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Anger filled the room, so thick I could practically taste it.

“I don’t get it.” Deacon ran a hand over his head, clasping the back of his neck. “How is the mortal world not paying attention to something like that?”

“One of the mortals must be high up in the army, someone who can make that kind of call and give some sort of reason.” Apollo’s lips thinned. “At least that’s what I’d do.”

“And they could’ve called some sort of state of emergency,” Marcus added. “No part of the U.S. has gone completely unscathed, and I’m beginning to wonder if this god even cares about exposure.”

Aiden gripped the edge of the desk. “I think it’s obvious that the risk of exposure isn’t important. Hell, maybe it’s even planned.”

All eyes turned on him.

“Think about it. Why else would a god be orchestrating all of this? Or going along with what Lucian wants?” Aiden asked. “To take out the gods and then what—rule Olympus? Or rule Olympus andthe mortal realm?”

A shiver raced across my shoulders. My wildest imagination couldn’t even fathom what it would be like if the world knew that gods did exist—and on top of that, if the world ended up being ruled by one.

“We can’t let that happen,” I said.

Apollo’s eyes met mine. “No. We can’t.”

I averted my gaze, because right now I didn’t want to think about what stopping this god meant. I cleared my throat. “I wonder if Lucian and Seth even know.”

“Does it matter?” Lea asked, snotty as ever.

My lips quirked at her tone. “I guess it doesn’t, but you have to wonder who’s using who. And what will happen to them in the end if the god is successful. Does he plan to keep them around or get rid of them? Do they even have a clue?”

Most of the people in the room couldn’t care less—that much was apparent—but Marcus strode over to where I sat and leaned against the desk on the other side of me. “I doubt they know. In a way, no matter what they have been responsible for, it is tragic.”

“It will be tragic if they succeed.” Dionysus stood and stretched his arms over his head. “Well, I’m out.”

Apollo nodded and Dionysus bowed to the room, sweeping his arms out to the sides with a flourish. And then he was gone.

I shook my head. “Okay. Who else thinks he was high as a kite?”

Hands went up across the room and I grinned.

“So, we’re leaving tomorrow morning for the University?” Olivia asked as she pulled on a springy curl. “Don’t you think that, if this god is so conniving and smart, he’s figured out that Alex will be going there? I mean, even if he’s using Lucian and Seth for his ultimate evil plans, he’s still going to need Alex, right? Because he’s probably controlling Seth, or wants to.”

Everyone grew quiet and I felt like a little ant under a magnifying glass.

I glanced at Apollo, but he was staring at the globe on the desk.

“Making any move is going to be as dangerous as sitting here,” Marcus said finally. “But in South Dakota, we will be safer.”

“Alex will be safer there, too,” Luke murmured, staring at his hands.

I opened my mouth, but Lea spoke. “Well, I think our job is to make sure that Seth and this god don’t get to Alex.”

My mouth really dropped open.

She smiled smartly at me. “Can’t have you going all psycho-Alex again and ending the world as we know it.”

“She has a point.” Deacon grinned.

I narrowed my eyes. “Wait. Guys, I don’t want—”

“What?” Aiden nudged me with his elbow. “You don’t want us having your back?”

“That’s not what this is.” I stared at Apollo, but damn, that globe fascinated him. “If there’s going to be a god gunning for my butt—”

“It is a nice butt,” Aiden murmured as he studied the toes of his boots. A small grin was on his face.

I stared at him a moment. “ PlusSeth is out looking for me, this… this is going to be really dangerous. I don’t want you guys risking your lives for me.”

Lea snorted. “Damn, Alex, your ego is out of control. You know me. I’d sooner throw you in front of a daimon any other day, but if keeping you away from them means saving millions of lives, then I’m on your team. So this is bigger than you.”

“I knowthis is bigger than me.” My cheeks burned, and Deacon’s idiot grin wasn’t helping. “And I know you’d toss me in front of a daimon, but I don’t want to see any of you get hurt.”

“Everyone here knows the risks, Alex.” Marcus’ voice was stern, reminding me of the days back in the Covenant when he’d spent the majority of his time yelling at me. “No one is being forced to do this.”

“And none of us would do anything else.” Olivia offered a tentative smile. “All of us have lost people because of what’s happening. We all have reasons to make sure this stops and doesn’t happen again.”

“Even me,” Deacon said. “I haven’t gotten my regular twelve hours of sleep since all of this went down, and that is damn tragic.”

Aiden rolled his eyes.

“Everyone is ready to fight.” Laadan crossed the room, smiling as stood next to Marcus. “This isn’t just your battle.”

“It was never just your battle,” Solos corrected.

“In other words,” Marcus said, his jade-colored eyes meeting mine, “you’re not in this alone. You never were.”

“And you’re not going to be,” Aiden finished quietly.

Wow. I think I sort of loved everyone in this room right now, even Lea. Tears burned my eyes, and I tipped my head forward so no one could see. The thing was that, ever since I realized how all of this could end—probably would end—I’d never felt more alone. But sitting here, hearing them…

“Group hug time?” Deacon suggested.

“Shut up,” I said, but I laughed.

Aiden slid an arm around my shoulders and tipped me toward him. Right in front of the entire room full of halfs, pures, and a god, he kissed my temple. “You’re just going to have to accept that this isn’t going to just be you. It’s going to be all of us.”

I lifted my head and looked at all of them, at a loss as to what to say.

Luke smiled. “I know. We’re awesome.”

I laughed again.

“And we were born to do this,” Olivia said, shrugging. “We’d be doing this in a month or so, anyway. We’re ready.”

Lea slid Olivia a grin that said she was more than ready. “Bring it.”

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I’d only gotten a few hours of sleep by the time the sun broke through the blinds the next morning. Listening to everyone tell me they were ready to face whatever was thrown our way… even hours later, I still couldn’t find the right words for how much it meant. But an unseen weight also had settled on my shoulders and it’d grown overnight, pressing me straight down through the mattress. I couldn’t stop any of them—and I wouldn’t just like they wouldn’t stop me—but a thousand things raced through my head.

And the main thoughts centered on any of them losing their lives in this. So many had already perished, and no matter how Positive Polly I tried to be, I knew deep in my core that something terrible, something violent, waited in the future. Death had come long before they’d pledged to see this through, and it was on the other side of the door, or in another state, waiting patiently, because nothing was as unwavering as Death. It probably had the most time in the world.

Even though I knew what awaited them—awaited us all—in the Underworld, I couldn’t bear the idea of seeing any of them fall. If I could, I’d seal them all up in the cage downstairs, even Aiden. No doubt that wouldn’t go over well, but I knew that, between what Apollo needed of me, what Solaris had warned, and how far gone Seth seemed to be, this would end in disaster.

When Aiden shifted beside me and dropped an arm over my waist, I grimaced. “Sorry.”

He snuggled closer. “About what?”