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419. Grof S. LSD Psychotherapy. Alameda: Нunter House, 1980. 352 p.

420. Grof S., Grof C. Beyond Death: Gates of Consciousness. London: Thames amp; Hudson, 1980. 96 p.

421. Guenter H.V. Tibetan Buddism in Western Perspective. Emeryville: Dharma Publishing, 1977. 261 p.

422. Harman W., Rheingold H. Higher Creativity: Liberating the Unconscious for Breakthrough Insights. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, 1984. 239 p.

423. Hart T., Nelson P. L., Puhakka K. (Editors) Transpersonal Knowing: Exploring the Horizon of Consciousness. N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2000. 352 p.

424. Hunt H.T. A Cognitive Psychology of Mystical amp; Altered State Experience // Perceptual amp; Motor Skills, Monograph Supplement 1 – V 58, 1984. P. 467-513.

425. Hunt H.T. Lives in Spirit. NY.: State University of New York Press, 2003. 357 p.

426. Ken Wilber In Dialouge /ed. By D.Rothberg and S. Kelly. Wheaton: Quest books, 1998. 413 p.

427. Laughlin Ch.D., McManus J., G.D’Aquili E. Brain, Symbol amp; Experience. Boston: Shambhala, 1990. 403 p.

428. Lawlis F.G. Transpersonal Medicine. Boston: Shambhala, 1996. 245 p.

429. Lukoff D., Lu F., Turner R. Toward a more culturally sensitive DSM-IV: Psychoreligious and psychospiritual problems // Journal of Neuroses amp; Mental Diseases. 1980.

430. Maikov V. Psychotherapeutic Time Machine // The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies. Vol. 18. 1999. № 1. P. 29-39.

431. Maslow A. Theory Z // Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 2, 1970. P. 31-47.

432. McCormick E. (editor). Transpersonal Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice. CA: Sage Publications, 2003. 240 p.

433. Mindell A. Quantum Mind: The Edge between Physics and Psychology. Portland: Lao Tse Press, 2000. 629 p.

434. Mishlove J. The Roots of Consciousness. Tulsa: Council Oak Books, 1993. 416 p.

435. Mumford L. The transformations of man. N.Y.: Harper amp; Row, 1956. 242 p.

436. Murphy M. The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Future Evolution of Human Nature. Los Angeles: J.P.Tarcher Perigee, 1992. 786 p.

437. Murphy M., Donovan S. The physical and psychological effect of meditation. San Rafael: Esalen Institute, 1988. 221 p.

438. Murphy M., Leonard G. The life we are given. Los Angeles: J.P.Tarcher Perigee, 1995. 223 p. Nicholson S. (ed.) Shamanism: An Expanded View of Reality. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993. 296 p.

439. Pearce J.Ch. The Biology of Trancendence. Rochester: Park Street Press, 2002. 279 p.

440. Psychotherapy For Freedom. The Daseinsanalytic Way in Psychology and Psychoanalysis // The Humanistic Psychologist. Vol. 1. 1988. № 1.

441. Rank O. The Trauma of Birth. N.Y.: Harcourt Brace, 1929. 224 p.

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444. Review of Existential Psychology amp; Psychiatry / ed. Hoeller K., Vol. XVIII, # 1, 2, 3. 1982-83. 262 p.

445. Ring K. Heading toward Omega. New York: Morrow, 1984. 347 p.

446. Roth G. Maps to Ecstasy. Ca.: Nataraj Publishing, 1989. 212 p.

447. Rothberg D. Philosophical foundations of transpersonal psychology: An introduction to some basic issues // Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 18, 1986. P. 1-34.

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449. Russel P. The Awakening Earth. London: Arc Paperbacks, 1984. 228 p.

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451. Schwartz T. What really matters: Searching for wisdom in America. 1995.

452. Shapiro D., Walsh R. (eds.). Meditation: Classic and contemporary perspectives. New York: Aldine, 1984. 722 p.

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454. Singer J. Boundaries of the soul. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1972. 469 p.

455. Soidla T. R. Dreams and Reflections Under a Hill: Fragments of a Triviographic Description of the Umbra Vale by a XXth-century ex-soviet trans-rational traveler // International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 20, 2001. P. 5-18.

456. Soidla T. R. Morphic Resonance, Molecular Structure amp; Man: Some metaphysics // International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 12 (2), 51-55. Folia Baeriana, 1993. 269-274 p.

457. Soidla T. R., Shapiro S. I. (eds.). Everything is according to the Way: Voices of Russian Transpersonalism. Brisbane: Bolda-Lok Publishing, 1997. 155 p.

458. Soidla T. R., Shapiro S. I., Gross P. L. Introduction: V.V. Nalimov: Scientist, Teacher, Friend, Mentor, Prisoner, Rope-Dancer, Master of Meaning, Mystical Anarchist, High Priest, Apostle of Spontaneity, Transpersonalist // Voices of Russian Transpersonalism, Vol. 4, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 16 (Supplement), 1-4, 1997.

459. Sutich A. J. Transpersonal therapy // Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 5, 1, 1973. P. 1-6.

460. Targ R., Katra J. Miracles of Mind. Novato: New World Library, 1998. 325 p.

461. Tarnas R. The passion of the Western mind. N.Y.: Harmony Books, 1991. 543 p.

462. Tart Ch. (ed.). Transpersonal Psychologies. San Francisko: Harper San Francisco 1992. 486 p.

463. Tart Ch. Mind Science: Meditation Training for Practical People. Novato: Wisdom Editions, 2001. 236 p.

464. Tart Ch. States of Consciousness. N.Y.: Dutton, 1975. 312 p.

465. Taylor K. The Breathwork Experience. Santa Cruz: Hanford Mead Publishers, 1994. 172 p.

466. Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology / Ed. Scotton B. amp; others. N.Y.: Basic books, 1996. 443 p.

467. Valle R. S. (ed.). Phenomenological Inquiry in Psychology: Existential and Transpersonal Dimensions. N.Y.: Plenum Pub., 1997. 464 p.

468. Vaughan F. Shadows of the Sacred. Wheaton: Quest books, 1995. 312 p.

469. Vaughan F. The Invard Arc: Healing and Wholeness in Psychotherapy and Spirituality. Boston amp; London: New Science Library / Shambhala, 1986. 238 p.

470. Walsh R., Shapiro D. Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives. N.Y.: Aldine, 1984. 722 p.

471. Washburn M. The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal Theory of Human Development. N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1995. 272 p.

472. Weil A. Natural Mind. Boston N.Y.: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1982. 240 p.

473. Welwood J. Toward a Psychology of Awakening. Boston amp; London: Shambala, 2000. 330 p.

474. White J. (ed.). The Highest state of consciousness. N.Y.: Anchor, 1972.

475. Wilber K. A Brief History of Everything. Boston: Shambhala, 1996. 412 p.

476. Wilber K. A Sociable God. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1982. 496 p.

477. Wilber K. A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality, 2000

478. Wilber K. Eye to Eye. N.Y.: Doubleday – Anchor, 1983. 336 p.

479. Wilber K. Sex, Ecology, Spirituality. Boston amp; London: Shambhala, 1995. 831 p.

480. Wilber K. The Marriage of Sense and Soul: Integrating Science and Religion. Boston: Shambhala, 1998. 224 p.

481. Wilber K. The Spectrum of Consciousness. Wheaton: Quest, 1977. 362 p.

482. Wilber K. Up From Eden. A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution. Boston: Shambhala, 1986. 372 p.

483. Wilber K., Dick A., Bruce E. (eds.). Spiritual Choices. N.Y.: Paragon House Publishers, 1987. 374 p.

484. Wilber K., Engler J., Brown D. Transformations of Consciousness. Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development. Boston: Shambhala, 1986. 356 p.

485. Wilber K., Wilber T.K. Grace and Grit. Boston: Shambhala, 1991. 350 p.

Vladimir Kozlov Vladimir Maykov

Transpersonal Psyсhology: