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She was receiving guests in her apartments and everyone noticed what good spirits she was in. Bourguait, the Envoy from the Court of St James’s, was especially graciously received, and he complimented her on her healthy looks.

‘I am in very good spirits,’ she told him. ‘And it is because of a very special piece of news.’

‘Then I am delighted.’

‘And a little curious?’

‘While not presuming to enquire the nature of Your Majesty’s good fortune I should naturally be delighted to congratulate her.’

‘Which you could do much better if you knew what it was about.’ She laughed. Sophia Dorothea was not noted for her discretion. She decided then that as the Prince of Wales was so determined and the King of Prussia would clearly put nothing in the way of the project there was no need to keep silent about it. ‘Then I shall tell you,’ she said. ‘My daughter is going to marry the Prince of Wales.’

‘Your Majesty!’

‘Oh, yes. It’s true. Frederick the Prince is so impatient he has decided to come here and claim his bride. Of course we shall welcome him. And the King will raise no objections. Between ourselves he is as eager for this marriage as I am . . . and as our dear young people are. You look startled?’

‘I ... I have to remind Your Majesty that I am the Envoy of His Majesty the King of England who is as deeply concerned in this matter as Your Majesties of Prussia. It is my duty to inform him without delay.’

‘That is surely not necessary. The Prince has made up his mind.’

‘Your Majesty, I must humbly point out that the marriage of the Prince of Wales is most decidedly the concern of his father the King, and that I should be failing in my duty if I neglected to tell him of this plan.’

‘But to do so could spoil everything!’

‘If the Prince is so determined it may be that the King will be pleased to give his consent. The Princess Wilhelmina and the Prince of Wales have been considered almost formally betrothed for some time.’

‘Of course. The King of England will be delighted that his son has shown that he can act like a man.’

‘It may well be so.’

Bourguait said no more; but as soon as he left the Queen he despatched a messenger to St James’s with the news that the Prince of Wales was planning to visit Berlin, his intention being not to wait for his father’s consent to his marriage.

* * *

George came hurrying into Caroline’s apartments, his wig askew, his eyes bulging.

‘Something is disturbing Your Majesty,’ said the Queen, rising from the table where she sat reading some of the state documents which she made a habit of perusing each day.

‘Dismiss these people. Vat a fool you are! Can’t you see that I vish to talk to you.’

That was the manner in which he addressed her since the appearance of that unfortunate verse—and always in the presence of others.

Caroline flushed slightly but showed no resentment at his rudeness; she merely nodded to her attendants who quickly retired.

As soon as they had gone the King sat down and testily waved a paper.

Caroline came to him, took it, and read it.

She caught her breath in dismay. How could Frederick be so disobedient. The idea of taking matters into his own hands, and trying to arrange his own marriage. He must be mad.

‘Vell?’ growled George.

He was looking at her almost appealingly. She must say what must be best done and then he would tell her that he had made up his mind what action to take.

‘That he could dare!’ she whispered.

‘My Got, ve shall trouble have vith this young man.’

‘Perhaps Your Majesty vill decide there is only von thing you can do now.’

He nodded, waiting.

‘They are saying he should come here. Perhaps you vill think there is no alternative but to bring him to England now, since it is clearly not safe for him to be out of Your Majesty’s control.’

‘To bring him here!’ the King said dismally.

‘Perhaps I am wrong ...’ said Caroline hastily.

‘Do ye vant him here? He vill von big trouble be.’ The King’s English always suffered when he grew agitated, and he was agitated now.

‘He vill be trouble there ... more trouble perhaps than here. Here he vill have to obey Your Majesty.’

They looked at each other dolefully.

‘I hav my mind made up,’ said the King. ‘I vill him teach to make a marriage vithout my consent.’

‘I am sure you are right,’ said the Queen. She smiled. ‘As you alvays are.’

He leaned towards her and patted her shoulder. It was only when others were present that he remembered he was displeased with her.

* * *

Lamotte had returned to Hanover and Frederick was delighted with what he heard.

‘Tell me about Wilhelmina,’ he insisted.

‘She is a handsome girl, very tall and good looking.’ ‘And meek? Is she meek?’

‘Her father has seen to that.’

‘That is good. I always wanted a meek wife. And is she delighted that she is soon to have a husband?’

‘She is not a girl to betray her feelings. The Queen is overjoyed. The King is not displeased. There will be no difficulty. They will now be preparing a great welcome for you.’

‘I wish I could see my parents’ faces when they receive the news. They’ll be furious. They’ll regret leaving me alone all this time in Hanover. They’ll see too that I don’t need them. I shall take Wilhelmina to England ... without delay. What do you think of that, Lamotte ‘

‘I am not sure what kind of reception you would have.’

‘They would have to welcome the Prince and Princess of Wales.’

‘Perhaps, Your Highness. But the King is of greater importance than a Prince and I remember how your grandfather treated your father when he was Prince of Wales.’

‘It seems to be a habit in this family to quarrel. But I was on the side of my grandfather in that dispute, you know.’

‘That was because you never saw your parents and heard only his side, perhaps.’

‘I didn’t dislike Grandfather. He was always good to me. I wonder how I shall feel about my father and mother. I wonder if my mother wants to see me. By all accounts she is the one who rules, so had she wanted me presumably I should have been recalled.’

‘I think you should act very carefully, Your Highness.’

‘I intend to. But I am determined to leave within the next few days for Berlin. I think I shall give a farewell ball to all my friends in Hanover ... all those who cannot accompany me to Berlin. Don’t you think that’s an excellent idea?’

Lamotte agreed that it was.

* * *

Frederick chose Herrenhausen—that favourite of palaces—largely because it was more intimate than the Alte Palais or the Leine Schloss.

The great hall was ablaze with the lights of thousands of candles and all the nobility of Hanover were present. Frederick presided, in high spirits. It was a long time since he had been so pleased with himself.

He led the dance with his favourite mistress and comforted her, telling her that once he was in England he would send for her. She must not grieve because he would have a wife. Wives were necessities but mistresses were for pleasure.

She understood, remembering stories she had heard of Frederick’s grandfather who had been faithful to his two old mistresses until the end and had shut his wife away keeping her a prisoner for thirty years.

Frederick was gayer than any remembered his being before. He was merry with his male friends and assured them that he would send for them too.

During the evening when visitors arrived at Herrenhausen, the Prince was surprised that they should come at such a time, but he declared that on this occasion all were welcome.