Vixen 03
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Dirk Pitt

Страниц: 79
Символов: 511567
ID: 197099
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 1978
Издательство: Bantam
Создана 20 марта 2014 16:22
Опубликована 20 марта 2014 22:59


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1954. Vixen 03 is down. The plane, bound for the Pacific carrying thirty-six Doomsday bombs — canisters armed with quick-death germs of unbelievable potency ― vanishes. Vixen has in fact crashed into an ice-covered lake in Colorado.

1988. Dirk Pitt, who heroically raised the Titanic, discovers the wreckage of Vixen 03. But two deadly canisters are missing. They're in the hands of a terrorist group. Their lethal mission: to sail a battleship seventy-five miles up the Potomac and blast Washington, D.C., to kingdom come. Only Dirk can stop them.

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