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On the hologram projected onto the closed observation doors, the control center was shown in bright detail from three decks below them. The image only took up a portion of the viewing screen. The rest showed a computer-generated image of the access tunnel and the waters beyond. Niles watched as the crew of Leviathanwent about their work. Commander Samuels was in his normal place, standing beside the empty captain's chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Helm, steer three-five-seven, all ahead at ten knots. Increase speed by increments of twenty knots as we traverse the cave."

"Aye, Mr. Samuels, estimate full speed will be achieved upon exit of the tunnel at one hundred thirty-seven knots."

"Thank you, Mr. Hind."

Heirthall closed her eyes and smiled as Leviathanstarted her forward run. To Compton it was if she herself were Leviathan, and it seemed Heirthall felt better as she began to move.

"Sergeant Tyler, you may do your duty," Samuels said on the hologram.

A hundred feet down the long row of technicians, Sergeant Tyler was sitting at one of the ten weapons stations.

"With the captain's permission," he said, flipping up a plastic door and then, without hesitation, pushing the red button underneath.

The cave walls and ceiling gave a mighty heave as the two-megaton nuclear weapon detonated. Leviathanheaved forward when the first pressure wave struck her, and was suddenly pushed to the side as heated water from the cave fought to escape the collapsing home of the great boat. Her port thrusters shot out twenty thousand pounds of water pressure to keep the giant submarine from smashing into the cave's wall.

Heirthall now stood as the first of the tremors settled far behind them and the giant submarine finally settled.

"The first home I ever knew is now gone," she said beneath her breath. "Commander Samuels, take us out of here. I'll be in auxiliary control." She turned and faced Virginia. "Ginny, would you care to accompany me?"

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On the surface of the Pacific, Saboo Atoll exploded. The mountainous center fell in and then expanded outward, forming a mushroom-shaped cloud filled with microparticles of melted rock and coral that had made up the small atoll.

As Leviathanbroke free of the access tunnel, Alexandria sat quietly in her large chair. She watched the end of the tunnel slide by through the now-open portals in the conning tower. Bright lighting illuminated the passing water; Virginia felt the smallest of vibrations as Leviathanstarted her run up to flank speed.

"Captain, we have one submerged contact close-aboard, four thousand yards dead-ahead. Prop signature has been identified as our old friend the Missouri,"Samuels said.

"I felt them out there long before sonar detected them, Commander. All hands are to stand by for evasive maneuvering," she said with her eyes closed.

"Yes, ma'am. All hands stand by for evasive maneuvering. All nonessential personnel are to remain in their cabins--seal all watertight compartments."

"Brace yourself, Ginny," Alexandria said as she finally opened her eyes wide and looked through the floating hologram in front of her. She saw the vaguest outlines of USS Missouri. She could also see that they were starting a run on Leviathan. The American boat was going to give chase, thinking all the while their stealth technology kept them hidden.

"The damage to our outer skin has made us visible just enough for Missourito get a fix on us," Alexandria said. She dipped her head and settled her eyes on the sleek-bodied Virginia class boat ahead of Leviathan. "They think we can't see them because of what they view as a superior technology. Little do they know they have been defeated by the oldest technology in the world: eyesight."

Virginia watched as rivulets of sweat broke out on Heirthall's forehead.

Alexandria's blue eyes blazed as she pushed both control sticks to the right, taking Leviathanhard and down in that direction. Then she pushed only the left stick, and the giant submarine dived even harder, bringing Virginia up out of her chair. Only her harness kept her body from crashing into the overhead.

On the hologram, the depiction of Missouriwent to the left and up a hundred feet in a vain attempt to head Leviathanoff.

"Captain, Missourihas acquired the noise from our damaged outer skin and planes. She is attempting to follow."

"Commander, we're going to full emergency speed and full dive on the planes. We'll be bringing ballast control to one hundred percent--all hands prepare for emergency dive, steering three three-four degrees. Start injecting the hydrogen and helium mix into the hull plates!"

"All hands, prepare for deepwater dive. Close all inner hatches and seal main bulkhead doors. Close all observation windows, secure all departments, stand by for hull reinforcement for extreme pressure dive!"

"Where are you taking us, Alex?" Virginia asked over the increasing whine of Leviathan'sthermal-dynamic drive and its four power plants as it pushed raw steam and hydrogen into her jet system.

" 'So all men will know, I am the Lord God of the Sea--thy name is Leviathan!'" Alexandria mumbled, not hearing Virginia.

"Alex--for God's sake!"

Alexandria fixed Virginia with calm demeanor. "A quote from Octavian," she said finally with her eyes fluttering, and then she lost some of the intensity. "We're going to the most inaccessible part of the world, my Ginny--a place where men cannot follow in their toy ships--the Mariana Trench!"

Virginia was tossed back into her chair as Leviathanincreased her speed to almost two hundred knots. As the observation window screens closed, Virginia could see the steam and heat rising from the sleek black hull. Leviathanfought for the deep, actually creating friction in the cold seas surrounding her.

"We're going to Leviathan'sworld, Ginny--we're going to my world."

Virginia cringed at the calm words of her friend--finally realizing there was no going back to the real world for Alexandria Heirthall.

"Alex, what in God's name has a hold on you?" Virginia screamed above the din of surging power.

Leviathanwas now headed for the deepest part of the known world, and she was going there at two hundred and thirty miles per hour, faster than any seagoing object in the history of humankind.

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As the crash doors closed over the observation widows, the last thing the members of the Event Group saw was the fleeting image of USS Missourias Leviathanwent headlong in front of her. Then a violent downward turn sent them high into their seats and slammed them back down as the giant submarine maneuvered hard to starboard, then to port, and then dived beneath the thermal cline on her way to deep water.

The Event Group silenced as the world turned upside down and the great submarine rolled. A few dishes and bar bottles fell and shattered; then Leviathanrighted herself.

"I can't begin to understand the science involved here--helium-hydrogen mix? Has she found a way to defeat the very pressures of the ocean depths along with the physics of the planet?" Lee asked aloud.

Niles Compton looked at the green holographic readout below the depiction of the onrushing seafloor.

"Captain Everett, do you know these coordinates?" Compton called out loudly over the din of the engines at full power.