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And how is the baby?

STANLEY [grinning amiably]:

The baby won't come before morning so they told me to go home and get a little shuteye.


Does that mean we are to be alone in here?


Yep. Just me and you, Blanche. Unless you got somebody hid under the bed. What've you got on those fine feathers for?


Oh, that's right. You left before my wire came.


You got a wire?


I received a telegram from an old admirer of mine.


Anything good?


I think so. An invitation.


What to? A fireman's ball?

BLANCHE [throwing back her head]:

A cruise of the Caribbean on a yacht!


Well, well. What do you know?


I have never been so surprised in my life.


I guess not.


It came like a bolt from the blue!


Who did you say it was from?


An old beau of mine.


The one that give you the white fox-pieces?


Mr. Shep Huntleigh. I wore his ATO pin my last year at college. I hadn't seen him again until last Christmas. I ran into him on Biscayne Boulevard. Then--just now--this wire--inviting me on a cruise of the Caribbean! The problem is clothes. I tore into my trunk to see what I have that's suitable for the tropics!


And come up with that--gorgeous--diamond--tiara?


This old relic? Ha-ha! It's only rhinestones.


Gosh. I thought it was Tiffany diamonds.

[He unbuttons his shirt.]


Well, anyhow, I shall be entertained in style.


Uh-huh. It goes to show, you never know what is coming.


Just when I thought my luck had begun to fail me--


Into the picture pops this Miami millionaire.


This man is not from Miami. This man is from Dallas.


This man is from Dallas?


Yes, this man is from Dallas where gold spouts out of the ground!


Well, just so he's from somewhere!

[He starts removing his shirt.]


Close the curtains before you undress any further.

STANLEY [amiably]:

This is all I'm going to undress right now.

[He rips the sack off a quart beer bottle]

Seen a bottle opener?

[She moves slowly toward the dresser, where she stands with her hands knotted together.]

I used to have a cousin who could open a beer bottle with his teeth.

[Pounding the bottle cap on the corner of table]

That was his only accomplishment, all he could do--he was just a human bottle-opener. And then one time, at a wedding party, he broke his front teeth off! After that he was so ashamed of himself he used t' sneak out of the house when company came....

[The bottle cap pops off and a geyser of foam shoots up. Stanley laughs happily, holding up the bottle over his head.]

Ha-ha! Rain from heaven!

[He extends the bottle toward her]

Shall we bury the hatchet and make it a loving-cup? Huh?


No, thank you.


Well, it's a red letter night for us both. You having an oil millionaire and me having a baby.

[He goes to the bureau in the bedroom and crouches to remove something from the bottom drawer.]

BLANCHE [drawing back]:

What are you doing in here?


Here's something I always break out on special occasions like this. The silk pyjamas I wore on my wedding night!




When the telephone rings and they say, "You've got a son!" Ill tear this off and wave it like a flag!

[He shakes out a brilliant pyjama coat]

I guess we are both entitled to put on the dog.

[He goes back to the kitchen with the coat over his arm.]


When I think of how divine it is going to be to have such a thing as privacy once more--I could weep with joy!


This millionaire from Dallas is not going to interfere with your privacy any?


It won't be the sort of thing you have in mind. This man is a gentleman and he respects me.

[Improvising feverishly]

What he wants is my companionship. Having great wealth sometimes makes people lonely! A cultivated woman, a woman of intelligence and breeding, can enrich a man's life--immeasurably! I have those things to offer, and this doesn't take them away. Physical beauty is passing. A transitory possession. But beauty of the mind and richness of the spirit and tenderness of the heart--and I have all of those things--aren't taken away, but grow! Increase with the years! How strange that I should be called a destitute woman! When I have all of these treasures locked in my heart.

[A choked sob comes from her]

I think of myself as a very, very rich woman! But I have been foolish--casting my pearls before swine!


Swine, huh?


Yes, swine! Swine! And I'm thinking not only of you but of your friend, Mr. Mitchell. He came to see me tonight. He dared to come here in his work-clothes! And to repeat slander to me, vicious stories that he had gotten from you! I gave him his walking papers....


You did, huh?


But then he came back. He returned with a box of roses to beg my forgiveness! He implored my forgiveness. But some things are not forgivable. Deliberate cruelty is not forgivable. It is the one unforgivable thing in my opinion and it is the one thing of which I have never, never been guilty. And so I told him, I said to him, "Thank you," but it was foolish of me to think that we could ever adapt ourselves to each other. Our ways of life are too different. Our attitudes and our backgrounds are incompatible. We have to be realistic about such things. So farewell, my friend! And let there be no hard feelings....


Was this before or after the telegram came from the Texas oil millionaire?


What telegram! No! No, after! As a matter of fact, the wire came just as--


As a matter of fact there wasn't no wire at all!


Oh, oh!


There isn't no millionaire! And Mitch didn't come back; with roses 'cause I know where he is--




There isn't a goddam thing but imagination!




And lies and conceit and tricks!




And look at yourself! Take a look at yourself in that wornout Mardi Gras outfit, rented for fifty cents from some ragpicker! And with the crazy crown on! What queen do you think you are?




I've been on to you from the start! Not once did you pull any wool over this boy's eyes! You come in here and sprinkle the place with powder and spray perfume and cover the light bulb with a paper lantern, and lo and behold the place has turned into Egypt and you are the Queen of the Nile! Sitting on your throne and swilling down my liquor! I say--Ha!--Ha! Do you hear me? Ha--ha--ha!

[He walks into the bedroom.]


Don't come in here!

[Lurid reflections appear on the wall around Blanche. The shadows are of a grotesque and menacing form. She catches her breath, crosses to the phone and jiggles the hook. Stanley goes into the bathroom and closes the door.]

Operator, operator! Give me long-distance, please.... I want to get in touch with Mr. Shep Huntleigh of Dallas. He's so well-known he doesn't require any address. Just ask anybody who--Wait! I--No, I couldn't find it right now.... Please understand, I--No! No, wait! ... One moment! Someone is--Nothing! Hold on, please!

[She sets the phone down and crosses warily into the kitchen. The night is filled with inhuman voices like cries in a jungle.