course, we’d like some skeletons so that we could look for evidence of violent death, but even hard human bone wouldn’t have survived for long in this kind of environment. The city-dwellers who died here have all been reabsorbed—every last knucklebone and tooth. All we have to go on are the stones and the glass fragments. No earthenware pots, no metal. Dulcie reckons that if you leave out the walls themselves, the evidence so far unearthed favors the notion that the city-dwellers were a relatively peaceful lot.”

“What about the spearhead that killed Bernal?”

“What about it? Dulcie says it’s a fake. Even if it isn’t, it’s recent, and even if it weren’t recent, it would only be evidence of hunting, not warfare.”

Matthew shrugged his shoulders. Although his smartsuit only presented the illusion of clothing, he couldn’t quite escape the false sensation that something clammy was clinging to his back like a sweat-soaked shirt.

“Given that the local plants don’t make storage-proteins to supply seeds,” he said, seeking further distraction from his discomfort, “the staple crop couldn’t have been a grain-analogue, even though the plants in the drawings I saw on Hopelook a bit like corncobs.”

“That’s right,” Lynn confirmed. “We’re not sure how they persuaded their food-plants to put on so much bulk—that’s why we’re doing the test plantings of candidate types. The fields have been reclaimed by local varieties, though—the city-builders probably brought their crop-plants with them from the plain. We don’t really know why they didn’t cultivate the land on the banks of the river, but we figure it must have had something to do with the difficulty of clearing ground and keeping it free from weeds. Those giant grasses are probably more resilient than the hill-dwelling dendrites—too difficult to dislodge.

“I’ll show you the murals when we go down again. We think they might have been colored in at one time, but organic paints would have been stripped off by slugs and snails almost immediately, except where heavy metals in inorganic pigments made them too poisonous. We have a few flakes of what might have been paint, but the only decipherable images are the engravings in the photos.”

Matthew examined the exposed remains of a stone wall on the edge of the platform from which they were looking down. It had been scraped clean of its various encrustations. The blocks of stone from which it had been constructed were relatively small and easily portable, in stark contrast to the bigger foundation blocks that had been similarly cleared.

The mortar sealing the wall gave the impression of being resinous, albeit set as hard as the stone itself, although it could not have survived if it had been organic. Although he could see half-a-dozen places in the immediate neighborhood where similar walls must have been cracked, broken and eventually pulled down by the combined efforts of severe weather and the overgrowing vegetation, this particular fragment looked as if it might stand for thousands of years yet to come, and perhaps hundreds of thousands.

It had been built to last, and it had lasted.

Alas, the civilization it had been built to contain had not. Matthew could hardly help wondering whether any civilization that Hope’s passengers put in place might be bound to meet a similar fate.


Why didn’t more people come here from Base One when Milyukov refused to supply a proper staff?” Matthew asked Lynn Gwyer. “They’re all Earth-born. They all saw the same VE-dramas you and I grew up on. They must have a proper appreciation of the mythic significance of first contact. The mere possibility that there might be aliens should have had them flocking here in droves.”

“It’s a long way,” she pointed out. “All our aircraft are tiny, and we haven’t finished building and securing a chain of refueling stops. At first, they expected the crew to send down more people. The realization that it wasn’t going to happen was slow to grow, and it grew alongside other arguments. Bernal thought he could change that, if only he could broadcast to Base One, but Milyukov procrastinated over sending the TV cameras he asked for. In the end, we got you instead.”

“He must have chuckled over that one,” Matthew said, meaning Milyukov. “He took an unreasonable relish in informing me that he couldn’t give me the cameras I asked for. He can’t keep me incommunicado, but he knows as well as I do that it’s not easy to persuade large numbers of people to tune in when all you’ve got is a beltphone.”

While he was speaking they completed their descent from the top of the mound—“the tower,” as Lynn insisted on calling it. It had undoubtedly been a tower at one time, but Matthew found his own mind shying away from the designation. Although a way had been cleared to allow observers to climb to the top, and tunnels had been excavated to allow ingress to what had once been the interior, much of the surrounding vegetation had been left in place to provide supportive scaffolding. As he looked back up at it, the only Earthly tower to which Matthew could readily link it, imaginatively, was the fictitious one in which the Sleeping Beauty and her court had been committed to suspended animation until the day that her handsome prince would come. Even having made that link, though, he could not extend the analogy far enough to imagine himself as the Sleeping Beauty, and Nita Brownell or Konstantin Milyukov as the liberator prince.