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Seregil pretended to be momentarily baffled. “But what-” He gave Laneus a wide-eyed look of surprise. “What are you saying, Laneus? That I-? Illior’s Light, no! You know I never involve myself in politics. My friendship with either of the princesses is strictly on a personal level. I’m immensely fond of both of them.”

“But if it came to a choice between the two?”

Seregil made a sign against bad luck. “Pray the Four it never comes to such a pass, my lords! It’s unthinkable.”

“Really? You wouldn’t back either?” asked Malthus.

“If it came to that, then it would be civil war, and I’m sure I’d take to my heels in that event,” Seregil said with a delicate shudder, adding quickly, “But I would fear for both their lives.”

“I can’t decide if you’re a sly fellow, or just a coward,” Laneus remarked.

“I’ve been called worse in my time,” Seregil replied, a little surprised at the abrupt turn of the conversation.

Malthus intervened. “Come now, Laneus, there’s no need to be rude. What he means, Seregil, is that it seems odd that you, who have been friends with Klia for nearly her entire life, are suddenly so close to Elani and Reltheus.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“You don’t know, then?” Laneus asked with a tinge of sarcasm.

“Know what?” Seregil persisted in his obtuseness, wondering how far he could draw the man out.

“That Reltheus and his cronies mean to assassinate Klia, and perhaps even Phoria. We believe there’s already been one attempt on the princess’s life, though news of it has been suppressed.”

Seregil affected shocked astonishment. “How do you know about it, then?”

“I have my channels.”

“By the Light, why? And why Phoria?”

Laneus sighed, as if dealing with a half wit. “It’s perfectly obvious. Klia is still the rightful heir in many minds. They

can’t chance her taking Elani’s place. As for Phoria, Elani is still young, impressionable, and fatherless. She’s obviously devoted to Reltheus, regarding him as a second uncle. Better to be the power behind the throne now, than when she’s matured and has ideas of her own. Now is the time to strike.”

“But that’s monstrous!”

“You’ve never heard your friend Reltheus let drop any such sentiment, perhaps only a passing comment?” asked Malthus.

“Never,” Seregil assured him, aware again of how Laneus was watching him without seeming to. “Then again, we never discuss politics.”

“Well, I hope we’ve put your mind at rest about our own intentions,” said Malthus. “We mean to protect all three women.”

“A noble endeavor,” said Seregil. “But what can just the two of you hope to accomplish against such dark forces?”

“That’s none of your concern,” Laneus told him. “Knowing what you do, can you support us in that?”

“Support you,” Seregil said slowly, as if puzzling out the hidden meaning. “Keep my mouth shut, you mean?”

Laneus smiled at that. “Bluntly put, but yes.”

“How could I not support such a noble endeavor?” Seregil replied. “It’s certainly in the country’s best interests.”

“Very good. Then we have your word?”

“There’s just one thing I don’t understand, though. Why haven’t you gone to Prince Korathan about all this?”

That set Laneus back on his heels for a moment, but he recovered quickly. “We’re still gathering intelligence. We don’t have sufficient evidence yet.”

“Perhaps Seregil could help us, given his close association with Reltheus?” Malthus suggested.

Laneus raised an eyebrow at Seregil.

“Spy on Reltheus?” he asked, inwardly amused.

“He might let something slip in front of you. Or one of his compatriots. We have reason to believe that he’s not alone in his plotting. You’re in his set now. Can you think of anything you’ve heard that might be suspicious?”

“I’m not so much in his set as in the princess royal’s. I

haven’t socialized with many of Reltheus’s other friends.” Seregil grinned. “I think he may be a little embarrassed at our association. Now you have me afraid to be around him. What if I was suspected?”

“I would speak for you, if it came to that,” Malthus assured him.

“Well… I suppose, if it’s to protect Klia and the queen. Yes, you have my word, I’ll back you.”

He shook hands with both men. Perhaps Malthus believed what he’d told Seregil, but Laneus had liar’s eyes.

Apparently the evening’s business was complete, for they went to meet the ladies at the Swan, a gambling establishment set aside for women. A manservant met them at the door and left them in an elegant waiting room with a few other husbands and lovers, where Eona and the rest soon arrived to collect them. The two duchesses appeared to be on the best of terms with Eirual and Myrhichia.

“This lovely girl is a luck bringer!” Eona exclaimed, holding the younger courtesan’s hand as if they were sisters. “As long as she sat by me at the card table, I couldn’t lose! And she and Eirual tell such saucy stories!”

Anxious to prolong the evening for Alec’s sake, Seregil said, “I’d like to test that luck, myself. Why don’t we go on to the Three Dragons?”

“Ah, yes, I’ve heard of your very interesting performance there,” Ania said with a knowing smile. “I wonder if they’ll allow you in again?”

“Or perhaps a repeat performance will be required,” Eirual teased.

“If the former, dear ladies, then I know I am welcome at the Drake. And if the latter, well…” He trailed off suggestively.

“I fear we must beg off,” said Laneus, much to his wife’s disappointment. “I don’t care for such pursuits, but the rest of you go on.”

Bilairy’s Balls! Seregil cursed inwardly, trying to gauge how much time had passed, though the only emotion he allowed to show was disappointment. “Perhaps you’re right. I should probably go home and see how poor Alec is doing.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’ll be asleep by now,” Malthus chided. “Come, just a few games and then we’ll let you go.”

Duchess Ania slipped an arm through his. “Please, Seregil. I really do want to see if they’ll make you disrobe again! Marquise Rela was there, and told me you were quite the handsome sight. I won’t take no for an answer, my dear!”

Alec was in the library, searching without much hope of success, when he heard voices outside the door.

“I didn’t want to leave!” a woman was saying angrily.

A male murmur answered, though Alec couldn’t make out the words.

“He is not! And why should you accept his invitation in the first place, if you feel that way toward him?”

Another conciliatory murmur, then Alec heard the unmistakable click of the door handle turning. He dove under the nearest table, which had only a short tapestry cloth thrown over it, and made sure the black silk over his face and the rag covering his hair were in place.

A pair of breeches-clad legs passed by and a lamp was lit on the table above Alec’s head. After a moment he heard the slide of a book on a shelf and the riffling of vellum pages.

Illior help me if he sits down. Alec scarcely dared to breathe. The man left the room at last, leaving the lamp lit and the door open behind him.

Alec crouched under the table, heart pounding, as first one servant, then another came in. Now what?

Choosing his moment, he crawled out from his hiding place just long enough to blow out the lamp, then quickly retreated, like a snail into its shell.

More servants, or perhaps the same ones, bustled up and down for what felt like a very long time. Was Seregil home already, worrying about him or worse yet, regretting his decision to let Alec have this job on his own?

Things finally quieted down. Hoping the room was dark enough to hide him if he was wrong, he crept to the window and tried the sash. Of course it would be locked! After a moment’s cursing, he realized that it was only latched. Undoing the catch, he stuck his head out to appraise his situation. Just