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42:2.15 On Uversa we refer to the realm of universe power as GRAVITA.

42:2.16 5. Havona energy. In concept this narrative has been moving Paradiseward as transmuting space-force has been followed, level by level, to the working level of the energy-power of the universes of time and space. Continuing Paradiseward, there is next encountered a pre-existent phase of energy which is characteristic of the central universe. Here the evolutionary cycle seems to turn back upon itself; energy-power now seems to begin to swing back towards force, but force of a nature very unlike that of space potency and primordial force. Havona energy systems are not dual; they are triune. This is the existential energy domain of the Conjoint Actor, functioning in behalf of the Paradise Trinity.

42:2.17 On Uversa these energies of Havona are known as TRIATA.

42:2.18 6. Transcendental energy. This energy system operates on and from the upper level of Paradise and only in connection with the absonite peoples. On Uversa it is denominated TRANOSTA.

42:2.19 7. Monota. Energy is close of kin to divinity when it is Paradise energy. We incline to the belief that monota is the living, nonspirit energy of Paradise — an eternity counterpart of the living, spirit energy of the Original Son — hence the nonspiritual energy system of the Universal Father.

42:2.20 We cannot differentiate the nature of Paradise spirit and Paradise monota; they are apparently alike. They have different names, but you can hardly be told very much about a reality whose spiritual and whose nonspiritual manifestations are distinguishable only by name.

42:2.21 ¶ We know that finite creatures can attain the worship experience of the Universal Father through the ministry of God the Sevenfold and the Thought Adjusters, but we doubt that any subabsolute personality, even power directors, can comprehend the energy infinity of the First Great Source and Centre. One thing is certain: If the power directors are conversant with the technique of the metamorphosis of space-force, they do not reveal the secret to the rest of us. It is my opinion that they do not fully comprehend the function of the force organizers.

42:2.22 These power directors themselves are energy catalysers; that is, they cause energy to segment, organize, or assemble in unit formation by their presence. And all this implies that there must be something inherent in energy which causes it thus to function in the presence of these power entities. The Nebadon Melchizedeks long since denominated the phenomenon of the transmutation of cosmic force into universe power as one of the 7 “infinities of divinity.” And that is as far as you will advance on this point during your local universe ascension.

42:2.23 ¶ Notwithstanding our inability fully to comprehend the origin, nature, and transmutations of cosmic force, we are fully conversant with all phases of emergent-energy behaviour from the times of its direct and unmistakable response to the action of Paradise gravity — about the time of the beginning of the function of the superuniverse power directors.


42:3.1 Matter in all universes, excepting in the central universe, is identical. Matter in its physical properties depends on the revolutionary rates of its component members, the number and size of the revolving members, their distance from the nuclear body or the space content of matter, as well as on the presence of certain forces as yet undiscovered on Urantia.

42:3.2 In the varied suns, planets, and space bodies there are 10 grand divisions of matter:

42:3.3 1. Ultimatonic matter — the prime physical units of material existence, the energy particles which go to make up electrons.

42:3.4 2. Subelectronic matter — the explosive and repellent stage of the solar supergases.

42:3.5 3. Electronic matter — the electrical stage of material differentiation — electrons, protons, and various other units entering into the varied constitution of the electronic groups.

42:3.6 4. Subatomic matter — matter existing extensively in the interior of the hot suns.

42:3.7 5. Shattered atoms — found in the cooling suns and throughout space.

42:3.8 6. Ionized matter — individual atoms stripped of their outer (chemically active) electrons by electrical, thermal, or X-ray activities and by solvents.

42:3.9 7. Atomic matter — the chemical stage of elemental organization, the component units of molecular or visible matter.

42:3.10 8. The molecular stage of matter — matter as it exists on Urantia in a state of relatively stable materialization under ordinary conditions.

42:3.11 9. Radioactive matter — the disorganizing tendency and activity of the heavier elements under conditions of moderate heat and diminished gravity pressure.

42:3.12 10. Collapsed matter — the relatively stationary matter found in the interior of the cold or dead suns. This form of matter is not really stationary; there is still some ultimatonic even electronic activity, but these units are in very close proximity, and their rates of revolution are greatly diminished.

42:3.13 ¶ The foregoing classification of matter pertains to its organization rather than to the forms of its appearance to created beings. Neither does it take into account the pre-emergent stages of energy nor the eternal materializations on Paradise and in the central universe.


42:4.1 Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemism, energy, and matter are — in origin, nature, and destiny — one and the same thing, together with other material realities as yet undiscovered on Urantia.

42:4.2 We do not fully comprehend the almost endless changes to which physical energy may be subject. In one universe it appears as light, in another as light plus heat, in another as forms of energy unknown on Urantia; in untold millions of years it may reappear as some form of restless, surging electrical energy or magnetic power; and still later on it may again appear in a subsequent universe as some form of variable matter going through a series of metamorphoses, to be followed by its outward physical disappearance in some great cataclysm of the realms. And then, after countless ages and almost endless wandering through numberless universes, again may this same energy re-emerge and many times change its form and potential; and so do these transformations continue through successive ages and throughout countless realms. Thus matter sweeps on, undergoing the transmutations of time but swinging ever true to the circle of eternity; even if long prevented from returning to its source, it is ever responsive thereto, and it ever proceeds in the path ordained by the Infinite Personality who sent it forth.

42:4.3 The power centres and their associates are much concerned in the work of transmuting the ultimaton into the circuits and revolutions of the electron. These unique beings control and compound power by their skillful manipulation of the basic units of materialized energy, the ultimatons. They are masters of energy as it circulates in this primitive state. In liaison with the physical controllers they are able to effectively control and direct energy even after it has transmuted to the electrical level, the so-called electronic stage. But their range of action is enormously curtailed when electronically organized energy swings into the whirls of the atomic systems. Upon such materialization, these energies fall under the complete grasp of the drawing power of linear gravity.