"What?" Rachel asked. "What's the big secret?"

"Seerow gave the Yeerks advanced technology, didn't he?" Cassie asked.

I nodded. "Seerow thought the Yeerks should be able to travel to the stars, as we did. At first, it seemed like the right thing to do. But then ... a species called the Nahara. ... By the time we found out, it was too late. The entire species was enslaved by the Yeerks. Then came the Hork-Bajir. The Taxxons. And other planets . . . other races were falling to the Yeerk empire.

They spread like a disease! Millions . . . billions of free people have been enslaved or destroyed by the Yeerks. Because of Seerow. Because of us. Because of the Andalites." 82 For a while no one spoke. I knew what to expect. These humans had first seen Andalites as heroes. Then they had come to be suspicious. Now I had just confirmed their suspicions.

Now they would see that Andalites were not the great saviors of the galaxy.

"Elfangor broke the law of Seerow's Kindness, though, right?" Marco pointed out.

"Yes. But I will take the blame for him. Elfangor was a great hero. His name would be destroyed. I'm a nobody. I have taken the blame. If I help you, and you humans become a new race of conquerors, if you become the new Yeerks some day, my people will talk about Aximili's Kindness. And I'll be the one who goes down in history as the new example of a fool."

I saw Rachel make a small smile and shake her head. Marco rolled his eyes. He said, "Man, and I really was getting into disliking you, Ax."

I was confused. I expected them to be furious. Instead they were each smiling.

"Don't you understand? Your world is threatened by the Yeerks because of my people." Prince Jake nodded. "Yes, we understand, Ax. A long time ago someone tried to be nice and it was a disaster. This Seerow person tried to be a good guy. He hoped all the different people of the galaxy would get along. That we'd all go to the stars together."

"Yes, and the result was terrible."

"Ax, you don't stop hoping just because it doesn't always work out," Cassie said. "You get more careful. You get wiser, maybe. But you keep hoping."

"Look, Ax," Prince Jake said, "we don't want you to give us any Andalite technology. We don't want you to break your laws. We just want you to trust us. Tell us the truth. Be one of us."

"You aren't alone, Ax," Cassie said softly. "Maybe we aren't your people, but we are your friends."

"Your boy Seerow wasn't wrong," Marco said. "He just hooked up with the wrong species.

We aren't the Yeerks. We're Homo sapiens, Jack. Humans. Andalites want someone to cruise the stars with them? We're the ones. You bring the spaceships. We'll bring the Raisinets and cinnamon buns."

"You'll do more than that," I said. "You learn very quickly. Someday you may be greater than the Andalites."

"No," Prince Jake said. "Because whatever we learn, you'll learn. We'll do it together. Human and Andalite. Andalite and human."

"It isn't possible," I said. "We are two different species. From two different worlds, a billion Earth miles apart."

"Ax-man?" Tobias said. "Tell me: What does an Andalite want most? What is it you guys are fighting for ?"

83 "For freedom, of course," I said.

"And what do humans want most?" Tobias asked.

"Freedom," Prince Jake said.

"Freedom," Rachel said, nodding her head.

"Freedom," said Marco and Cassie together.

"Freedom," Tobias said. "Different bodies, different species, maybe. But who cares? We agree on what matters."

For a few minutes, I said nothing. I guess I felt a little overwhelmed. Then, I realized something that made me laugh. "See? It's happening already," I said.

"What?" Rachel asked.

"You humans are already teaching Andalites something new," I said. "You're right. We fight the same battle, for the same goal."

"The Andalites on your home world may not like that idea," Rachel said.

"No. They won't. They have their laws and customs. They think they know what's right. If I ever go home, I'll have a lot to explain."

"Maybe so," Tobias said. "But I know one Andalite who would have been proud of you."

"Are you with us?" Prince Jake asked.

"Yes, Prince Jake," I said.

"Don't call me 'Prince.'"

"Yes, Prince Jake," I said again.

"All right," Marco said, rubbing his hands together. "Now that's over with. And now that we are finally all leveling and telling the truth ... I think we have one very big question for Ax.

One huge question that will put our new friendship to the test. One gigantic question."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"How, how, HOW do you eat without a mouth?" Marco demanded.

I laughed. "We eat as we run. Our hooves crush the grass, and the nutrients are absorbed into our systems, We drink in the same way, by putting a hoof into water." 84 "Ahhh, so that's what the whole thing is with the morning ritual, when you stick a hoof in the water," Tobias said.

"Morning ritual? What morning ritual?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah, tell us," Cassie said.

"Okay," I agreed. "I will tell you everything. Everything I know." I looked directly at Tobias as I said that. I met his fierce, intense hawk's gaze. I wanted him to understand that I would answer his question as well. The question I knew must be burning inside him.

But the question never came. And I heard in my mind an echo of Tobias's words. "Different bodies, different species, maybe. But who cares? We agree on what matters." Neither I, nor my shormTobias, is capable of smiling. But just the same, there are times when we look at each other, and understand each other, and smile.

85 Epilogue

"You'll do it because if you don't, I'll find a way to tell Visser Three who set him up," I told Eslin, the Yeerk traitor.

I was in the observatory. We were alone, just the two of us. Eslin glared hatefully at me.

"Andalite scum. You couldn't even kill the Visser. What's the matter? Did he scare you too badly?"

"Just boot up the software," I said. "I have a transmission to make. This one time, Eslin, and I will be gone from your miserable life. Do it"

It took several minutes for the Z-space transmission to be established. And it took a few moments more before I was connected to the great Lirem again.

"I won't be able to call again, most likely," I said. "I have a message I need sent. To the wife of Alloran-Semitur-Corrass, from her husband."

It was kind of nice to see old Lirem's eyes go wide all of a sudden. See, he knew exactly who Alloran was. What he was.

"Her husband sends his love. He still hopes for the day when he will be freed."

"Is that all you have to say, aristh Aximili?"

"No ... I have this to say, too. You tried to save the Hork-Bajir, and still live by all our laws.

Still keeping all our secrets. But you failed."

"Do not say what you are about to say, Aximili," Lirem warned. "Do not disobey the laws of our people."

"I . . . Prince Lirem, these humans are my people now. And, sir, with all due respect to the law and to you, I won't let the humans be destroyed as the Hork-Bajir were destroyed. Not while I live."