Rush stopped chewing and his eyes turned hard as he glared at something outside. I followed his gaze; I saw nothing but the empty beach.

              “You can stay as long as you want to, Blaire.”

              Since when? He’d told me I had a month. I didn’t reply.

              “Sit beside me and eat some of this bacon.” He pulled out the chair beside his and I sat down without arguing. The bacon did smell good and I was ready for something other than peanut butter.

              Rush moved his plate over to me. “Eat.”

              I picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite. It was crispy and greasy just the way I liked it.  I finished the piece off and Rush nudged the plate at me again. “Eat another.”

              I fought back a giggle at his sudden need to feed me. What was wrong with him? I took another piece of bacon and ate it enjoying the taste.

              “What are your plans for today?” Rush asked once I swallowed.

              I shrugged. “I don’t know yet. I thought I’d look for an apartment maybe.”

              Rush’s jaw ticked and his body tensed up again. “Stop talking about moving out, okay? I don’t want you moving until our parents get home. You need to talk to your dad before you run off and start living alone. It isn’t exactly safe. You’re too young.”

              This time I did laugh. He was being ridiculous. “I am not too young. What is it with you and my age? I am nineteen. I’m a big girl. I can live on my own safely. Besides, I can hit a moving target better than most police officers. My skills with a gun are pretty impressive. Stop with the unsafe and too young thing.”

              Rush cocked an eyebrow. “So you really do have a gun?”

              I nodded.

              “I thought Grant was just being funny. His sense of humor sucks sometimes.”

              “Nope. I pulled it on him when he surprised me my first night here.”

              Rush chuckled and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his broad chest. I forced myself to keep my eyes at his face and not look down.

              “I’d have loved to have seen that.”

              I didn’t respond. It had been a bad night for me. Rehashing it wasn’t something I was up for today.

              “I don’t want you to stay here just because you’re young. I get that you can take care of yourself or you at least think you can. I want you here because… I like having you here. Don’t leave. Wait until your dad gets back. It sounds like you two are way overdue for a visit. Then you can decide what you want to do. For now, how about you go upstairs and unpack? Think of all the money you can save living here. When you do move out then you’ll have a nice padded bank account.”

              He wanted me here. The silly smile that tugged at my lips couldn’t be helped. I’d stay and he was right I could save money. Once Dad got back I’d talk to him and then move. There was no reason to go if Rush wanted me here.

              “Okay. If you really mean that then thank you.”

              Rush nodded and leaned forward to put his elbows on the table. His silver stare was leveled on me. “I mean it. But that also means that the friend thing with us needs to remain in full effect.”

              He was right, of course. Us living together and getting involved in any way would be difficult. Besides, once this summer was over he’d move off to another house somewhere. I didn’t need that kind of heartache.

              “Agreed,” I replied. His shoulders didn’t ease and his body remained strung tight.

              “Also, you are going to start eating the food in this house when you’re here.”

              I shook my head. No I wasn’t. I was not a mooch.

              “Blaire, this isn’t up for argument. I mean it. Eat my damn food.”

              I pushed my chair back and stood up. “No. I will buy food and eat it. I am not… I’m not like my father.”

              Rush muttered something and he pushed back his chair and stood up. “You think I don’t know that by now? You’ve been sleeping in a damn broom closet without complaint. You clean up after me. You don’t eat properly. I am aware that you’re nothing like your dad. But you area guest in my home and I want you eating in my kitchen and treating like it’s yours.”

              This was going to be an issue. “I’ll put my food in your kitchen and eat it in here. Will that be better?”

              “If all you intend to buy is peanut butter and bread then no. I want you eating properly.”

              I started to shake my head when he reached out and grabbed my hands in his. “Blaire, it will make me happy to know you’re eating. Henrietta buys the groceries once a week and stocks this place expecting me to have a lot of company. There is more than enough. Please. Eat. My. Food.”

              I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing at his pleading look.

              “Are you laughing at me?” he asked with a small grin tugging at his lips.

              “Yeah. A little,” I admitted.

              “Does this mean you’re gonna eat my food?”

              I sighed, “Only if you let me pay you weekly.”

              He started to shake his head no and I pulled my hands from his and started to walk away.

              “Where are you going?” he asked from behind me.

              “I’m done arguing with you. I will eat your food if I pay for my part. That’s the only deal I will agree to. So take it or leave it.”

              Rush growled, “Okay fine. Pay me.”

              I glanced back at him. “I’m going to go unpack. Then take a bath in that big ole tub and then I don’t know. I don’t have plans until tonight.”

              A frown puckered his brow. “With who?”

              “Bethy,” I replied.

              “Bethy? The cart girl who Jace messes around with?”

              “Correction. The cart girl that Jace used to mess around with. She wised up and is moving on. Tonight we’re going honky-tonking to pick us up some hard working blue collar men.”

              I didn’t wait for him to respond. I hurried to the stairs and ran up them. Once I reached my new room, I closed my door behind me and sighed in relief.

Chapter Twelve

              I might not have the clothes for Rush’s parties but I had everything I needed to go to a honky-tonk.  It had been awhile since I’d worn my blue jean skirt. It was shorter than I remembered but it worked. Especially with my boots.

              Rush had left this morning while I was taking my bath and he hadn’t been back since. I wondered if my room was off limits to his friends if he had a party here. I didn’t like the idea of strangers having sex on my bed. I didn’t really like the idea of anyone but me having sex on the bed I was supposed to sleep in. I wanted to ask but I wasn’t sure how to go about asking something like that.

              Leaving before Rush got back meant I wouldn’t know what to expect. Should I plan to wash my bedding when I got home? The idea made me cringe.  When my foot hit the bottom step the front door swung open and Rush walked inside. When his eyes found me he froze and slowly took in my appearance. I wasn’t dressed to impress his crowd but there was a crowd out there that I might get some attention from.

              “Day-um,” he muttered and closed the door behind him.

              I didn’t move. I was trying to figure out how to approach the strangers having sex on my bed thing.

              “You, uh, wearing that out to go clubbing?” he asked.

              “It’s called honky-tonking. I’m pretty sure it’s a completely different thing,” I corrected him