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“Take em’ off,” he huskily whispered. I looked down between his legs and noticed the bulging and excited cock lying beneath his jeans. It only made me want to take him further.

Slowly gliding my shorts down my legs, I stared into his eyes: low, hooded, and burning with need. Once my shorts were down to my ankles, I stepped out of one side, then kicked the other up and onto him. They landed on his head, hanging off of one side.

Standing before him in nothing but a skimpy pair of panties, I moved closer and placed my foot up and on his shoulder. I rolled my hips in front of him, holding his head in place as he pushed his face into my pussy. His hands were on me, and I swatted them away, then quickly swung my leg over his head, and turned on my heel, bending over to touch the lining of the truck bed. Alex playfully slapped my ass a couple of times, just hard enough to make it sting.

“You’re fucking killing me, Blondie,” he whispered, blowing out a deep breath. I could tell he was completely riled up, and my lips formed into a playful smile that he couldn’t see. “I’m fucking hungry. It’s my turn.”

The soft and gentle Alex was gone. He held firm to my panties then yanked them down. He quickly turned me around and ran his finger over my slit, then licked that same finger and did it again.

Those deliciously sinister eyes looked up to me, and a devious smile caressed his lips. He leaned over to his bag and took out a basket of strawberries, a can of whipped cream, and a bottle of chocolate.

“I thought we’d have some strawberry shortcake under the stars tonight.”

“You have no cake.”

“You’re the cake.”

My heart sped up. The prospect sounded so decadent, even if I wasn’t the one eating.

“My turn to tease you,” he warned.

I was already hot and wet, and his choice of words only ignited more of a fire inside of me.

I stood as he moved to his knees, kissing the inside of my thighs while working his fingers over my hips, and down my inner thigh. He eased a couple of fingers into me, temporarily taking my breath away. The slow, tortuous pace he used had me swirling my hips, trying to take more of him than he was giving me. Just as I was beginning to feel his fingers working me into a frenzy, he gently slipped them out, moving to the bag.

“I’m ready to eat,” he said, grinning as he poured chocolate over a strawberry.

He took the whipped cream can and shook it a couple of times, then sprayed the slick whiteness between my legs, making me shiver from the cool feel of it. He took the strawberry and ran it along my slit, scooping up some of the whipped cream. Bringing the berry to his lips, he took a large bite, letting the juices run down his mouth. He did this a few more times until the strawberry was gone and there was nothing but whipped cream left to eat away.

“Come here,” he rasped, pulling me close by my bare ass.

“I need a good cleaning,” I whispered.

“I know. I’m here to do just that.”

 Before another word was spoken, Alex’s tongue was on me, slowly taking in the residual cream. He occasionally took small sucks, clinging to my lips, while making me weak in the knees. I frantically ran my hands over the top of his head, unable to keep them still as it felt like he sucked the life out of me. One of his hands left my ass, the other moved under my shirt, unhooking my bra, then moving to the front and squeezing my breast. His tongue was relentless, diving into me and licking with tenacious fervor. My moans turned to high pitched shrieks, which Alex loved since they wouldn’t be heard by anyone for miles.

He licked faster and sucked harder, moaning how delicious I tasted and how lucky he was to be the man with his mouth on me. My body was tingling from the waist down. I knew my release was close.

“I’m coming, Alex!”

He pulled away, looking up as he pulled a condom on out of his pocket and ripped it open, then pulled his jeans down and slid it on.

“You’re coming with me deep inside of you. Move forward.” There was an exorbitant amount of need in his voice; the lust, the love, all of it had me like putty in his hands.

I moved forward as he stood and moved behind me. I noticed a sticker on his back window that I’d never paid attention to before. It was white with a ram in the middle. If you can’t dodge it, ram it! It was so fitting for Alex; he had that mindset in everything he did, and right now, I was about to be on the receiving end of it.

He took my hands and placed them on the roof of the truck.

“Don’t move those hands or I’ll figure out some way to punish your ass.”

The delicious threat had me contemplating making him act on it, but I obliged, sitting my hands on the top of the truck while he held on to my breasts and worked his way into me. The thickness of his cock and the tightness of my core worked against one another, making me wince and gasp as he dug further and further.

“Being inside of you is such a delicious treat. I don’t think I can ever get enough.”

He went harder, beating into me with enough power and passion to plow me over. Luckily, he was still holding me, but the sensation was much too strong, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I reached back for him, wrapping my arm around his neck and pulling him into me.

He stalled, and a deep, dark laugh left him as I pulled him close. “You always have to learn the hard way, don’t you?”

I didn’t know what he meant by that, and I didn’t care. The feeling was much too intense to focus on anything else at the moment. As one hand still lay on the top of the truck, Alex removed my other from his neck and placed it back where he had it. He stepped back, pulling me with him as he kept himself inside.

“Someday, you’ll learn,” he said, pushing my back down as he held firmly to my hips.

He wasn’t moving. We were just there, in the back of the truck, me bent over, him standing while inside of me. Then he pulled out. I was confused. I tried to look back, but he caught my head and turned it back around. The suspense of it all had me on edge, and I was still very close to coming, needing to release before I felt like I would explode. Just as my breathing picked up to a frantic need, Alex’s hand came down, heavy and hard on my ass, making me jump and yelp.

“You can try and scream all you want, Blondie, but I’m about to fuck you hard, and I’ll more than likely take your breath away.”

 He smacked my ass again before thrusting himself back into me and going to work. He kept true to his promise, pounding away as he held onto my hair in a tightly fisted grip. Broken cries came out as I felt Alex reaching a level that stunned my mind, making me briefly open my eyes and come face to face with the ram it sticker. It was almost as if it was meant exclusively for us.

His hand that sat on my hip coursed down in between my legs, his fingers rubbing and tickling my clit. A few seconds of that and I lost it. I finally screamed out his name, coming loud and violently as my body shook from the force of the release.

I was spent.



Only Alex wasn’t, and he continued tearing into my limp body. He finally pulled me upright, moving back to the head of the truck bed and placing my hands back on roof. He grunted a few times before he stilled, one of his hands on my hip, the other holding firm to my chest, just below my neck. His release was long and just as violent, shaking the bed of truck as he groaned obscenities into the warm, nighttime air. Bruno Mars screamed out our climaxes, yelling about hard fucking and such, making me love the song that much more.

We slumped down together, one big, languid mess on the sleeping bags, breathing heavily as feeling finally made its way back into my lower half.

“Well, if this Marine Corps thing doesn’t work out, I know you’ve got other talents and can work elsewhere.”