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I will. I want to go now!

The voice was much fainter and the features were beginning to blur. Thero quickly cut the circle with his knife and the mist disappeared, leaving nothing in its wake, not even a mental sensation.

“What was that all about?” asked Alec.

Thero found the others regarding him as if he’d just done something rather surprising.

“You couldn’t hear the-” Spirit? Ghost? Soul? “There was a child in the mist. He spoke to me.”

“All we heard was you talking to someone named Mika,” Seregil replied. “We couldn’t see you at all. As soon as you opened that bottle you were surrounded by a cloud of thick mist.”

“Mika was the spirit of the child who owned the marble, wasn’t he?” said Alec.

Thero nodded, feeling unaccountably sad.

But Elsbet looked hopeful. “You told him his way home. Do you think he went back to his body?”

“I hope so. But he could just as easily be dead now. Or perhaps he was dead already and that’s why he was in the bottle. I’m sorry, but it could be any of those.”

“But he could be alive,” Kari insisted. “This may be our only chance for Illia, if she’s been put into one of those bottles.”

Thero looked to Seregil. “He said he lives in Yew Lane. Do you know where that is?”

“Not far from here. It’s a short street, near the Ring wall. And a decent area, too. He’s less likely to have been left to die in some alleyway. Let’s hope his mother heard about the sick ones being moved to the Ring and kept him secret at home.”

“Good. He said he lives in a house with a green-and-yellow door. Do you think you could find it? I’d like to see what happened to him, if possible.”

Seregil looked out the window. “It will be dawn soon. You should wait until then, so you don’t scare them to death knocking them up out of bed. In the meantime, I think we should have a look around the Crane. It’s our best chance to find the place empty; no actor will be up this early.”

“What about the contents of the bottles?” asked Micum.

Thero cast another spell on the bottle he still held. “The magic is gone from this one, I think.”

He emptied the contents into the other silver cup. The marble fell to the bottom with a small plink. He sniffed the

liquid, but there was nothing of note about it. He dipped the tip of his little finger in it and licked it. Nothing, just plain, stale water. He picked up the marble and got a fleeting impression of a small boy with sandy hair falling across his forehead into his eyes. And there was a hint of something else, something surprising that he thought he recognized.

“Anything?” asked Alec.

“A glimpse of what he looks like. I’ll know him if I see him. Now for our friends the rats.”

He carefully opened the grate in the top of the trap and set the first cup inside. The rats sniffed it curiously for a moment, then one of them put its paws up on the rim and lapped at the liquid. After the first few drops it fell on its side, shuddering violently.

“It is poison,” murmured Micum.

But as they watched the rat calmed and scampered around the confines of the trap, apparently no worse for wear. The other two drank from the cup, but the liquid seemed to have no effect at all on them.

Thero reached in and picked the first rat up by the tail, then grasped it by the scruff so it couldn’t bite. The same strange magic he’d felt on Atre and Brader emanated from the rat in powerful waves. It was unmistakable.

“I believe this elixir is meant to be ingested.”

“But why?” asked Elsbet.

Thero put the rat back into the trap with the others and looked at the little lock of hair floating in the bowl, then at the marble from the other bottle. “If both bottles held souls of the children who gave him these items, then the one holding Mika, which was without the central symbol, must be made differently, allowing the soul to escape. The symbol on the other may trap the soul in the water.”

“You mean you just fed the soul of some poor child to a rat?” Elsbet exclaimed in horror.

“Perhaps,” Thero replied, none too happy at the thought.

“So Atre and Brader must get some benefit from eating souls,” Seregil said with disgust.

“The question is, what benefit?” wondered Alec.

“At this point I don’t give a damn about that, only how to

stop him doing the same to Illia!” Micum gritted out. “We have to find the bottle containing Illia’s soul before he-” He broke off and put an arm around Kari as she began to cry.

Leaving Micum behind to rest-or more likely, fret-Seregil went to the Crane with Thero and Alec. As he’d expected, the theater was deserted. They found their way in through a poorly secured side door but even with the help of Thero’s spell, they found nothing magical inside.

The welcoming fragrances of bacon and tea greeted them at the inn. Ema was making breakfast, though the house was empty except for them.

“You should eat,” Thero told the others.

“I’m not hungry,” Seregil mumbled, continuing on ahead.

“Well, I am, and the others, too, most likely,” said Alec.

Ema loaded a tray with rashers of bacon, hot oat cakes, a jar of honey, and a large pot of tea. Thero carried it and followed Alec upstairs.

Seregil had collapsed into one of the armchairs with his face buried in his hands, heedless for once of how dirty they were. Micum stood gazing into the empty fireplace.

“Oh, no!” gasped Alec, starting for the bedroom door.

“No, she’s just the same,” Micum told him.

Seregil sat back and ran his fingers through his hair. “We’ll search the house tonight while they’re onstage.”

“And if it’s not there?” asked Thero.

Seregil snorted. “Then I’ll personally torture Atre until he tells us where it is.”

“I’ll help you.” Thero poured the tea and handed the cups around.

“So we burgle Atre’s house tonight,” said Micum.

“Yes,” Seregil replied. “If we don’t find what we’re looking for, we drive our prey, and pray to Illior that Atre or Brader leads us to the right bottle, and Elani’s things.”

Micum rested his forehead in his hand. “Why are they doing this?”

“I’ve been thinking about that,” said Seregil, sipping his tea. “The way that old man and his daughter described

seeing the raven woman up in the northlands? She could be a twin for the one we’ve seen. We know from Atre himself that he and Brader are from the north. What if both old women are Atre?”

“That was thirty years ago,” said Micum. “Atre is a young man.”

“Consuming the life of another to prolong one’s own,” mused Thero. “The cases I know of have all involved eating the flesh or drinking the blood of a victim. And for the most part, it was just superstition and cannibalism. But if what you suggest is true, then this magic works.”

“The soul-stealing part certainly does,” said Micum, casting a pained look in the direction of the bedroom.

Seregil was quiet for a moment, tapping his lip with one long finger, a sure sign that an idea was taking form. “Atre doesn’t always look the same. You haven’t seen enough of him to notice, Micum, but sometimes he looks younger, handsomer than others. I put it down to cosmetics, but maybe that’s the effect of the elixir. At Kylith’s wake Atre was positively glowing. I thought at the time it was odd, given the circumstances.”

Alec snorted. “He was there to gloat!”

“Yes. Now, let’s find Mika,” said Seregil, then yawned again.

“I can guide Thero,” said Micum. “You two should rest while you can.”

“We have to watch Atre’s house today. None of us have been there. We don’t know what the servant situation is or their daily routine.”

“I’ll take first watch,” said Alec. “Micum, you can take the next, when you get back. Seregil, get some sleep.”

As Thero followed Alec and Micum downstairs, he sent up a silent prayer to Illior that the child had survived, and not only for Illia’s sake.