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In the center of the court stood two women (в центре двора стояли две женщины; to stand — стоять), chained to posts (прикованные к столбам). A glance showed the king (один взгляд показал королю) that these were his good friends (что эти = это были его добрые подруги). He shuddered (он вздрогнул), and said to himself (и сказал себе), 'Alack (увы), they are not gone free (они не ушли свободными; to go — идти, уйти), as I had thought (как я полагал; to think — думать). To think that such as these (подумать, что такие, как они) should know the lash (должны познать порку; lash — бич; the lash — порка)! — in England (в Англии)! Ay, there's the shame of it (да, вот позор этого) — not in Heathenesse (не в языческом мире; устар. вместо совр. heathendom — язычество; heathen — языческий), but Christian England (но в христианской Англии)! They will be scourged (они будут избиты плетьми); and I, whom they have comforted (а я, кого они утешали) and kindly entreated (и ласково увещевали), must look on (должен смотреть дальше) and see the great wrong done (и видеть великую несправедливость сделанной; to do — делать); it is strange, so strange (это странно, так странно)! that I, the very source of power (что я, самый источник власти) in this broad realm (в этом обширном королевстве), am helpless to protect them (беспомощен = не могу защитить их). But let these miscreants (но пусть эти подлецы) look well to themselves (позаботятся о себе; to look to — заботиться: «смотреть к»), for there is a day coming (ибо тот день приходит) when I will require of them (когда я потребую от них) a heavy reckoning for this work (тяжелой расплаты за это дело). For every blow (за каждый удар) they strike now (который они нанесут сейчас; to strike — бить) they shall feel a hundred then (они испытают сотню тогда).'

A great gate swung open (большие ворота отворились; to swing open — распахнуться: «качаться открытыми») and a crowd of citizens (и толпа горожан) poured in (хлынула внутрь; to pour — лить). They flocked around the two women (они столпились вокруг этих двух женщин), and hid them from the king's view (и скрыли их от глаз: «из вида» короля; to hide — прятать). A clergyman entered (священник вошел) and passed through the crowd (и прошел сквозь толпу), and he also was hidden (и он также был скрыт; to hide — прятать). The king now heard talking (король теперь услышал разговор; to hear — слышать), back and forth (взад-вперед), as if questions were being asked and answered (как если бы вопросы были задаваемы и отвечаемы), but he could not make out (но он не мог разобрать; to make out — понять: «сделать наружу») what was said (что было сказано). Next there was a deal of bustle and preparation (затем было много суеты и приготовлений; deal — некоторое количество), and much passing and repassing (и много прохождения и обратного хождения = туда-сюда) of officials (чиновников) through that part of the crowd (через ту часть толпы) that stood (которая стояла; to stand — стоять) on the further side (спереди: «на передней стороне») of the women (от женщин); and while this proceeded (и пока это происходило) a deep hush (глубокое молчание) gradually fell upon the people (постепенно упало на = охватило людей; to fall — падать).

subordinate [sə`bO:dənət], thither [`ðıðə], heathen [`hi:ðən]

Each of them had left a shred of ribbon pinned to his clothing, in token of remembrance. He said he would keep these things always; and that soon he would seek out these dear good friends of his and take them under his protection.

Just then the jailer came in with some subordinates and commanded that the prisoners be conducted to the jail-yard. The king was overjoyed — it would be a blessed thing to see the blue sky and breathe the fresh air once more. He fretted and chafed at the slowness of the officers, but his turn came at last and he was released from his staple and ordered to follow the other prisoners, with Hendon.

The court, or quadrangle, was stone-paved, and open to the sky. The prisoners entered it through a massive archway of masonry, and were placed in file, standing, with their backs against the wall. A rope was stretched in front of them, and they were also guarded by their officers. It was a chill and lowering morning, and a light snow which had fallen during the night whitened the great empty space and added to the general dismalness of its aspect. Now and then a wintry wind shivered through the place and sent the snow eddying hither and thither.

In the center of the court stood two women, chained to posts. A glance showed the king that these were his good friends. He shuddered, and said to himself, 'Alack, they are not gone free, as I had thought. To think that such as these should know the lash! — in England! Ay, there's the shame of it — not in Heathenesse, but Christian England! They will be scourged; and I, whom they have comforted and kindly entreated, must look on and see the great wrong done; it is strange, so strange! that I, the very source of power in this broad realm, am helpless to protect them. But let these miscreants look well to themselves, for there is a day coming when I will require of them a heavy reckoning for this work. For every blow they strike now they shall feel a hundred then.'

A great gate swung open and a crowd of citizens poured in. They flocked around the two women, and hid them from the king's view. A clergyman entered and passed through the crowd, and he also was hidden. The king now heard talking, back and forth, as if questions were being asked and answered, but he could not make out what was said. Next there was a deal of bustle and preparation, and much passing and repassing of officials through that part of the crowd that stood on the further side of the women; and while this proceeded a deep hush gradually fell upon the people.

Now, by command (теперь, по команде), the masses parted and fell aside (толпы разошлись и распались по сторонам; to part — делиться; to fall — падать), and the king saw a spectacle (и король увидел зрелище; to see — видеть) that froze the marrow in his bones (которое заморозило костный мозг в его костях; to freeze — заморозить). Fagots had been piled (вязанки хвороста были сложены) about the two women (вокруг двух женщин), and a kneeling man (и стоящий на коленях человек) was lighting them (поджигал их)!

The women bowed their heads (женщины склонили свои головы), and covered their faces with their hands (и закрыли лица руками); the yellow flames (желтые языки пламени) began to climb upward (начали подниматься кверху; to begin — начинать) among the snapping and crackling fagots (среди потрескивающего и щелкающего хвороста), and wreaths of blue smoke (а кольца голубого дыма) to stream away (струиться прочь) on the wind (по ветру); the clergyman lifted his hands (священник поднял руки) and began a prayer (и начал молитву; to begin — начинать) — just then (прямо тогда) two young girls (две маленькие девочки) came flying (вбежали: «пришли бегом»; to fly — летать) through the great gate (сквозь огромные ворота), uttering piercing screams (издавая пронзительные крики), and threw themselves (и бросились; to throw — бросать) upon the women at the stake (к женщинам у столба). Instantly they were torn away by the officers (немедленно они были оторваны офицерами = их оттащили; to tear — рвать; away — прочь), and one of them was kept in a tight grip (и одна из них была удержана в мертвой хватке; to keep — держать, хранить), but the other broke loose (но другая вырвалась; to break loose — вырваться; to break — рвать, ломать; loose — свободный, не связанный), saying she would die (говоря, что она хочет умереть) with her mother (со своей матерью); and before she could be stopped (и прежде чем она могла быть остановлена) she had flung her arms (она обвила руками; to fling — кидать) about her mother's neck again (вокруг шеи ее матери снова). She was torn away once more (ее оттащили снова; to tear away — отрывать), and with her gown on fire (и с ее платьем горящим: «на огне»).