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'Implausibly, I find myself agreeing with you, Jaspar,' said Vennel.

'… their dreams came from within,' said Suth.

'You deny the agency of the Twins?' said Vennel.

'I say virtue… virtue is that agency.'

'You hold then, my Lord, that the Chosen survived through higher virtue?'

'Harmony with Essences, or virtue… yes.'

Jaspar smiled. 'I had always understood that we gained our empire through conquest…'

'Perhaps,' said Suth, 'but we hold it by maintaining… various harmonious balances… Reeds bend with wind yet can be woven to make shields.'

'Disharmony lost the Quyans their empire?'

'Each city put ripples… into Perfect Mirror of their commonwealth.' Suth shook his head. Till it could reflect no divinity

… only fragments of themselves.'

'Nonsense,' said Aurum. They weakened themselves with internecine strife and were then annihilated by the plague they had themselves stirred up among their sartlar.'

Jaspar's mouth twisted with distaste. 'Even now, the plague appears among those creatures as spontaneously as maggots do in meat.'

'Certainly, Lord Aurum,' Vennel said, 'but from whence did the plague come if not from the Black God?'

Jaspar shook his head. 'It is the breath of the Lord of Plagues, an avatar of Him whom the Wise unify with all the others into the Black God: a hotchpotch deity, convenient only because He is a concept small enough to squeeze into the minds of the barbarians.'

'But the plague did come to Osrakum?' said Carnelian.

'It was burning like a fire across the land,' said Jaspar. The fire-breaks of our quarantines were not yet in place. Is it any surprise that the plague entered? When the desperate came from the dying cities, we let them in.'

The affliction would soon have spread to the whole of Osrakum had not the Obedient Ones, who later became the Great, cast out the polluted refugees that had been let in,' said Vennel.

That was foolishness,' said Aurum. 'Our forefathers would have done better to destroy them. Letting them return to spit their poison of resentment into every ear… Peh!'

'And they gathered up their ruined strength and came to Osrakum with vengeance in their eyes,' said Vennel.

'And we came out and were defeated and so on and so on…' droned Jaspar. 'And how was it that this defeated rabble were able to overwhelm the pursuing Quyan host so that the Skymere became a lake of their blood?'

The Black God with dragons came-' The Lord of Mirrors,' said Jaspar, 'divine Lord of War…'

'Inspired by virtue,' said Suth, 'our forefathers found a strength hidden in themselves…'

'Was it virtue that in the Valley of the Gate turned their host to stone? Did virtue inspire the gift of fire that the Lord of Mirrors gave the Chosen with which then and now we make victorious war?'

'Naphtha burns whatever hand, Chosen, marumaga or barbarian, ignites it,' said Aurum. 'Flame-pipes are mechanisms through which the naphtha is driven by pressure. It is wisdom not divinity that has given us these weapons.'

'And our blood, our burning blood?' said Vennel. 'Does my Lord deny the source of its fire to be divine?'

Aurum frowned. 'I cannot deny what I myself have felt. Besides, it is self-evident that we are as far above other men as are the stars above the earth.'

The Twins were our first Emperor. In mortal form, They put the fire in our blood, and through Apotheosis all subsequent God Emperors inject more.'

That orthodoxy… childish conceit,' said Suth. Through alignment with forces… that move the world… we achieved the Commonwealth.'

Jaspar laughed. 'And they all lived happily ever after.'

Suth's eyes blazed. 'And they lived plagued by blood intrigues, squabbling among themselves, lectured at by the Wise and sapped by their own vices of greed, pride and levity.'

'Particularly levity,' said Vennel.

Jaspar looked at Vennel with raised eyebrows.

Carnelian saw his father had sagged back against the heliograph. He lurched to his side as his head fell forward. The Masters rose with a rustle. Carnelian leant close, relaxing when he heard him breathing. 'Father,' he said gently.

The weight of his father's head stirred and lifted. 'Must rest…'

'Not here,' said Carnelian.

His father's lips twitched a smile. He gave an almost imperceptible nod.

Carnelian turned and saw Aurum and Jaspar showing something like concern; Vennel, something like hope. 'He needs help.'

As Aurum and Jaspar began to move, Carnelian was buffeted by his father standing up. Suth waved the Masters away. 'My son is all the help I need,' he croaked.

Together they shuffled over the narrow bridge to the rib with its naphtha flare. Carnelian was wedged into the hinge of his father's arm. Its weight lying along his shoulders forced Carnelian to look down at the terrible distance they might fall. His father's breathing roared its moisture in his ear. The rot of the blood wafted with each step they took.

Carnelian helped remove his father's cloak and then lie him down on the bed. Suth was trying to hide the pain but a twinge near his eye betrayed it. His side was a single black stinking stain. The smell creased Carnelian's nose. When he saw his father noticing his disgust, he was forced to speak.

'You cannot continue like this, my Lord.'

'It is better this way… Aurum and the ammonites were right… the ritual protection… above all, the Law must be seen to be obeyed.'

'We have both seen lapses in the Law's operation,' said Carnelian, 'and, this… this mess cannot be better.'

'But I could not allow Tain to… besides, now he is forbidden me…?'

Carnelian reached out to touch the black bandages. His father's hand tried to brush his fingers away. 'You… defile… yourself.'

Carnelian took his father's hand and gripping it firmly folded the elbow up and forced the hand down on his father's chest. 'Your blood is my blood, Father, how could it defile me?' He reached out again, felt the wet touch of the crusted bandages and winced when they cracked. He shook his head.

This must be cleaned,' he said, before his father could say anything. He found some cleaning pads and unguents. He threw off the encumbrance of his own cloak.

His father sat up with a look of horror on his face. 'What…?' The effort was too much. He fell back with a groan. This is not for you to do.'

There is no-one else, Father.'

His father closed his eyes, breathing heavily. Carnelian took this for acquiescence. He surveyed the stain, made his decision, picked up a knife and then gingerly began to cut the bandages around it. Having done this he took one strip and peeled it back. It stuck in a few places. He grimaced each time he had to give it a tug. At last he had it off and dropped it on the floor in disgust. One by one he pulled the strips off while his father lay like a corpse, the only sign of life the twinges as the strips caught. To reduce his suffering, Carnelian began cutting bits away.

'We must talk,' his father hissed through clenched teeth.

Carnelian peered at the ridged fleshy mass his work had revealed. He went blind. What if he killed his father? His sight returned. In as level a tone as he could muster, he said, 'You are too weak, my Lord.'

'Because of that… I might die.'

'Don't say that,' snapped Carnelian. Instinctively, his hand flew up towards his mouth, as he remembered to whom he was speaking.

His father smiled, shook his head, reassuring him. 'About Crail… my hands… tied.'

The grief welled up in Carnelian's eyes. He concentrated on the wound, seeing it distorted through tears, sniffing. He pulled one more strip.

His father groaned, chuckled. 'Are you trying to hurry me from this world?'

Carnelian saw his father's lopsided grin and grinned back. Their eyes met, smiling. The promise he had made to Jaspar was an ache in the marrow of his bones. Tain and his father were tearing him in two. Both were of his blood. This blood, he thought, looking at his reddened hands.