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I wasn't sure what she knew, or what she thought she knew, but she was beginning to make me very uncomfortable. 

Chapter 5


Sitting in my office, staring at my computer screen, it dawned on me that I was probably much too close for appropriate instructor/student contact, and I had to work even harder at staying away from Cassie Bennett in any capacity that could get me caught up. The only problem was, I liked the magnetic pull she had on me. Her scent seemed to linger in the air, reeling me in like a bee drawn to honey. I was beginning to think that there was no way I’d be able to function in my normal capacity, not with her figure popping up on my radar with every turn I took.

Watching her bend over out there, even if it was out of sheer exhaustion, put pictures in my mind that had me wanting to yank her somewhere and hide her away until I could fulfill every sordid fantasy I had about her.

Her PT gear, although unflattering and scruffy on most, still showcased the most ample set of tits I think I have ever had the pleasure of setting my sights on, and her ass-- oh her ass-- invited me over with each inch that she bent over. How I managed to keep my composure with her standing and bending, showing off and enticing, had me racking my own brain. I knew the kind of blunt asshole I could be, so I shocked myself by refraining. It just wasn't something that I would normally do.

Irritation settled within me the second I heard her yell out while up on that pull-up bar. Hearing her cry out like that put thoughts in my head, all of which started and ended with me and her, tangled up somewhere.

Me, driving in and out of her...her, yelling my name being the sound oozing from her lips...            Frustration of the highest caliber washed over me as I walked away from her, and I couldn't quite put my finger on what had me so riled up. Was it the fact that I wanted to take her and do all sorts of dirty shit to her, or was it that fuckin' Dalton kid? Just thinking about him set me off, so part of it must have been him. He reminded me so much of Riley and the way he’d irked me when I’d first met him. He was always around, always smiling, and always pissing me off. Dalton had the same affect, only my annoyance with him was that he was snaking his way into the girl that I wanted to get into, and there was no fucking way in hell I was about to let that happen.

The fact that I had found out that she was the only female in that barracks room put me in a bad place. I wanted to jump up from my meal and run over there, then pull her out and spank her ass for putting herself into that sort of situation. Young male Marines—especially overly testosterone, two second nutters—were not to be trusted when they found themselves in a situation like the one that Bennett put herself into. Her naive mind had me angry and excited at the same time. I'm sure she saw it as just another way to make friends in this shit hole town, while curing the ceaseless spouts of boredom that often times crept in. But for me, it was a punch in the gut, a kick to the chin, a stab in the heart.

My appetite was lost at the news of her being in that room without anyone there to properly defend her. I couldn't let Castillo know that it had damn near sucker punched me, but it had, and I wanted to tear out of there at the sound of it. Sure that Dalton kid was there, and I guess she looked at him like a friend, but honestly, something about that kid had me puzzled. I wasn't sure if I could trust him around her the way that she trusted herself around him.

A quick knock on the door broke me from my thoughts, prompting me to fix myself and remove the sweat from my brow before Smith came striding into the room.

"Riley said you wanted to see me, man."

"Yeah. Just got a quick question. That Dalton kid from your class, what do you know about him?"

Smith pondered for a minute before Dalton apparently popped into his head, sparking his memory.

"He's a good kid from Wisconsin. Company Honorman in bootcamp. That's all that really stood out to me. Why?"

"Just wondering. He's on my radar and I just wanted to know what you knew."

"Nothing bad from what can I tell."

I nodded, but deep down I still wasn't convinced. An aching in my gut was telling me that there was something about this kid that he was hiding.

"Anyway, man. We're hitting up the bowling alley at lunch. You coming? Dollar games during the lunch hour for military in uniform."

"Yeah, I'll be there. Puttin' you assholes to shame."

"Right. We aren't putting the bumpers up, man. Gutter balls count."

"Fuck off," I replied, finally able to laugh.

Smith turned and walked out of my office. I quickly changed over to my cammies, grabbing my cover and placing it on my head as I strolled out, trying to think of anything other than the fucking student who had done nothing but mentally destroy me since I first laid eyes on her.

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Back at the schoolhouse, I went ahead and got the class started for the day, focusing on the various types of radio communications we used in the fleet and in what capacity they would be used. Newsome worked tirelessly in the corner, putting together the test packets for the first test that the students would take later in the week in neat and orderly piles.

"What is the job of a zero-six in the Marine Corps, Bennett?"

Her eyes widened as she looked up from her manual.

"To set up and operate all radio equipment for field missions."

I looked at her with lustful, unrelenting eyes, nodding my head before going into my spiel about how, without communications, people die. I had given the speech quite a few times, and in all actuality, it was true.

Jensen went more in depth with the functions of each radio system that was commonly used in the fleet while I took over the roaming of the classroom, making sure that every bit of pertinent information was being written down so as not to fail their test later in the week.

Allen, the beast from the PFT who was screaming his head off like he'd just murdered and eaten something after his pull-ups, wasn't taking down very many notes, prompting me to keep an eye on him. He seemed to possess brute strength, but his classroom skills were not on par. He was definitely one to look out for.

I took a seat in the back of the room, studying the class while trying to mentally place them into the categories that I thought they fit into. Most of them were pretty easy to distinguish. There were the obvious science nerds who loved anything with numbers and currents, then there were those who were willing to do anything other than infantry, and then there was Allen, Ruiz, and Bennett. None of them seemed to fit into any category. Allen, in my opinion, seemed like a picture perfect infantry man. He was big, rugged, and tough, so it puzzled me as to how he ended up in Comm. Ruiz and Bennett were odd ones here because if I had met them in bootcamp, I would have pegged them for Admin girls. Ruiz and her grit out on the PFT field showed that she had a rugged side, but Bennett, I didn't want to see anything rugged about her, except maybe for how well she could hold up against me in bed. Besides that, I wanted to see her as the sweet smelling flower that plastered smiles on my face, perked up my day, and brightened my night.

"You'll have an hour for chow today.  Be back here at thirteen thirty," Jensen called out, promptly dismissing the class.

I seemed to have gotten lost in my thoughts in the back of the room and lost track of time.

"You coming to the bowling alley, Cruz?" Jensen asked.