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“This is your hideout?” she asked, willing down the nausea.

“My nest for the moment. It’s really an illusion, but a nice one, don’t you think?”

“Where’s Kalen?”

“Mackenzie, what are you doing here?”

At Kalen’s voice, she looked past the Unseelie to see him standing there, his expression cold. She couldn’t lose him to Malik. Not after all they’d been through.

“I came to find you and—and bring you home.”

“Home?” he sneered. “Back to my loving boss so he can kill me? Back to my brothers who are going to stand there and let it happen?”

“Nobody wants you dead! But Nick thinks you’re past help and he didn’t know what to do!”

“The healing bullet wound in my shoulder says differently.”

“Think what you want, but the Pack loves you. And I love you most of all.” There it was. A spark of humanity that warmed his gaze, filled it with longing. For a few seconds he devoured her hungrily with those green eyes. But then he glanced at Malik, who was observing avidly, and the wall came down again.

“Love has no place in my life now,” he said coolly. “The sooner you accept that, the better.”

“Wh-what do you mean?” This frightened her, not knowing if he was posturing for Malik’s benefit, or if he’d really turned.

“I thought I loved you, but I didn’t know what that was. I can’t give something I’ve never had.”

“That’s not true,” she said, holding back a sob. “You have my love. You’ve felt it. And our baby will love his father.”

Another spark. Her Kalen was in there, she was sure of it.

“Our child will follow in my footsteps. In the meantime, you will live here with me. After Nick and his Pack are defeated, we’ll move to the Unseelie realm, where we’ll stay.”

That was so not going to happen. But one look at Malik’s sinister expression told her what answer was expected. And she’d give it to buy time until she knew what game Kalen was playing. “As long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter where we live. I’ll do as you say, and no one else but you.”

Kalen nodded. Malik appeared extremely pleased.

“Make sure the woman stays here. I’m going to gather my Sluagh and then I’ll call for you to join in the attack. Oh, and lower the shields on the compound now.”

“Yes, Father.” Closing his eyes, he chanted softly. The words flowed, faster and stronger, until at last he stopped and opened them again. “It’s done.”

Mac’s heart stuttered in dread. “You didn’t.”

“I’m going,” Malik said. “Be ready.”

He vanished and Kalen tugged on her arm, urging her toward the stairs. She opened her mouth, but he silenced her with a finger over her lips.

“We don’t have much time.”

“For what? You’re scaring me.”


He led her to a large suite with an opulent bed taking up quite a bit of space. Then he closed the door, turned and took her into his arms. Kissed her with all the pent-up passion they hadn’t been able to express for a day or two. When he set her back from him, his face was filled with such love, it took her breath away.

“I love you, baby. Never, ever forget that. No matter what you see or hear before dawn, don’t forget I love you so.”

“What’s going on? I saw you losing your mind in that cell and—”

“I did lose it,” he said, his voice aching with regret. “In that cell, the evil consumed me and I longed to kill. But when Nick grabbed you . . . Yeah, I went nuts. You’re my mate and seeing his hand on you reminded me I’d do anything for you. For you, not for that sonofabitch.”

“Oh, Kalen.”

“I’m still fighting the compulsion, and God, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But you make it go away. The only time it’s really manageable, when I feel like I can win, is when you’re in my arms. When he brought you here, I had to make it believable that I’m completely on his side. I do love you. I’m sorry, baby.”

She held him tight and they stood together, breathing each other in. Holding on to this moment in time, because it might be all they had. “He’s going to attack. What are we going to do?”

He stroked her face tenderly. “We aren’t doing anything. I’m sending you back to the compound because that’s where it’s safest. Then I’m joining the fight against that fucking Unseelie bastard who is not my father in any sense of the word.”

“But you just lowered the shields there! I don’t understand.”

“I didn’t lower them, sweetheart. I strengthened them.”

She sagged against him. “Oh, thank God. I thought . . .”

“I know.” He kissed the top of her head. “And I’m sorry all I’ve done tonight is scare you. This will be over soon. I promise.”

“I’ll kill you for it later. We need to get going before he decides to come back or something.”

“He won’t. Malik’s too focused on his mission. And we have time.” He edged her backward, toward the big bed. “Let me make love to you, baby.”

“Here? In his house?”

“It’s not his house. It’s an illusion. But we’re not, and neither is how we feel.”

“I know, but—”

“Loving you keeps him out of my head and my soul. Help me drive out the darkness for good. I need to show you how much I love you before . . . before I have to fight.”

That sounded far too much like goodbye. She wouldn’t accept that, but neither would she waste any precious moments with him. And if it would help him, she wouldn’t refuse. He undressed her with care, the regular way because he enjoyed it, then himself with magic. He pushed her onto the bed, followed her down.

Covering her, he pushed inside. Made slow, tender love to her, cradling her close. He whispered in her ear, “Never forget this. Never forget me, or how much I love you and our child. How much I want you both.”

“I won’t,” she told him. Tears streamed into her hair. It was a beautiful joining, despite the uncertainty that awaited them.

They reached their orgasm together with mutual cries and floated down. He held her as long as he could, then slipped out of her. Standing by the bed, he clothed himself again, then her, with a wave of his hand.

“I wish I could take you far away from here. Just run from the fight with you.”

“But you’re not made that way.”

His smile was heartbreaking as he took her hand. “No. And you wouldn’t love me if I were. Hold on. I’ll take you back.”

Before she could protest, the room disappeared. The same sense of flying shot a thrill through her, and it wasn’t as nauseating as before. In moments, her feet touched solid ground and she found they were standing outside Sariel’s room. Kalen knocked, and it took several seconds before the door opened and his brother stood gaping at them.

“Good gods!” The prince ushered them inside and glanced up and down the hallway before shutting and locking the door. He faced Kalen with worry. “Are you mad? If Nick finds you here, all hell is going to break loose. Again.”

“He won’t. I’m not staying long. I just brought Mackenzie back, and then I’m joining in the fight. On the Pack’s side.”

“That’s not what Nick believes.” Sariel eyed his brother.

“He’ll believe it when he’s faced with the proof. I can’t do any more than that to convince him.”

“You don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, I do. I told my mate and I’ll tell you—I don’t run from a fight.”

“You seem in control of yourself. Nothing like what I saw earlier.”

“It’s a lot harder than it looks,” Kalen said, his expression bleak. “Mackenzie grounds me, and it’s worse when people or circumstances interfere with our harmony.”

“She won’t be with you in this fight. How will she ground you then?”

“I’ll just have to keep her and the baby in my thoughts. And my real family—you and my Pack brothers. All I can give it is my best shot.”

“I’m joining you. I’m not standing by this time and allowing all of you to fight my battles.” He held up a hand to forestall Kalen’s argument. “I am Malik’s son as well, and this conflict started because of me.”