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I could feel him softening, and I was sure it had more to do with the sight of a pretty, naked girl, bound at his feet, desperately attempting to please him, than with any arguments I might make. He said something to an associate, who laughed and pointed at me.

"Think about all the ways you can use me," I said. "Think of all the ways you can humiliate me, or bind me, or take pleasure from my body. Imagine putting me on all fours and taking me from behind, or kneeling me at your feet to please you with my mouth, or bending me over a table and raping me. Think of all the things you can do with a naked, helpless slave. I offer you all those things and more, in exchange for my life. And when you tire of me, you can always kill me then, or sell me to someone else in exchange for something you do value."

He turned to his associate and said something, apparently a joke. Then he turned back to me and said, "OK, we'll give you an audition. If he's satisfied," he said, pointing to the man by his side, "you can live."

"Thank you, thank you, master," I said. I turned my body slightly and began kissing the feet of the man I must now please. "How may I serve you, master," I asked. "May I please you with my mouth?" I begged, licking and parting my lips as I knelt back on my heels, lifting my breasts to bring them to his attention. "Or do you want me on my back, or on my belly?"

In response, he unbuttoned his pants and smiled. "Thank you, master," I said, and knelt up off my heels to begin my work. With my hands bound behind me I was somewhat limited in my techniques, but I expected I could do enough with my lips and tongue to bring this man pleasure he had never known from his girlfriends, wives, or prostitutes. After all, I was a trained pleasure slave. I moaned in apparent pleasure as I bobbed my head up and down, closing my eyes to focus the physical sensations of intimate service. Never before had I pleasured a man in such fear for my life. Nothing existed in the world for me but his manhood, which I worshipped passionately with all the offerings of a slave girl. I felt him stiffen and prepared for his climax. But then he pulled my head off of him, pulled me to my feet, and threw my upper body over the dining table. I felt my body crushed against the table as he entered me, powerfully and triumphantly, the force of his body impressing on me my inferiority, my identity as a mere instrument for the fulfillment of his pleasure. He held my hips tightly as he spent himself in me, as I gasped and moaned more in relief than in anything else. When he withdrew from me, I turned and sank to my knees before him, taking him once again lovingly into my mouth. I raised my eyes to him, hoping to see in them a clue to my fate.

He stroked my hair approvingly as I continued to clean him, lovingly coaxing every drop from him. When I was finished I leaned my head against his thigh and asked, "Did I please master?" The man looked at the commander and said a few words.

"You have been found acceptable for use by my men," he said.

"Thank you, master!" I said, covering his feet with kisses once again. "Thank you. I will be a perfect, obedient slave to them, master."

"My men have worked hard and have had little in the way of comforts," he continued. "It will be fitting that they take pleasure from the body of our defeated enemy. As long as you are pleasing, you will be allowed to live. If you fail in the slightest, you will be killed, or worse."

"Thank you, master," I repeated. "I will be a marvel to you and your men."

Two guards lifted me by the arms and conducted me to an adjacent room, then being used as a kind of refreshment room, where food and drinks ransacked from the grounds were available and a TV was playing. The eyes of the soldiers already in the room fixed themselves on my naked body when I was brought in. I knew I would have to satisfy all of them, and many more, but I was deeply grateful for the chance. I was a slave girl, and pleasing men was the sole object of my existence. The punishment the commander had intended to mete out to me was nothing more than my rightful station in life, open and available for the uses of men.

After some discussion about how best to make use of their unexpected prize, I was tied on my back over a small table, my ankles roped to the two legs on one side and my wrists to the legs on the other side. My legs were wide open for assault from the front, and in addition, my head hung back over the far edge of the table. I was sure I was not a particularly attractive sight, but I knew I was an inviting target for the men's lusts. Quickly one of the men positioned himself in front of me and began to take advantage of my vulnerable position. Bound as I was, I could do little to participate in my rape, but I could still use my inner muscles to massage him. I closed my eyes and moaned in an expert simulation of a slave girl's rapture, hoping by that means to further excite my attacker. But although I began solely as a stratagem to please my master of the moment, I soon felt myself becoming truly heated, and was ashamed to feel my body responding to its brutal, casual usage. As a slave, I knew myself subject to this kind of unilateral, disciplinary use, simply bound for the masters' convenience and used as a passive vessel for their pleasure. And I knew that this was a perfectly appropriate use of me, a natural expression of my submission and their dominance. So by the time my rapist clutched me to him and climaxed within me, my cries were more real than fake, and I was disappointed to feel him leave me.

However, I was not long to be left unattended. A moment later, another man had taken his place. My head hanging over the table as it was, I could not see him as he made use of me, but could only lose myself in the physical sensations of my ravishment. And then I was interrupted by another man who had positioned himself in front of my face, where my mouth hung open invitingly. He quickly began to make use of my mouth and throat as I licked at him greedily. In this position, it was less a matter of me pleasing him with my mouth than of him simply having his way with me, taking advantage of the curve of my throat to plunge deeply within me, but I did what I could with lips and tongue to increase his pleasure. The intense humiliation of being bound helplessly and used simultaneously by two unknown assailants pushed me to the brink of climax, and my body began to shake in helpless orgasm. I heard the men laugh. I was sure I was confirming all of their prejudices about American women - that we were wanton sluts who wanted nothing more than to be tied up and raped. But while I knew it was not true of most of my sisters back home, I knew equally well that it was true of me.

Those two men were replaced by others, and others still as the morning wore on. I was joined in that room by David's three other slave girls, who were tied in a variety of positions where they might be freely available to the men, and I could soon hear their gasps and moans mingled with my own. One or two were crying as they were forcibly entered and made use of, but even they could not help their bodies from responding to the men.

We remained in place for the majority of the day as the rebel commander let all of his men enjoy the prize of the day's successful assault, but eventually the stream of soldiers trickled down, presumably as they returned to the duties of war. I learned then and over the next days that these men were part of a large rebel force that was seeking to overthrow the now-corrupt aristocracy of oil barons who essentially owned the small principality. They were not Islamic fundamentalists, as I am sure they were portrayed by the Western media, but were closer to secular nationalists, upset more at American support for the oiled class than at any attacks on religious values or traditions - although they were more than ready to accept the support of religious zealots as well. At the moment, they had engaged in a series of surprise attacks on government and aristocracy strongholds, and were waiting uneasily as the larger surrounding nations - and the United States, with its nearby bases in Saudi Arabia - decided how to respond.