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Страниц: 58
Символов: 390275
ID: 188387
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2011
Издательство: Creme de la Crime
Создана 5 января 2014 16:04
Опубликована 5 января 2014 16:04


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An intriguing new Brother Athelstan historical mystery -December, 1380. When the corpse of Sir Robert Kilverby is discovered in a locked room, Brother Athelstan accompanies the King’s coroner to investigate. For Sir Robert had in his possession a priceless relic, a sacred bloodstone, which has now disappeared. Did Sir Robert die of natural causes or was he murdered? Athelstan is sceptical of rumours of a curse hanging over Sir Robert, but when it is discovered that a second old soldier has been gruesomely slain on the same night, the rumours no longer seem so far-fetched . . . 

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