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The whole package that was Malik, undisguised, was cruelly magnificent. Something straight out of a nightmare.

And now he was Billy’s nightmare. The man stared up at his tormentor, mouth open, no longer making a sound. He was learning now, at the very end of his existence, just how pathetic and insignificant he was in the grand scheme of the world. How powerless. A mindless bug headed for a zapper.

Kalen almost felt sorry for him. Except when he thought of what the asshole had done to his own kids.

“I’m not from hell, Billy,” Malik said, his voice much lower and more gravelly than before. “I am hell. I have existed since before mankind walked upright, and for too long I have watched as many humans evolved to be not much more intelligent than the primates before them. You are one such substandard example of humanity. Are you following me, ape?”

The ape was beyond speech, his eyes fixed on the Unseelie in horror.

Malik reached out a hand, extended his index finger, and ran one razor-sharp claw down Billy’s fleshy cheek. A thin line of blood trickled from the slice, over his jaw and down his neck. “And as a piece of undisputed filth, unworthy of being loose among even the weakest of humans, I cannot allow you to live. Even you with your limited cognitive ability can understand this by now, I’m sure.”

Totally entranced, Billy nodded.

“Very well.”

The Unseelie moved so fast, Kalen hardly saw what happened next. His arm shot out and he stabbed his claws deep into Billy’s stomach. The man screamed, a high-pitched keen of sheer terror that bounced off the walls and became a gurgle as Malik thrust up, effectively gutting him.

Then Malik used his other hand to grab Billy’s scraggly hair and yank his head back. The cords of the man’s neck were exposed, and the Unseelie licked his lips in anticipation. And then he lowered his head and struck, tearing into the vulnerable throat of his captive, ripping it out. Drank and slurped, grunting in satisfaction.

Feeding on his prey.

The weak feed the strong, and the strong survive. That was Kalen’s thought as he watched, transfixed by the sight of the powerful, muscled creature taking his fill. Why wasn’t he horrified? Afraid? But he just wasn’t. There was something darkly beautiful and primal about the scene before him. It called to his blood, to the dark power residing within him. Tightened his groin deliciously, stiffened his cock.

Abyssus abyssum invocat, Beryl had whispered to him a few days ago. Hell calls hell.

Now he knew why. The witch had been preparing Kalen for this night. For joining Malik, embracing his destiny. He never had to be helpless again, as he had been at fourteen. Never again had to endure the mockery of those like Aric. Never had to be alone. Because Malik understood.

The Unseelie raised his head, wiped the blood from his lips, and smiled.

“I told you that I do understand, my pet.” Releasing his dead prey, he beckoned Kalen to him. “Come here.”

Kalen obeyed, stepping so close he had to look up into that stunning, sharp face. “Yes?”

The other male lifted an arm and, with one claw from the opposite hand, sliced a cut in his wrist. Dark blood the color of merlot welled instantly. “Drink,” he commanded.

Kalen hesitated, then took the wrist uncertainly, his heart pounding hard in his chest. A distant voice begged him not to do this, warned that this step would be irrevocable. Would bind him to the Unseelie until one or both of them died.

“Drink, and never be alone again,” Malik said softly.

Kalen’s tongue flicked out, tested the thick stream. The taste exploded on his tongue, sweet and rich as the finest red wine. A bolt of pleasure seared to his gut, his limbs, his cock, and he groaned, latching on more firmly.

God, it was so good. So fucking fine. He wanted more, would do anything to get it as often as his companion would allow him.

“Stop.” The order barely filtered through to his consciousness.

Kalen blinked up at Malik and released his arm. Reluctantly. He licked his lips. “Please . . .”

Malik stroked his hair, studied him almost lovingly. “There will be plenty more. Do not worry. We are bonded now, and my blood will be your reward when I’m pleased.”

“And when you’re not pleased?”

“You do not want to know. Just make certain that doesn’t happen.”

He nodded, fear winding through his soul. What had he done? There was a lingering fog of lust that had banished all the caution he knew he should have. The guilt for having joined the enemy.

“I’m not the enemy, my boy. Does anyone blame a lion for killing and feeding upon a gazelle?”

“No, of course not. But—”

“I want to rid the earth of scum like Billy,” he said, waving a claw at the corpse. “And I must eat, same as you or anyone. As a purebred Unseelie, I must have animal flesh and blood to survive, and if that means occasionally removing a violent, dangerous man such as this from the earth in the process, why is that wrong?”

He couldn’t argue that point. Billy had been a motherfucker. And now he was food. Probably the only thing he’d ever been useful for.

“What now?” he asked. “Will I live here with you?” The idea suddenly made him anxious. The Pack guys were his friends, too—well, except Aric. Most of them had made him welcome. Right?

“Not yet. You must go back to your compound. For now, it is where you can help me the most. You’re going to practice the arts among them, beginning tomorrow.”

“I won’t hurt them,” he said, body tensing. “Any of them.”

Malik sighed. “Don’t fight the darkness, pet. You can’t win, now that you’ve accepted my bond. And why would you want to? Can’t you feel the power flooding you, stroking your cock like a woman’s lips? The ecstasy will only get better once you embrace our bond and let go of your previous inhibitions.”

He swallowed a moan. “What do I do?”

“Good boy,” he praised. “First, tell no one of our association. Practice on one of your teammates. Start small. Find a weakness and exploit it, discreetly. They mustn’t suspect you’re behind the incident. You’ll be surprised by how wonderful it feels to wield such a weapon.”

“And then?”

“Do as I say and you’ll come to me again soon. I will tell you what to do next, after you’ve begun to enjoy exercising your superior gifts over the others.”

“That’s all?”

“For now. Eager already?”

He looked away, unable to answer. Too late, he was afraid of what he’d allowed to be set in motion. But the lure was so great, he didn’t know how to break free. Wasn’t sure he wanted to. But there was one certainty he had to make clear.

“I won’t hurt Mackenzie. Ever,” he said in a low, dangerous tone. “She’s mine, and I’ll kill you and me both before that happens.”

The Unseelie smiled, showing off his fangs. “Have the woman. What do I care? She’s merely a human and is nothing to my plans any longer, one way or the other.”


With that settled, Malik shifted back into the form of an urbane, handsome man. He was once again fully clothed and one would never know he was anything but what he appeared to be. Unless they saw his half-eaten dinner hanging sightless in the middle of the room.

Together they went back upstairs, where they quietly shared one more glass of Cognac before Kalen took his leave in the wee hours of the morning.

Shifting into his panther, he ran back toward the compound. One thing Malik was correct about—the darkness sang in his veins. Demanded completion. Finding a nice grassy spot under the moonlight, he skidded to a stop and shifted back to a man. On his knees, he fisted his erect, aching cock and gave it a pump.

And another. Arching his back, he spread his knees and gave himself over to the night. To the heady pleasure that had needed release for the past couple of hours. His palm slid over smooth skin, electrifying his nerve endings. Up to the spongy head, weeping at the slit. Down to the base of his cock.