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“It’s not the trucks,” he said, interrupting his wife.

Nothing would be gained by losing her temper-but Josie did it anyway. “So what the hell is it?”

“Don’t get snippy with me, young woman. I… I happen to be friends with the owners of this house-your employers, I must remind you-and I’m sure they would be interested in knowing what is going on in their home.”

Shit! They knew about the murder! “Going on?” Josie repeated, stalling for time. How much did they know?

Howard frowned and spoke one word. “Inappropriate.”

That was one way of looking at it. “I guess,” Josie said weakly.

His wife was less succinct. “I thought maybe we could force ourselves to accept the dirt, the noise, all the commotion from the television people and the press and all, but when I saw what was going on… Well, I don’t think you should expect people to put up with that type of thing. Almost in our own backyard.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t see what I can do about it.”

“You don’t see… She says she doesn’t see, Howard!”

“I hear her, Cheryl. I hear her.”

“The world is going to hell in a handbasket. That’s what my father always said and he was right,” Cheryl continued to rant.

That was one of the frequently used parental phrases when Josie was growing up also. But this wasn’t the time to reminisce, she realized. Josie started again. “I am very sorry, but what’s happened has happened. I really don’t know what I can do other than find out whose fault-”

She was caught off guard by Howard’s change of topic. “What is the name of the contracting company remodeling that house?”

On the other hand, at least she knew the answer to this question. “Island Contracting. There’s a sign in the front yard.” She pointed over her shoulder.

“And who is the owner of Island Contracting?”

“I am.”

“And ask her how that happened, Howard. I heard that a man left her the company. And why would he do that if they hadn’t been having an improper relationship? Ask her about that, Howard.”

“Don’t change the subject, Cheryl. We’re talking about how she runs her company, not how she came to run her company!”

Josie had to think that one through. “Noel and I were just friends. He didn’t leave me Island Contracting because we were lovers, he left it to me because he thought I would run it the way he wanted it run.”

“That’s not what we hear, missy.”

“Cheryl-” her husband started, but she wasn’t going to be interrupted.

“We hear that you and this Noel person were more than friends. A lot more. So much more that you had a son by him!”

Josie was stunned. She had no idea what to say. “I…”

“Acting as though you inherited the company because you were the best person for the job! How stupid do you think we are? What do you know about being a carpenter?”


“I am an excellent carpenter. And you have no right to talk about things you know nothing about. Everyone on the island, everyone who knew Noel… or knows me… everyone would tell you that what you’re saying is completely untrue. Completely!”

“And beside the point entirely,” Howard roared. “Miss Pigeon, what are you going to do about that slut you have hired?”

“That slut?” Josie was stunned. “What slut?”

“She hired more than one slut, Howard! You heard her admit it! Who knows what those women are doing when we’re not watching!”

Josie realized what was going on-or at least enough to ask the correct question. “What did you see?”

“We saw one of your carpenters with one of those television people!” Cheryl crossed her arms and stepped back as though she was a lawyer who had just finished an elaborate closing argument.


“The young one,” Cheryl said. “In fact, you could say the young ones. That girl on your crew and that boy who came along with Courtney Castle.”

“Annette and Chad?” Annette and Chad were the problem? Josie was so relieved, she felt faint. These horrible people didn’t know about the murder! They were talking about Annette and Chad! “What about them bothers you?” she asked quietly.

“Well, that slut and that-”

“Annette is not a slut.” Josie spoke firmly, and it seemed to have an impression on Howard.

“That may be. But we’re not concerned with her morality here. What she does on her own time is, naturally, her own business. But you should be concerned about what she does while you are paying her, don’t you think?”

“Well, I…”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t want to be paying people to have sex.”

“I’m not doing that!” Josie protested.

“Howard, you are, as always, missing the point completely!” Cheryl inhaled and aggressively stuck out her rather large breasts encased in shimmering turquoise polyester. “The point is not what they were doing! The point is where they were doing it!”

“Well, I don’t know!” Her husband seemed to be alarmed by her statement. “They-”

“They were doing it practically on our property! That is the point!”

Howard quickly added his agreement. “My wife is right. That’s the point! She-”

“Annette.” Josie supplied the name.

“Okay, Annette, if you insist. Annette was supposed to be working, doing what you pay her to do, and she was over on our property necking with that young man!”

“That’s all? They were necking and you’re upset about that?”

“You are missing the point, young lady! They weren’t working-”

“Perhaps Annette was on a break,” Josie suggested. “She is allowed two fifteen-minute breaks a day as well as half an hour for lunch. What she does during that time is her own business-although, of course, she is not supposed to be trespassing on your property.”

“Exactly! That is exactly the point we’ve been trying to make!” For the first time this morning Josie saw a faint smile on the other woman’s face.

“I always warn everyone who works for me not to trespass,” Josie lied. She hadn’t, in fact, thought it was necessary. The women who worked for her were well trained and intelligent. They knew they shouldn’t be wandering around on property that belonged to others. “I’d be happy to remind Annette of that particular policy, if you like.”

“And what about the young man she was with?” Cheryl asked.

“Look, he’s not my problem. You’re going to have to talk to Bobby Valentine-he’s the show’s producer-if you want Chad Henshaw warned.”

“We know who Bobby Valentine is. We had him over for cocktails just the other night.” Cheryl was smug. Josie got the impression that Cheryl considered this a social coup.

“Well, he’s the one to talk with about Chad. And I don’t know what he can do. Chad isn’t an employee. He’s a summer intern. He’s not paid. You can’t fire a volunteer, can you?”

“You know nothing about it. Summer interns may not be paid, but they get college credit for what they do. That’s probably important to him.”

“Maybe. All I know is, he’s not my business. Period. As I said, I’ll remind Annette not to trespass on your land.”

“That’s all you’re going to do?”

Josie was beginning to find these people-and this conversation-tedious. “What in heaven’s name do you want me to do? Fire her?”

“Yes. Get her off the island.” Cheryl’s answer came out as a shriek.

“Are you nuts? For necking with a young man on your property? What the hell is wrong with that?” Josie realized her voice was rising and she was in danger of screaming back. “You must be completely crazy. You-”

Howard interrupted, his voice booming deeply over the soprano rantings of the two women. “You are right. We are overreacting. You just remind that young woman to stay on her side of the property line and we’ll all be fine. Come along, Cheryl. Live and let live, as I always say.” He grabbed his wife’s arm and propelled her off the deck and back into their home.

Josie was left standing on the sidewalk, her mouth open.