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  • 144:5.4 Your presence encompasses us, and your glory is manifested

    144:5.5 Imperfectly through us as it is in perfection shown on high.

    144:5.6 Give us this day the vivifying forces of light,

    144:5.7 And let us not stray into the evil bypaths of our imagination,

    144:5.8 For yours is the glorious indwelling, the everlasting power,

    144:5.9 And to us, the eternal gift of the infinite love of your Son.

    144:5.10 Even so, and everlastingly true.


    144:5.11 Our creative Parent, who is in the centre of the universe,

    144:5.12 Bestow upon us your nature and give to us your character.

    144:5.13 Make us sons and daughters of yours by grace

    144:5.14 And glorify your name through our eternal achievement.

    144:5.15 Your adjusting and controlling spirit give to live and dwell within us

    144:5.16 That we may do your will on this sphere as angels do your bidding in light.

    144:5.17 Sustain us this day in our progress along the path of truth.

    144:5.18 Deliver us from inertia, evil, and all sinful transgression.

    144:5.19 Be patient with us as we show loving-kindness to our fellows.

    144:5.20 Shed abroad the spirit of your mercy in our creature hearts.

    144:5.21 Lead us by your own hand, step by step, through the uncertain maze of life,

    144:5.22 And when our end shall come, receive into your own bosom our faithful spirits.

    144:5.23 Even so, not our desires but your will be done.


    144:5.24 Our perfect and righteous heavenly Father,

    144:5.25 This day guide and direct our journey.

    144:5.26 Sanctify our steps and co-ordinate our thoughts.

    144:5.27 Ever lead us in the ways of eternal progress.

    144:5.28 Fill us with wisdom to the fullness of power

    144:5.29 And vitalize us with your infinite energy.

    144:5.30 Inspire us with the divine consciousness of

    144:5.31 The presence and guidance of the seraphic hosts.

    144:5.32 Guide us ever upward in the pathway of light;

    144:5.33 Justify us fully in the day of the great judgment.

    144:5.34 Make us like yourself in eternal glory

    144:5.35 And receive us into your endless service on high.


    144:5.36 Our Father who is in the mystery,

    144:5.37 Reveal to us your holy character.

    144:5.38 Give your children on earth this day

    144:5.39 To see the way, the light, and the truth.

    144:5.40 Show us the pathway of eternal progress

    144:5.41 And give us the will to walk therein.

    144:5.42 Establish within us your divine kingship

    144:5.43 And thereby bestow upon us the full mastery of self.

    144:5.44 Let us not stray into paths of darkness and death;

    144:5.45 Lead us everlastingly beside the waters of life.

    144:5.46 Hear these our prayers for your own sake;

    144:5.47 Be pleased to make us more and more like yourself.

    144:5.48 At the end, for the sake of the divine Son,

    144:5.49 Receive us into the eternal arms.

    144:5.50 Even so, not our will but yours be done.


    144:5.51 Glorious Father and Mother, in one parent combined,

    144:5.52 Loyal would we be to your divine nature.

    144:5.53 Your own self to live again in and through us

    144:5.54 By the gift and bestowal of your divine spirit,

    144:5.55 Thus reproducing you imperfectly in this sphere

    144:5.56 As you are perfectly and majestically shown on high.

    144:5.57 Give us day by day your sweet ministry of brotherhood

    144:5.58 And lead us moment by moment in the pathway of loving service.

    144:5.59 Be you ever and unfailingly patient with us

    144:5.60 Even as we show forth your patience to our children.

    144:5.61 Give us the divine wisdom that does all things well

    144:5.62 And the infinite love that is gracious to every creature.

    144:5.63 Bestow upon us your patience and loving-kindness

    144:5.64 That our charity may enfold the weak of the realm.

    144:5.65 And when our career is finished, make it an honour to your name,

    144:5.66 A pleasure to your good spirit, and a satisfaction to our soul helpers.

    144:5.67 Not as we wish, our loving Father, but as you desire the eternal good of your mortal children,

    144:5.68 Even so may it be.


    144:5.69 Our all-faithful Source and all-powerful Centre,

    144:5.70 Reverent and holy be the name of your all-gracious Son.

    144:5.71 Your bounties and your blessings have descended upon us,

    144:5.72 Thus empowering us to perform your will and execute your bidding.

    144:5.73 Give us moment by moment the sustenance of the tree of life;

    144:5.74 Refresh us day by day with the living waters of the river thereof.

    144:5.75 Step by step lead us out of darkness and into the divine light.

    144:5.76 Renew our minds by the transformations of the indwelling spirit,

    144:5.77 And when the mortal end shall finally come upon us,

    144:5.78 Receive us to yourself and send us forth in eternity.

    144:5.79 Crown us with celestial diadems of fruitful service,

    144:5.80 And we shall glorify the Father, the Son, and the Holy Influence.

    144:5.81 Even so, throughout a universe without end.


    144:5.82 Our Father who dwells in the secret places of the universe,

    144:5.83 Honoured be your name, reverenced your mercy, and respected your judgment.

    144:5.84 Let the sun of righteousness shine upon us at noontime,

    144:5.85 While we beseech you to guide our wayward steps in the twilight.

    144:5.86 Lead us by the hand in the ways of your own choosing

    144:5.87 And forsake us not when the path is hard and the hours are dark.

    144:5.88 Forget us not as we so often neglect and forget you.

    144:5.89 But be you merciful and love us as we desire to love you.

    144:5.90 Look down upon us in kindness and forgive us in mercy

    144:5.91 As we in justice forgive those who distress and injure us.

    144:5.92 May the love, devotion, and bestowal of the majestic Son

    144:5.93 Make available life everlasting with your endless mercy and love.

    144:5.94 May the God of universes bestow upon us the full measure of his spirit;

    144:5.95 Give us grace to yield to the leading of this spirit.

    144:5.96 By the loving ministry of devoted seraphic hosts

    144:5.97 May the Son guide and lead us to the end of the age.

    144:5.98 Make us ever and increasingly like yourself

    144:5.99 And at our end receive us into the eternal Paradise embrace.

    144:5.100 Even so, in the name of the bestowal Son

    144:5.101 And for the honour and glory of the Supreme Father.