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With an enthusiastic nod, Michelle padded over to the bed. Narain, already barefoot, followed just behind.

“Oh, I really like this examination table,” Michelle said, climbing onto the bed and sitting up, as her shapely legs (no work needed there) slid back and forth along the length of the bed. “Especially the 40-thread cotton sheets you’ve got on it.” Narain nodded. “Much better than those cold, metal stirrups in your office.”

“All in the interests of making the patient more comfortable, of course,” Narain said, starting to undo those pants Michelle had been so concerned about.

“Of course,” Michelle echoed, watching captivated as the doctor shed the other articles of clothing. Within moments, all of Narain’s clothing had been dropped to the floor, and the doctor spread both arms out like wings, showing off that very enviable body.

Although they’d had sort-of-sex several times in the surgery office, Michelle had never before seen Narain completely naked. She now found herself thoroughly aroused by the doctor’s well-sculpted form.

“God, you’ve got a great body there.” She smiled impishly, like a schoolgirl having happened upon an adult’s locked-up secret. “Did you go under the knife yourself to get there? Or get lasered, or whatever you can do these days?”

“That, my dear, is a professional secret. It would be a gross violation of the plastic surgeon’s code to reveal such details about a patient-any patient.” Michelle laughed. “And isn’t it maybe a teensy, weensy violation of the surgeon’s code to have sex with a patient-one still undergoing treatment?”

“Hmm,” replied Narain, “Now that you mention it, I think there is something about that in the code. But we don’t want to violate too many parts of the code all at once now, do we?”

Narain had by this point shuffled to the edge of the bed. Reaching down with the skill, tact and delicacy of a doctor starting a probe, Narain took Michelle’s right foot, raised it about six inches, then-while staring right into her eyes-started stroking the sole. “Now, what about these? Is your husband satisfied with your feet?” Narain started running two deft fingers along the easy curve of the foot. “Sure he doesn’t want the arches raised a little, perhaps lowered a little?”

“No, I think he’s fine with the feet,” Michelle answered, as her eyelids slid closed in enjoyment of this impromptu massage.

“Oh really? So he doesn’t want me to add a few dimples to the toes?

Make them even more delectable?” At this, the doctor raised Michelle’s foot slightly higher and started sucking on those toes. This sent Michelle into a slow spin of ecstasy, which only intensified as Narain turned the foot gently and started slowly licking the sole. The doctors’ tongue flowed along the pinkish skin, paused to give one spot special treatment, flowed again. In muted rapture, Michelle herself raised the other foot and rubbed it against the doctor, from the strong chin down to just below the waist.

Narain put the two feet together, kissed each one, then slowly lowered them back onto the bed. Michelle looked up with keen anticipation. When Narain answered this look with a feigned quizzical expression, Michelle reached for the doctor. Smiling, Narain took her hand, caressed it, then slipped fully onto the bed, next to her. With head raised, supported by the left arm, the doctor gave a slow, appreciative scrutiny along the entire length of her body. It was clear that Narain took both pride and delight in attending to Michelle and all her needs.

“So, Doctor, do you think there’s hope for me?”

“Oh… much hope; much, much hope,” the surgeon replied, allowing a hand to roll slowly over the slope of Michelle’s thighs. “It’s just a matter of determining what we want and then, you know, setting out the proper body drafts.”

“Body drafts?” Michelle was obviously amused by the term.

“Yes, my darling-body drafts. We examine the basic material, sketch out a working topography, then decide what we wish to create out of that. The actual surgery is the hard part, of course; taking body drafts is much easier and, I have to say, much more fulfilling.” At this, Narain leaned over as if to kiss her, but suddenly stopped short and delivered a playful tickle instead.

Michelle, of course, laughed and in the middle of her laughter managed to say, “Alright, Doctor, let’s see how you carry out your drafts.” She pointed a mock warning finger at the beaming face. “And I expect a thorough job here.”

“Of course; you should expect nothing less from me. Let’s see: we can easily sculpt a more svelte curvature here…” the doctor’s hand slid up the thigh, all the way to the place where it met the other, lingering there a few moments “… and here.” Narain now began squeezing the hips, which Michelle had long considered too well padded.

“And there’s no problem at all shaping this luscious part.” Narain had just swung one leg over the patient and was now straddling Michelle as the trained surgeon’s hands did a quick draft of the buttocks, kneading the soft flesh as if about to sculpt it into a splendidly taut masterwork. Michelle elevated her hips slightly, allowing the doctor’s strong fingers to slip in and then run along the crack of the ass from top to bottom. The fingers gently rotated as they made their way down the soft cleft. Like that first time it had happened at the office, Michelle was amazed at how much pleasure she could take from this ‘disgusting’ manoeuvre-when done by someone who obviously knew what they were doing.

Still arched over Michelle’s eager body, supported by elbows and knees, Narain bent down until moistened lips hovered maybe an inch away from the breasts. “And there are just… so many possibilities with these beauties here.” The tongue, the teeth, the lips now swept all over Michelle’s breasts, sending the patient into deeper ecstasy.

“And as for that vaginal tightening your idiot husband wants…”

“Yes, Doctor, yes-s-s?”

“Well, let’s explore the territory in question.”

As Narain said this, two skilled fingers were already slipping inside Michelle, testing pleasure spots Michelle herself had somehow always neglected until Narain had taught her a month and a half ago. The very willing patient rose slightly and began swivelling on these two fingers as Narain, now repositioned, eased the same two fingers from the other hand in and began rotating vigorously in close rhythm to Michelle’s gyrations.

Her eyes shut tightly, fingers squeezed into Narain’s shoulders, Michelle thrust herself on and around the fingers until, within maybe twenty seconds, she came. Then, clutching the doctor’s wrists, she pushed down, intensifying the pleasure as she swelled into a second orgasm. Oh God, I always come with Dr Narain, she thought-even those crazy times in the office, where it was so cold and rushed, with a pack of other patients waiting impatiently outside.

Always came. She told herself it was simply because Narain was a doctor, a surgeon trained in handling those most intricate-and intimate-

parts of the body that she could… She didn’t dare to try on any other explanation for Narain’s unfailing success at bringing her to orgasm. After another few moments, Michelle opened her eyes and peered with a swirl of love-lust at this highly skilled healer.

“And your husband wants this lovely passage tightened?” The doctor’s brow furrowed in mock bewilderment. “I don’t know. It certainly works for me.” The fingers started churning around again energetically. “And most important, Michelle darling, it clearly works for you. Oh yes: definitely.” The fingers still there inside the patient, Narain bent over to kiss Michelle gently on the lips. As their lips brushed against each other, Michelle grabbed the back of the doctor’s head, pulled it in closer and turned that gentle kiss into a long, urgent, passionate embrace.