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Before long, Blondie strolled up, looking even more fuckable up close. That pretty face I saw from afar was magnified now that she was within arm's reach. She stared her bright green eyes into mine, smiling that carefree smile at me as she did so. My cock twitched again at the sight of her and as she took her friend's spot just in front of me, I felt it spring to life. Fuck. I couldn't stand out there on that dance floor, with this girl grinding on me, with wood for days. This was some embarrassing shit.

Blondie took the front, leaving her friend to take the back. We danced and touched like we had known each other for years. Pretty soon, I was finding it quite easy to forget about what was happening behind me and just focus on what was standing before me. She bent over, rubbing her ass over my already hardened cock, and left it there, grinding against the rock hard erection that was filling my pants. My mind flashed to how badly I wanted to bend her over with no clothes inhibiting us, but I quickly shook the thought away and just grabbed onto her hips and moved with her. As she made her way back up, she reached behind her and grabbed my neck, pulling my head down to hers as she swayed to the music. My hands were anywhere and everywhere all at once. I didn't know this girl, but she was inviting me to do things that I'd been daydreaming about only a couple of minutes earlier and if she wasn't careful, I felt myself ready to act on them.

I nuzzled my nose in her neck, taking in the sweet, decadent scent of vanilla and something else fruity that was radiating from her sun-kissed skin. That smell sent my already excited cock into overdrive, bulging and straining against her, begging me to release it. I wanted to, I really did, but in a crowded bar, that just wasn't going to happen.

Song after song played and we danced together like no one else was around. My hands had made their way over to her rock solid abdomen, indicating that she worked out. I loved it; it was a definite turn on for me. Making my way up her chest, I stopped at her ample tits, full and perky, inviting me to have my way with them. As I worked my hands over them, she used her hands to quickly move them away, placing them back down on her hips. She was a tease, but I was certain that tonight I would get my fill of her.

After about the fourth song, I finally asked her if she wanted something to drink. She declined, stating that she was DD for the night, so I helped myself to a beer, feeling the urge to calm myself after practically fucking her out on the floor. When I finished it, I found her dancing with some prick who couldn't tell his left from his right. She wasn't dancing anything like the way she was dancing with me, but it irritated the fuck out of me that this dude thought he had a chance with her. I smoothly walked over in their direction and grabbed her hips stating, "Thanks, man," as I pulled her back over to me to go in for round two.

She smiled, that fucking heart melting, cock twitching smile. "Well that was unexpected." Her voice was soft and delicate, just like she was.

I managed a quick smile. "You're mine tonight," I lowly rumbled, catching her off guard. After it sank in, she smiled again, then turned around, going back to the moves that had successfully driven me crazy in our first bout.

Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke came on, speeding up the vibe of the bar. As I swayed to the music with her, my hands made their way down her torso, stopping at the hem of her shirt, begging to be invited in. I wasn't so I moved on elsewhere, snaking my hands back up and over her tightly defined abs, over and around her teasing rack that was now showcasing a couple of hardened nipples. It made me smile to know that I was affecting her just as much as she was affecting me. A one way show was not going to happen tonight.

The song was sex to lyrics. Fuck, if I could have had Blondie anywhere else when that song came on, clothes would have been an after-thought and I would have been deep inside of her by the time the first verse started. Instead, I had to settle for a grinding session on a dance floor with too many people around for my liking.

By the time the song was halfway through, I was near certain we were dry fucking out on the dance floor for everyone to see. I didn't give a shit because if I had my way, this girl would be going home with me tonight.

My hands moved to her sweet smelling, dainty neck and just as she turned her head, I took my opportunity to crash my mouth down to hers, thrusting my tongue between those delicately soft, pink lips she possessed. She didn't object, opening her mouth just a tad bit more to give me all the space that I needed. The minty freshness coming off of her tongue excited me much like the vanilla scent had done earlier. My tequila and beer breath couldn't have been doing much for her, but if she didn’t like it, she wasn't showing it.

Just as our kiss was intensifying, her tongue matching my own thrust for thrust, and she was turning her body around to stand face to face with me, Jensen came barreling into me, almost knocking both me and Blondie over. We broke from our kiss and I turned to him, wild fury in my eyes, hoping he had a good excuse for his cock block.

"We have to go. Now! Newsome got into a fight and the cops were called. We have to get him out of here."

"Fuck," I shouted, annoyed and concerned at the same time. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you later, but we need to get him out of here," Jensen said, urgency completely taking over his voice. He was always very by the book and knew that Newsome would be in a world of trouble on Monday if he were to get into any sort of tangle with the cops.

"Hold on a sec," I shouted over all of the commotion.

"No! We have to go now."

Annoyance pelted me, sending flushes of red over my sweat slicked skin, but Newsome was my brother, so there was no way I was going to leave him hanging. I'd just have to hook up with Blondie another time. Unfortunately, when I turned around, she was gone. I looked all around the bar, hoping she had only stepped away from a very intense Jensen, but that wasn't the case. I couldn’t even find her friend. As disappointment pierced through me, I ran out of the bar with Jensen, hopping into the backseat of Riley's truck. Newsome had a couple of marks on his face, but nothing too bad that would have to be explained on Monday morning. Just as we were pulling out of the back entry way, the cop lights and sirens came blaring through the front.

Driving into the dark, deserted desert before us, I breathed a sigh of relief that we had just missed them, but got pissed all over again that I had also missed out on Blondie. 

Chapter 2


What a night. My first weekend in Twentynine had been more exciting than I ever imagined it could be. Sure, this place was in the middle of nowhere with cactus and bushes stretching out as far as the eye could see, but the excitement felt at that bar on Friday night had me almost bursting at the seams. If that encounter was any indication of what the next six weeks held, I was more than ready to move things along.

I had never done anything like that. No, usually that sort of behavior was reserved for my friends, back home. They knew what they wanted and made sure to go after it. I normally knew what I wanted, but stewed on the sidelines, hoping it would come to me instead. I guess hanging out with Angelica, and watching her flaunt everything she had, made me want to break free from my usual confines.

I'd noticed that hot as sin guy sitting there, nursing his beer, and apparently she had too. I thought for sure when she found her way over to him that I’d missed my chance, but apparently he was eyeing me, so when I saw my opportunity I threw caution to the wind and pounced.