The Jericho Iteration
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The Jericho Iteration

Страниц: 66
Символов: 425200
ID: 188371
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2013
Издательство: Open Road Media
Создана 5 января 2014 14:51
Опубликована 5 января 2014 14:51


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In the year 2013, investigative reporter Gerry Rosen is tracking the biggest story of his career--a corrupt corporation is poised to unleash a sinister artificial lifeform on the earthquake-ravaged city of St. Louis. When people around Gerry start to die, he becomes a fugitive in his own city, and begins to suspect that the story of a lifetime may be the death of him yet.

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