Cold Vengeance
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Страниц: 76
Символов: 480842
ID: 200046
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2011
Создана 12 апреля 2014 09:34
Опубликована 12 апреля 2014 10:15


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In this case, Special Agent Pendergast doesn't want only justice; he seeks revenge. His wife Helen has been murdered, and his hunt for her killer will take him to faraway places and lead him to dangerous contacts. As his search takes him ever deeper into the secrets of Helen's life, he comes to the realization that the woman closest to him had held her secrets tightly. An exceptionally strong number of a bestseller series.

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