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Tom was not listening — an earlier clause of the document was puzzling him. At this point he turned and whispered to Lord Hertford:

'What day did he say the burial hath been appointed for?'

'The 16th of the coming month, my liege.'

''Tis a strange folly. Will he keep?'

Poor chap, he was still new to the customs of royalty; he was used to seeing the forlorn dead of Offal Court hustled out of the way with a very different sort of expedition. However, the Lord Hertford set his mind at rest with a word or two.

A secretary of state presented an order of the council appointing the morrow at eleven for the reception of the foreign ambassadors, and desired the king's assent.

Tom turned an inquiring look toward Hertford, who whispered:

'Your majesty will signify consent. They come to testify their royal masters' sense of the heavy calamity which hath visited your grace and the realm of England.'

Tom did as he was bidden. Another secretary began to read a preamble concerning the expenses of the late king's household, which had amounted to 28000 pounds during the preceding six months — a sum so vast that it made Tom Canty gasp; he gasped again when the fact appeared that 20000 of this money were still owing and unpaid; and once more when it appeared that the king's coffers were about empty, and his twelve hundred servants much embarrassed for lack of the wages due them. Tom spoke out, with lively apprehension.

'We be going to the dogs, 'tis plain. 'Tis meet and necessary that we take a smaller house and set the servants at large, sith they be of no value but to make delay, and trouble one with offices that harass the spirit and shame the soul, they misbecoming any but a doll, that hath nor brains nor hands to help itself withal. I remember me of a small house that standeth over against the fish-market, by Billingsgate —'

A sharp pressure upon Tom's arm (резкое нажатие на руку Тома) stopped his foolish tongue (остановило его глупый язык) and sent a blush to his face (и послало краску в его лицо); but no countenance there betrayed any sign (но ни одно лицо там не подало ни одного знака) that this strange speech had been remarked or given concern (что эта странная речь была замечена или вызвала беспокойство).

A secretary made report (секретарь сделал доклад) that forasmuch as the late king (что ввиду того, что почивший король) had provided in his will (заявил в своем завещании) for conferring the ducal degree upon the Earl of Hertford (о жаловании герцогского титула графу Хартфорду) and raising his brother, Sir Thomas Seymour (и о поднятии = переводе его брата, сэра Томаса Сеймура), to the peerage (в сословие пэров), and likewise Hertford's son to an earldom (а равно и сына Хартфорда — в графское звание), together similar aggrandizements to other great servants of the crown (вместе с подобными возвышениями другим великим слугам короны), the council had resolved to hold a sitting (совет решил провести заседание) on the 16th February (16 февраля) for the delivering and confirming of these honors (для отдания и подтверждения этих почестей); and that meantime the late king (и что в то же время почивший король) not having granted (не пожаловав), in writing (в письменной форме), estates suitable to the support of these dignities (поместий, пригодных для поддержания этих титулов), the council (совет), knowing his private wishes in that regard (зная его личные желания в этом отношении), had thought proper (счел подобающим) to grant to Seymour '500 pound lands' (пожаловать Сеймуру земли на 500 фунтов) and to Hertford's son '800 pound lands (а сыну Хартфорда — земли на 800 фунтов), and 300 pound of the next bishop's lands (и на 300 фунтов от соседних земель епископа) which should fall vacant (которые могут освободиться),' — his present majesty being willing (при согласии его настоящего величества).

Tom was about to blurt out something (был готов выпалить что-нибудь) about the propriety of paying (о уместности (того, чтобы) выплатить) the late king's debts (долги покойного короля) first (сперва) before squandering all his money (прежде чем расточать все его деньги); but a timely touch upon his arm (но своевременное прикосновение к его руке), from the thoughtful Hertford (от чуткого Хартфорда = сделанное им), saved him this indiscretion (сохранило его от этой неосмотрительности); wherefore he gave the royal assent (по каковой причине он дал свое королевское согласие), without spoken comment (без произнесенного комментария), but with much inward discomfort (но с сильным внутренним дискомфортом). While he sat (пока он сидел) reflecting a moment over the ease (размышляя минуту над легкостью) with which he was doing strange and glittering miracles (с которой он делал странные и блистательные чудеса), a happy thought shot into his mind (счастливая мысль пришла ему на ум; to shoot — стрелять; mind — сознание, мысли): why not make his mother Duchess of Offal Court (почему бы не сделать свою мать герцогиней Тупика отбросов) and give her an estate (и не дать ей поместье)? But a sorrowful thought (но печальная мысль) swept it instantly away (смела это немедленно прочь; to sweep — мести); he was only a king in name (он был королем только по имени; only — только), these grave veterans and great nobles were his masters (эти важные ветераны и великие дворяне были его хозяевами); to them his mother was only the creature of a diseased mind (для них его мать была всего лишь созданием больного ума); they would simply listen to his project with unbelieving ears (они просто выслушали бы его проект неверящими ушами), then send for the doctor (затем послали бы за доктором).

The dull work went tediously on (скучная работа нудно продолжилась). Petitions were read (петиции зачитывались), and proclamations (и прокламации), patents (грамоты), and all manner of wordy, repetitious and wearisome papers (и всякие виды многословных, повторяющихся и утомительных бумаг) relating to the public business (относящихся к государственным делам); and at last Tom sighed pathetically (и наконец Том вздохнул жалобно) and murmured to himself (и пробормотал себе), 'In what have I offended (в чем согрешил я), that the good God should take me away from the fields and the free air and the sunshine (чтобы милостивый Бог забрал меня с полей и вольного воздуха и солнечного света), to shut me up here and make me a king and afflict me so (чтобы запереть меня здесь и сделать меня королем и причинять мне боль так; to shut up — закрыть, заколотить, заткнуться; to afflict — беспокоить; страдать; задевать, огорчать; причинять боль)?' Then his poor muddled head nodded awhile (затем его бедная одурманенная голова кивала какое-то время), and presently dropped to his shoulder (и вскоре упала ему на плечо); and the business of the empire came to a standstill (и дела империи зашли в тупик) for want of that august factor (из-за отсутствия августейшего фактора), the ratifying power (ратифицирующей силы). Silence ensued around the slumbering child (тишина воцарилась вокруг дремлющего ребенка), and the sages of the realm ceased from their deliberations (и мудрецы королевства прекратили свои обсуждения).

pressure [`preSə], assent [ə`sent], pathetically [pə`θetıklı]

A sharp pressure upon Tom's arm stopped his foolish tongue and sent a blush to his face; but no countenance there betrayed any sign that this strange speech had been remarked or given concern.

A secretary made report that forasmuch as the late king had provided in his will for conferring the ducal degree upon the Earl of Hertford and raising his brother, Sir Thomas Seymour, to the peerage, and likewise Hertford's son to an earldom, together similar aggrandizements to other great servants of the crown, the council had resolved to hold a sitting on the 16th February for the delivering and confirming of these honors; and that meantime the late king not having granted, in writing, estates suitable to the support of these dignities, the council, knowing his private wishes in that regard, had thought proper to grant to Seymour '500 pound lands' and to Hertford's son '800 pound lands, and 300 pound of the next bishop's lands which should fall vacant,' — his present majesty being willing.