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'My poor service went not beyond the limit of a subject's simple duty, and therefore hath no merit; but since your majesty is pleased to hold it worthy some reward, I take heart of grace to make petition to this effect. Near four hundred years ago, as your grace knoweth, there being ill blood betwixt John, king of England, and the king of France, it was decreed that two champions should fight together in the lists, and so settle the dispute by what is called the arbitrament of God. These two kings, and the Spanish king, being assembled to witness and judge the conflict, the French champion appeared; but so redoubtable was he that our English knights refused to measure weapons with him. So the matter, which was a weighty one, was like to go against the English monarch by default. Now in the Tower lay the Lord de Courcy, the mightiest arm in England, stripped of his honors and possessions, and wasting with long captivity. Appeal was made to him; he gave assent, and came forth arrayed for battle; but no sooner did the Frenchman glimpse his huge frame and hear his famous name but he fled away, and the French king's cause was lost. King John restored De Courcy's titles and possessions, and said, "Name thy wish and thou shalt have it, though it cost me half my kingdom"; whereat De Courcy, kneeling, as I do now, made answerer, "This, then, I ask, my liege; that I and my successors may have and hold the privilege of remaining covered in the presence of the kings of England, henceforth while the throne shall last." The boon was granted, as your majesty knoweth; and there hath been no time, these four hundred years, that that line has failed of an heir; and so, even unto this day, the head of that ancient house still weareth his hat or helm before the king's majesty, without let or hindrance, and this none other may do. Invoking this precedent in aid of my prayer, I beseech the king to grant to me but this one grace and privilege — to my more than sufficient reward — and none other, to wit: that I and my heirs, forever, may sit in the presence of the majesty of England!'

'Rise, Sir Miles Hendon, knight,' said the king, gravely — giving the accolade with Hendon's sword — 'rise, and seat thyself. Thy petition is granted. While England remains, and the crown continues, the privilege shall not lapse.'

His majesty walked apart, musing, and Hendon dropped into a chair at table, observing to himself, ''Twas a brave thought, and hath wrought me a mighty deliverance; my legs are grievously wearied. An I had not thought of that, I must have had to stand for weeks, till my poor lad's wits are cured.' After a little he went on, 'And so I am become a knight of the Kingdom of Dreams and Shadows! A most odd and strange position, truly, for one so matter-of-fact as I. I will not laugh — no, God forbid, for this thing which is so substanceless to me is real to him. And to me, also, in one way, it is not a falsity, for it reflects with truth the sweet and generous spirit that is in him.' After a pause: 'Ah, what if he should call me by my fine title before folk! — there'd be a merry contrast betwixt my glory and my raiment! But no matter; let him call me what he will, so it please him; I shall be content.'

CHAPTER XIII (Глава тринадцатая)

The Dissappearance of the Prince (Исчезновение принца)

A HEAVY drowsiness presently fell upon the two comrades (тяжелая дремота вскоре упала на двух товарищей). The king said (король сказал):

'Remove these rags (сними эти лохмотья; to remove — удалять)' — meaning his clothing (имея в виду свою одежду).

Hendon disappareled the boy without dissent or remark (Хендон раздел мальчика без несогласия или замечания), tucked him up in bed (укутал его в кровати; to tuck up — заботливо укрыть, подоткнуть одеяло), then glanced about the room (затем оглядел комнату), saying to himself, ruefully (говоря себе уныло), 'He hath taken my bed again, as before (он занял мою кровать снова, как раньше; to take — брать) — marry (черт побери), what shall I do (что я буду делать)?' The little king observed his perplexity (маленький король заметил его замешательство), and dissipated it with a word (и рассеял его одним словом). He said, sleepily (он сказал сонно):

'Thou wilt sleep athwart the door, and guard it (ты будешь спать поперек двери и охранять ее; wilt — устар. вместо will).' In a moment more he was out of his troubles (через еще одну секунду он был вне своих тревог), in a deep slumber (в глубоком сне).

'Dear heart (Боже мой: «дорогое сердце»), he should have been born a king (он должен был быть рожден королем; to be born — родиться)!' muttered Hendon, admiringly (пробормотал Хендон восхищенно), 'he playeth the part to a marvel (он играет свою роль идеально : «к чуду»).'

Then he stretched himself across the door (затем он вытянулся поперек двери), on the floor (на полу), saying contentedly (говоря удовлетворенно):

'I have lodged worse for seven years (я живал хуже в течение семи лет); 'twould be but ill gratitude to Him above to find fault with this (было бы плохой благодарностью Ему наверху = Богу, находить что-то неправильное в этом).'

He dropped asleep (заснул: «упал спящий») as the dawn appeared (когда рассвет появился). Toward noon he rose (ближе к полудню он поднялся; to rise — вставать), uncovered his unconscious ward (раскрыл = снял одеяло со своего бессознательного = спящего подопечного) — a section at a time (одна часть за один раз = приподнимая одеяло по частям) — and took his measure with a string (и снял с него мерку бечевкой; measure — мера). The king awoke (король проснулся; to awake — просыпаться), just as he had completed his work (как только он закончил свою работу), complained of the cold (пожаловался на холод), and asked what he was doing (и спросил, что он делал).

''Tis done now, my liege (это сделано теперь, мой повелитель),' said Hendon (сказал Хендон); 'I have a bit of business outside (у меня есть небольшое дело снаружи = в городе), but will presently return (но скоро вернусь); sleep thou again (спи ты снова) — thou needest it (ты нуждаешься в этом). There (вот) — let me cover thy head also (позволь мне покрыть твою голову также) — thou'lt be warm the sooner (ты будешь теплым = согреешься тем скорее).'

The king was back in dreamland (король был назад = вернулся в страну снов) before this speech was ended (прежде чем эта речь была закончена). Miles slipped softly out (Майлс выскользнул тихонько наружу), and slipped as softly in again (и так же тихонько скользнул внутрь снова = вернулся), in the course of thirty or forty minutes (в течение 30 или 40 минут), with a complete second-hand suit of boy's clothing (с полным поношенным комплектом одежды для мальчика; second — второй; hand — рука), of cheap material (из дешевого материала), and showing signs of wear (и показывающим признаки поношенности); but tidy (но опрятным), and suited to the season of the year (и подходящим ко времени года). He seated himself and began to overhaul his purchase (он уселся и начал тщательно осматривать свою покупку), mumbling to himself (бормоча себе /под нос/):

'A longer purse would have got a better sort (более долгий кошелек добыл бы лучшую разновидность = получше), but when one has not the long purse one must be content with what a short one may do (но когда человек не имеет длинного кошелька, он должен быть доволен тем, что короткий (кошелек) может сделать). —

drowsiness [`drauzınəs], measure [`meZə], suit [sju:t]

A HEAVY drowsiness presently fell upon the two comrades. The king said:

'Remove these rags' — meaning his clothing.

Hendon disappareled the boy without dissent or remark, tucked him up in bed, then glanced about the room, saying to himself, ruefully, 'He hath taken my bed again, as before — marry, what shall I do?' The little king observed his perplexity, and dissipated it with a word. He said, sleepily: