Robert Ludlum's The Janson Command
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Robert Ludlum's The Janson Command

Страниц: 75
Символов: 479565
ID: 202532
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2012
Издательство: Grand Central Publishing
Город печати: New York
Создана 29 апреля 2014 11:03
Опубликована 29 апреля 2014 12:46


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Paul Janson, a character first featured in Robert Ludlum's bestselling novel The Janson Directive, has a new goal: save the world, one operative, one mission, one redemption at a time. Reformed from his days of covert-operations, Paul Janson has set a new mission for himself. Working in partnership with champion sharpshooter Jessica Kincaid, he rehabilitates disenchanted agents and helps them create new lives outside of the violent intelligence sector. These former operatives then form a network of support for Janson when it comes to his other job--Janson also takes on independent assignments. For a fee, he'll use his skills to resolve international crises. But only those actions that he believes contribute to the greater good of all. Whether he's rescuing an American doctor from Somalian pirates, attacking militant thugs intent on murdering a West African public servant agitating for human rights, or hunting the money-lenders who capitalize on barbaric civil war, Janson stays honest with three simple rules: 1) No torture. 2) No civilian casualties. 3) No killing anyone who doesn't try to kill them. Yet with his commitment to doing what is right--while facing canny intelligence operatives, ruthless warlords, deep sea marauders, or brutal dictators--Janson finds that his most difficult task is figuring out if he's fighting for the good side.

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