Time and the Gods
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Time and the Gods



Страниц: 28
Символов: 176160
ID: 202569
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2003
Издательство: Wildside Press
Город печати: Rockville
Создана 29 апреля 2014 14:04
Опубликована 29 апреля 2014 23:18


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"Not only does any tale which crosshatches between this world and Faerie owe a Founder's Debt to Lord Dunsany, but the secondary world created by J.R.R. Tolkien--from which almost all fantasylands have devolved--also took shape and flower from Dunsany's example." --The Encyclopedia of Fantasy Most fantasy enthusiasts consider Lord Dunsany one of the most significant forces in modern fantasy; his influences have been observed in the works of H.P. Lovecraft, L. Sprague de Camp, Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, and many other modern writers. Time and the Gods is another of Dunsany's classic collections, written at his peak of his talent. The stories here are a lush tapestry of language, conjuring images of people, places, and things which cannot possibly exist, yet somehow ring true. Together with Dunsany's other major collections, such as The Book of Wonder, A Dreamer's Tales and Tales of Three Hemispheres, they are a necessary part of any fantasy collection.


Когда боги были еще молоды и только их смуглый слуга Время не имел возраста, они уснули на земле неподалеку от широкой реки. Им снился город, и их сон воплотил этот город в реальность. Имя этому городу — Сардатрион...

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