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116:4.3 Early in the projection of the superuniverse scheme of creation, the Master Spirits joined with the ancestral Trinity in the cocreation of the 49 Reflective Spirits, and concomitantly the Supreme Being functioned creatively as the culminator of the conjoined acts of the Paradise Trinity and the creative children of Paradise Deity. Majeston appeared and ever since has focalized the cosmic presence of the Supreme Mind, while the Master Spirits continue as source-centres for the far-flung ministry of the cosmic mind.

116:4.4 But the Master Spirits continue in supervision of the Reflective Spirits. The Seventh Master Spirit is (in his overall supervision of Orvonton from the central universe) in personal contact with (and has overcontrol of) the seven Reflective Spirits located on Uversa. In his inter- and intrasuperuniverse controls and administrations he is in reflective contact with the Reflective Spirits of his own type located on each superuniverse capital.

116:4.5 These Master Spirits are not only the supporters and augmenters of the sovereignty of Supremacy, but they are in turn affected by the creative purposes of the Supreme. Ordinarily, the collective creations of the Master Spirits are of the quasi-material order (power directors, etc.), while their individual creations are of the spiritual order (supernaphim, etc.). But when the Master Spirits collectively produced the Seven Circuit Spirits in response to the will and purpose of the Supreme Being, it is to be noted that the offspring of this creative act are spiritual, not material or quasi-material.

116:4.6 ¶ And as it is with the Master Spirits of the superuniverses, so is it with the triune rulers of these supercreations — the Ancients of Days. These personifications of Trinity justice-judgment in time and space are the field fulcrums for the mobilizing almighty power of the Supreme, serving as the sevenfold focal points for the evolution of trinitarian sovereignty in the domains of time and space. From their vantage point midway between Paradise and the evolving worlds, these Trinity-origin sovereigns see both ways, know both ways, and co-ordinate both ways.

116:4.7 ¶ But the local universes are the real laboratories in which are worked out the mind experiments, galactic adventures, divinity unfoldings, and personality progressions which, when cosmically totalled, constitute the actual foundation upon which the Supreme is achieving deity evolution in and by experience.

116:4.8 In the local universes even the Creators evolve: The presence of the Conjoint Actor evolves from a living power focus to the status of the divine personality of a Universe Mother Spirit; the Creator Son evolves from the nature of existential Paradise divinity to the experiential nature of supreme sovereignty. The local universes are the starting points of true evolution, the spawning grounds of bona fide imperfect personalities endowed with the freewill choice of becoming cocreators of themselves as they are to be.

116:4.9 The Magisterial Sons in their bestowals upon the evolutionary worlds eventually acquire natures expressive of Paradise divinity in experiential unification with the highest spiritual values of material human nature. And through these and other bestowals the Michael Creators likewise acquire the natures and cosmic viewpoints of their actual local universe children. Such Master Creator Sons approximate the completion of subsupreme experience; and when their local universe sovereignty is enlarged to embrace the associated Creative Spirits, it may be said to approximate the limits of supremacy within the present potentials of the evolutionary grand universe.

116:4.10 When the bestowal Sons reveal new ways for man to find God, they are not creating these paths of divinity attainment; rather are they illuminating the everlasting highways of progression which lead through the presence of the Supreme to the person of the Paradise Father.

116:4.11 The local universe is the starting place for those personalities who are farthest from God, and who can therefore experience the greatest degree of spiritual ascent in the universe, can achieve the maximum of experiential participation in the cocreation of themselves. These same local universes likewise provide the greatest possible depth of experience for the descending personalities, who thereby achieve something which is to them just as meaningful as the Paradise ascent is to an evolving creature.

116:4.12 ¶ Mortal man appears to be necessary to the full function of God the Sevenfold as this divinity grouping culminates in the actualizing Supreme. There are many other orders of universe personalities who are equally necessary to the evolution of the almighty power of the Supreme, but this portrayal is presented for the edification of human beings, hence is largely limited to those factors operating in the evolution of God the Sevenfold which are related to mortal man.


116:5.1 You have been instructed in the relationship of God the Sevenfold to the Supreme Being, and you should now recognize that the Sevenfold encompasses the controllers as well as the creators of the grand universe. These sevenfold controllers of the grand universe embrace the following:

116:5.2 1. The Master Physical Controllers.

116:5.3 2. The Supreme Power Centres.

116:5.4 3. The Supreme Power Directors.

116:5.5 4. The Almighty Supreme.

116:5.6 5. The God of Action — the Infinite Spirit.

116:5.7 6. The Isle of Paradise.

116:5.8 7. The Source of Paradise — the Universal Father.

116:5.9 These seven groups are functionally inseparable from God the Sevenfold and constitute the physical-control level of this Deity association.

116:5.10 ¶ The bifurcation of energy and spirit (stemming from the conjoint presence of the Eternal Son and the Paradise Isle) was symbolized in the superuniverse sense when the Seven Master Spirits unitedly engaged in their first act of collective creation. This episode witnessed the appearance of the Seven Supreme Power Directors. Concomitant therewith the spiritual circuits of the Master Spirits contrastively differentiated from the physical activities of power director supervision, and immediately did the cosmic mind appear as a new factor co-ordinating matter and spirit.

116:5.11 The Almighty Supreme is evolving as the overcontroller of the physical power of the grand universe. In the present universe age this potential of physical power appears to be centred in the Seven Supreme Power Directors, who operate through the fixed locations of the power centres and through the mobile presences of the physical controllers.

116:5.12 ¶ The time universes are not perfect; that is their destiny. The struggle for perfection pertains not only to the intellectual and the spiritual levels but also to the physical level of energy and mass. The settlement of the seven superuniverses in light and life presupposes their attainment of physical stability. And it is conjectured that the final attainment of material equilibrium will signify the completed evolution of the physical control of the Almighty.

116:5.13 In the early days of universe building even the Paradise Creators are primarily concerned with material equilibrium. The pattern of a local universe takes shape not only as a result of the activities of the power centres but also because of the space presence of the Creative Spirit. And throughout these early epochs of local universe building the Creator Son exhibits a little-understood attribute of material control, and he does not leave his capital planet until the gross equilibrium of the local universe has been established.