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His breath went short, his hand trembled and the seagull writhed a little as his attentions went to the agony rising into his chest. This was not normal, he knew; pain was the cost of magic overspent, and the ice raft he had wrought to deliver his companions certainly qualified. But those pains were mostly relegated to the brain and rarely lasted for more than a few hours. This particular agony that coursed through his entire being was new to him.

But not unknown.

Stop it, he scolded himself. You’ve got enough trouble without wondering about the Decay. You don’t have it. Stop it. Focus on the task at hand. Focus on the seagull.

The seagull, he thought as he drew the trembling bird into his lap, and its tiny, juicy, electric little brain.

Still, he hesitated as he rested a finger upon the bird’s skull. More magic would mean more pain, he realised, and it seemed unwise to expend any energy on anything that wasn’t guaranteed to find salvation from the sea. And, as magic went, avian scrying was as unreliable as they came.

Dreadaeleon had never found a bird that wasn’t a bumbling, hunger-driven moron. He could sense the electricity in its brain now: straight, if crude, lines of energy suggesting minimal, single-minded activity. It was those lines that made birds easier to manipulate than the jumble of confused sparks that made up the human brain, but it also made them relatively pointless for finding anything beyond carrion and crumbs.

But carrion and crumbs were food. And, as his growling belly reminded him, food was not something they had managed to salvage.

He whispered a word. A faint jolt of electricity burst through his fingers, into the avian’s skull. It twitched once, then let out a frightened caw. He could feel the snaps of primitive cognition, bursting in his own mind as their electric thoughts synchronised.

Scared, they told him. Scared, scared, scared, scared.

‘Fine,’ he muttered. ‘Go, then.’

He released the bird, sending it flying out over the waters. He leaned back, closing his eyes. In his mind, he could feel the gull’s presence, sense its location, know its thoughts as he felt each sputtering pop of thought in its tiny brain. All he needed to do now was wait; he could hold onto its signature for at least an hour.

A lance of pain shot through him. He winced.

Or less.

‘What do you hope to achieve?’ someone asked him.

‘Animals search for food first. If there’s any around here, I’ll know about it,’ he replied, his thoughts preoccupied with the gull’s.

‘There are many places the Sea Mother’s creatures go that you cannot.’

‘If I can tap into a seagull’s brain, I can certainly figure out how to get where he’s going,’ he snarled. Only when his ire rose higher than his pain did he realise that the voice was not that of one of his companions.

But it was not unknown.

He turned about and saw her standing before him: tall, pale body wrapped in a silken garment, fins cresting about her head, feathery gills blended with emerald-colour hair. He looked up, agape, and the siren smiled back at him.

‘I am pleased that you are well, lorekeeper,’ Greenhair said. The fins on the sides of her head twitched. ‘Or … are you?’

‘Not so much now,’ he said. He tried to rise, felt a stab of pain and, immediately afterward, felt the urge to wince.

Don’t do it, old man, he warned himself. Remember, she’s tricky. She can get into your head. She can manipulate your thoughts. Stay calm. Don’t think about the pain. She’ll know … unless she already knows and is telling you how to feel now to further her agenda. Stop thinking. I SAID, STOP THINKING!

‘Be calm, lorekeeper,’ she whispered. ‘I do not come seeking strife.’

‘Yes, you’re quite talented, aren’t you? You find it without even searching for it,’ Dreadaeleon muttered. ‘You tricked us into going into Irontide after the tome and abandoned us when we had to fight for it.’

‘I was concerned for the appearance of-’

‘I wasn’t finished,’ he spat. ‘You thencame back after we had it and got into my head.’ He tapped his temple. ‘ Myhead, and tried to tell me to steal it for you.’

She blinked. ‘You are finished now?’

Andyou smell like fish,’ he said. ‘There. Get out of my sight. I’m busy here.’

‘Seeking salvation for your companions?’

‘Shut up,’ he muttered. He closed his eyes, attempted to seek out the gull’s thoughts.

‘That they might look upon you with the adoration that befits a hero?’

Don’t answer, old man. She’ll twist your words first, your thoughts second and probably your bits last. Focus on the gull. Focus on finding help.

He found the gull and listened intently to its electric pulse. There was a silence, then a burst, then a gentle sense of relief. A bowel movement.

Good thing you didn’t waste any energy on that. Oh, wait.

‘This is not the way, lorekeeper,’ she whispered. ‘You will find no salvation in the sea. This island is dead. It has claimed your other companions.’

‘Not all of them,’ he replied.

‘You seek their approval? When they do not so much as care for the effort you expend for them? The pain you feel?’

‘There is no pain. I’m fine.’

‘You are not. Something has broken within you, lorekeeper. A well of sickness rises inside your flesh.’

‘Nausea,’ he replied. ‘Sea air and sea trollops both make me sick.’

‘And you continue to harm yourself,’ she whispered. ‘For what? For them?’

Dreadaeleon said nothing. Yet he could feel her staring at him, staring past his skull, eyes raking at his brain.

‘Or for her?’ Greenhair said.

‘Shut up,’ he muttered. ‘Go away. Go turn into a tuna or get harpooned or whatever it is you do when you go beneath the waves. I have business to attend to.’

‘As do they.’


He turned to her and found her staring down at the beach. He followed her gaze, down to the shore and the two people upon it. The people he had extended his power for, the people that he had put himself in pain for, the people he had magically lassoed and mentally dominated a filth-ridden sea-pigeon for. He saw them.


‘But … he’s a rat,’ he whispered. ‘And she’s … she’s …’

‘She has betrayed you.’

‘No, they’re just doing … they’re …’

‘And you are not,’ Greenhair said, slipping up behind him. ‘As you burn yourself with impure fire, as you expend yourself for them, they roll on each other like hogs.’

‘They just don’t know,’ he said. ‘Once they see, they’ll know, they’ll see-’

‘They didn’t know when you saved them from the Akaneeds? When you kept them aloft with no concern for your own safety? Your own health? When will they notice?’

‘When … when …’

‘When you find the tome.’

‘What?’ he asked.

‘This island has barely any food. Even the creatures of the Sea Mother avoid it. But there is something else. The gull can find it. It calls to everything. It will call to the gull. The gull will call to you.’

Her voice was a melodic serpent, slithering into his ears, coiling around his brain. He was aware of it, of her talents, of her treachery. Yet even fools occasionally had good ideas, didn’t they? If he could find the tome, find it and show it to them, to her, she would know, she would know him. They would all know. They would see his power.

He closed his eyes, searched for the gull. He found it, circling somewhere out over the sea. Its eyes were down, its head was crackling as it spotted things bobbing in the water. It saw wood — wreckage, Dreadaeleon concluded, even if the gull couldn’t comprehend it. It saw no food, yet remained entranced, circling lower toward the sea.


He twitched; that shouldn’t be possible. Birds had no idea what a tome was. They could not recognise it.