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“Not very long. A few weeks at most.”

“Really?” she asked. The surprise in her voice and on her face made me cautious on what to say next.


She stopped frosting and looked at me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to freak you out. It’s just that Alex hasn’t been serious about anyone since his ex-wife. And even with her, he didn’t look the way he looks with you.”

Now she had me intrigued. “Really?” I asked, hoping she would delve a little further.

“Yes, really. Alex is very closed off. I mean, he loves his family, but his personal life is his personal life. We usually don’t know much about it. He hasn’t brought another girl over here since his ex, and that was like over a year ago.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah. So the fact that he brought you with all of the family here, it means a lot.”

“Yeah, I was a bit shocked when we showed up here. Everyone’s been very nice, although I’m sure your grandma doesn’t like me too much.”

Adriana laughed, throwing her head back and holding her butter knife.

“She doesn’t know you to like you or not. My grandma is old and protective. She’s weary of newcomers until she gets to know them. Once she gets to know you, you’ll be just another member of the family.”

“I hope so.”

“Oh you will, don’t worry. And the fact that Alex has you here with the family means he plans to have you around for a while.”

The door opened and the cutest little guy strolled in, looking like a mini Alex wearing black shorts, a muscle t-shirt, and a pair of Chucks.

“Mama, I want cake.”

“Abel, go back outside. I’m getting it ready for you.”

The little guy looked to me with furrowed brows. He had no clue who I was, and it showed on his little face. He walked back outside, then Adriana stopped frosting and turned to me.

“I don’t know how much Alex has told you, but he’s like the golden boy of the family.”

“Really? He didn’t tell me that.”

“Yeah. Our dad isn’t around. He hasn’t been around for the greater part of both of our lives. Alex was a shithead as a kid, always fighting, always in trouble. When he got into big trouble, and then finally made the decision to join the Marines, everyone was excited because it meant he would get away from it all. And it’s a good thing he did because he used to run with my ex-boyfriend, Hector. He’s Abel’s father. They also ran with our cousin Danny and few other knuckleheads.”

“He told me he got into a bit of trouble. Is Hector the serious trouble he got into? If you don’t mind me asking?”

“I don’t mind. And no, Hector is not the asshole that Alex beat the shit out of. I met Hector after, but he’s locked up. Another freakin’ winner.”

“What happened to Danny?”

“Danny was shot in the back. He and Hector ran with some gang members, and some shit went down and Danny got shot. He’ll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.”


“That’s why Alex is looked up to so much in this family. With all of the negative going on, Alex made a choice and it bettered his life. My grandma used to say he was going to die young because of all of the trouble he used to find himself into. So when he joined the Marines and transformed himself, she couldn’t believe it. They try to get him to talk to the younger cousins, showing them that they can do better as well. I made him Abel’s godfather. His dad is locked up, so he needs good, steady role models in his life. Alex isn’t here on an everyday basis, but he calls often, and on holidays and birthdays he makes sure to come and see him.”

A pang of guilt hit me. His family had him placed on a pedestal, and what we were currently engaged in could tarnish the image that they had of him. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want the guilt to come spilling out of me.

“Anyway. That’s why I said Alex must really see a future with you to bring you here. If he hasn’t told you that he loves you, it’s coming because this family is tight, and he doesn’t just bring anyone in.”

I stayed silent, smiling at her before going back to work on the cupcakes. I had already ruined a friendship, I certainly did not want to be the cause of a rift with him and his family.

“Heavy shit, I know. I’m sorry, but I had to let you know.” She turned away from the cupcakes and moved over to the fridge. “My very own flan. You’ll have to try some.”

“Can’t wait,” I responded, thankful that the conversation had shifted.

“Grab those cupcakes, please. They’re for the kids.”

I grabbed them from the counter, then followed her out the door. The kids came running up to me, reaching up and taking one. Adriana took the flan to the garage and began slicing it before bringing a plate out for me and Alex. I took a seat next to him, digging into the moist and delicious dessert. Alex noticed my demeanor.

“You alright?”

“Yeah,” I replied, nodding my head, trying to persuade him.

Adriana took a seat across from us and started up small talk, telling us all about Abel and all of the new things that he was saying and doing. Danny came back over, throwing in hilarious one liners and bringing laughter to the table. It was a welcomed distraction. My thoughts were running away with me, and this was not the time nor the place for that.

Just as I was getting comfortable, a song came on, jolting damn near everyone out of their seats.

“Get your ass up, Alex,” Adriana called out, running around the table. She tugged on him and he stood, pulling me up with him. The patio was full of dancers, everyone singing along and dancing to the fast paced beat.

“What is this song?” I asked, having to yell into his ear.

“It’s called Suavemente. It’s a very sexy song.” He turned that lust filled gaze on me, heating up my core.

I watched the women around me moving their hips in a way that I didn’t know how. Alex placed his hand on my hips, trying to guide me before Adriana pulled me away and showed me the steps. As I practiced, Imelda swooped in, dancing with her son.

“Watch my mom. She’s really good.”

I watched her, in utter amazement at how well she moved. No amount of training would get me to that point. She reached out her hand for me, pulling me closer as she tried to guide me on how to do the dance. I slowly began to pick it up, not feeling so awkward since everyone was deeply engaged in the song and was paying little to no attention to me. Adriana and Imelda danced together, looking like a reflection of one another.

Alex’s grandma danced over to us, using facial expressions to ask to cut in. I graciously obliged. They danced for a minute or so before she kissed his cheek and walked away. My heart swelled at the sight. She was still cold and distant towards me, but that didn’t matter. The love she possessed for Alex excited me. It also scared the living shit out of me.

We stayed for another half hour before Alex began his goodbyes. We had a long trek back to Twentynine and sadly, we’d have to cut out earlier than he may have wanted to. He went around the yard, saying goodbye and hugging everyone. His grandma made her way over to where I stood, using a semi friendly voice to say goodbye. The interaction was brief, but it was much better than the initial meeting, so I took what I could get. Imelda and Adriana followed us out, Abel in his grandmother’s arms.

“Safe drive back, guys. And don’t be a stranger, Cassie,” Imelda said, leaning over and kissing my cheek.

“I’ll try not to be,” I replied.

“Yeah, Alex, you better not keep her locked up in that shitty ass desert. Bring her down more often.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” he replied, taking his sister in his arms and squeezing her tight. He took Abel from his mom and kissed his cheek. “See you later, little man.”

“Bye, Nino,” he replied. He waved to me.

Imelda took Alex in her arms, squeezing tight and not wanting to let go. I thought I saw a tear fall from her eyes. “I’m so glad to see you happy. Don’t be a stranger.”