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For a moment he wondered if this was the kind of life that Belimai might have led if he had never been tortured by the Inquisition. Harper tried to imagine Belimai smiling sweetly at a nun. Harper shook his head. He really was delirious from exhaustion if he thought Belimai would have ever done that.

Harper opened the door and scowled at the frigid air that swept in.

"God bless you, Captain," Morris called after him.

"Take good care," Harper replied.

He trudged up Butcher Street making silent promises to his shivering, tired body. Six more blocks, and there would be a bed. Just six more blocks to a warm, soft bed.

At last he stumbled up the narrow staircase like a drunk. Belimai's rooms were cold. Wind and rain swept in through the broken windows. Little had changed in the two weeks since he'd last been here. Belimai's desk still lay on its side, surrounded by fallen books and crumpled drawings. The cracked syringes lay where Belimai had thrown them.

Once Sariel had been arrested for the murder of Lord Cedric's niece, there hadn't been any reason for the Inquisition to keep looking for Belimai. One Prodigal was as good as another, as far as they were concerned.

Harper knew he, himself, was another matter. From both Sariel's and Edward's confessions, he knew that the abbot wanted to bring him in specifically. He realized that he was the one remaining person who posed a threat to the abbot and Lord Cedric. Knowing what they had done to the old woman, Harper had no illusions as to what the abbot intended for him. Inquisitors would be waiting for him at his townhouse.

Eventually nowhere would be safe for him, not so long as the abbot had power.

Harper took the papers out of his pocket and read over them one more time. Slowly, he went to the wreck of Belimai's desk and picked up a gum eraser. He quickly lifted off the notes the abbot had made on Sariel's confession. What remained was usable. The few details it mentioned matched the confession he had forced Brandson to write.

Harper felt slightly sick, thinking of Brandson. Or perhaps it was exhaustion. He slipped the papers back into his pocket.

Harper staggered to the bedroom and dropped the bag Morris had given him down onto the bedside. Then he flopped down onto the thin mattress. He didn't even bother to take off his boots. He simply fell asleep.

Feverish, splintered images crashed through his dreams. Harper rolled and tossed, twisting the blankets and his clothes. The heavy cloth seemed to pull and shift around him. Suddenly, something icy gripped his leg and jerked at it. Harper kicked hard and bolted upright. His hand clamped around the butt of his pistol before he even took in his surroundings.

Belimai glared at him from where he had been knocked to the floor. He had one of Harper's boots in his hand.

"Last time I do you any favors." Belimai stood and then tossed the boot aside.

"What in God's name are you doing here?" Harper's voice was rough from sleep. His thoughts still foundered in the con-fused wake of his dreams.

"I live here," Belimai quipped. He pulled off his own shoes and sat down across from Harper on the bed.

"I wasn't sure if it would be safe to come back, so I was watching for Inquisitors from the roof across the street. Then I saw you just wander in past the open windows and plop down on the bed."

"You're supposed to be back at the estate house," Harper said.

"As I recall, so are you." Belimai slipped his legs under the blankets. His knee just touched Harper's thigh. He leaned back against the footboard of the bed and gazed at Harper. "What was so urgent that you had to rush off without saying anything?"

"Edward needed my help." Harper shifted a little closer to Belimai. He was cold, but it felt good to touch him. It was comforting for no good reason except that Harper hadn't been able to do it in days.

"Your blonde brother-in-law got in trouble?" Belimai's eyes narrowed slightly. "So, off you race to his rescue. How very gallant you are, Captain Harper. Does he still need you?"

"He's safe for now, but probably not very happy." Harper worked his remaining boot off, then kicked it out from under the blankets. "Where's Joan?"

"She dashed off to find you after two Inquisition captains came around the estate house looking for you. Captain Spencer and another Captain Warner or Warr—"

"Warren," Harper supplied.

"Yes, that was the name. So, you already knew." Belimai shrugged "In any case, your sister said she had to go warn you. She's looking for you in Hells Below, I think."

"She just left you?" Harper demanded.

"Yes. She seemed to believe me when I told her I was a grown man and could look after myself," Belimai replied. "And in any case, the habit seems to run in your family. You did the same thing." Belimai jabbed one of his long toes against Harper's stomach. "I'm amazed you don't have to get up now and save some orphan or find a missing dog."

"I'm sorry I left you, Belimai, but Edward was taken in by the Inquisition because of me. I had to get him out of there. You of all people should understand that."

"Oh, I understand. I just don't like it." Belimai jabbed Harper in the stomach two more times. Harper grabbed Belimai's bony foot and jerked him down flat on his back.

"Are you jealous? Am I only allowed to save you?" Harper pounced on top of Belimai, pinning him against the bed.

"You really can be an overbearing ass sometimes, you know that?" Belimai glared up at him.

"Yes, I know." Harper leaned forward so that his lips brushed Belimai's. "But you find me charming anyway, don't you?" Harper smiled and waited for Belimai's scathing reply. Instead he received a sharp jab in the side. Harper winced.

"I'm too tired to be clever, so you'll just have to settle for that," Belimai said.

"So, what exactly does a broken rib mean?" Harper asked.

"A broken rib." Belimai raised a black brow. "I hardly touched you."

"More's the pity." Harper leaned down again and kissed Belimai lightly on the lips. He felt Belimai's breath catch as they touched. Harper pulled back just enough to see Belimai's eyes close, then flash open again.

Belimai returned Harper's stare with a hard focus that he had never had before. The soft, drugged languor that Harper had grown so used to was gone. Belimai watched him with a starved intensity. His hands curled across Harper's back and pulled him back down. Belimai's tongue darted between Harper's lips, both invading and inviting. There was a ferocity to the kiss that seared through Harper. He forgot his gentle intentions and train of conversation.

With rough desperation, Harper pulled Belimai's loose clothes off. He ran his hands across the naked expanse of pale skin, savoring each hollow and curve. Belimai's hands slid under Harper's shirt and skimmed across his nipples. Then, with agonizing care, Belimai stroked the line of Harper s belt.

He kissed Harper again. Their tongues thrust and twined. Harper's entire body tensed. He kissed Belimai's throat, chest, and hips. His teeth grazed Belimai's arching flesh. Harper lifted his head and kissed Belimai's mouth, passing the taste of his own skin back to him.

Belimai pulled Harper's pants open. His hands curled around Harper. As if kneeling in prayer, Belimai bowed down and took Harper into the soft heat of his mouth. Harper's breath came in fast gasps. Harper's hips rocked with rushes of pleasure. He forced the sharp thrusts back into gentle motions. His muscles ached from restraint and driving desire.