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Chapter 18

Obi-Wan's mind worked quickly. Terra had recognized him. But it was still her word against his. He would have to bluff his way through.

He turned to Baftu. "who is this who dares to challenge me?"

"My partner, Terra," Baftu said. "What are you saying?" he asked Terra fiercely. "You have never met the Prince."

"This man is a rebel." Terra insisted, drawing her blaster. "I ordered his memory wipe myself."

In the shadows, Qui-Gon's hand wen to his lightsaber. Paxxi and Guerra drew their blasters, prepared to fight. They followed Qui-Gon's lead, waiting to see what Obi-Wan would do.

"If I resemble some petty criminal on your world, that is not my affair," Obi-Wan said contemptuously. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at Baftu. "Is this a ruse to deflect me from inspecting your treasury? I am already unsure about this alliance…."

"No, no," Baftu soothed. "Do not listen to my partner. Let us go down to the vault."

Obi-Wan nodded shortly.

"I'm coming, too," Terra said grimly.

"What shall we do, Jedi-Gon?" Guerra whispered. "Danger is not past for Obawan."

Qui-Gon had already decided. "Paxxi, go to the warehouses with your device and open them. We must proceed with the plan. Contact Kaadi and start distributing food and weapons." Qui-Gon put a hand on Paxxi's shoulder. "I know you want to stay and help Obi-Wan. But a diversion will help him more than you can here."

Paxxi nodded and fled.

"Guerra, come with me," Qui-Gon said.

They attached themselves to the rear of the groups with Baftu and Obi-Wan.

"Terra is excitable," Baftu said to Obi-Wan. "Do not listen to her."

"So you have an excitable partner who is not to be listened to," Obi-Wan said. "That does not sound wise."

Terra drifted closer to them. When Baftu turned to give an order to a droid, she murmured in Obi-Wan's ear, "No matter what Baftu thinks, I know you're a fake. I don't know how you resisted that memory wipe, but I'll find out. And I'll kill you in a heartbeat."

"Only droids downstairs," Baftu ordered briskly as they approached the stairs to the storage room. "Guards, wait here."

Qui-Gon and Guerra waited until the group was all downstairs. Then they crept after them, keeping out of sight.

Baftu activated the sliding wall. They entered the sanctuary. Qui-Gon and Guerra hovered outside, waiting. They peered inside the crack in the wall as Baftu pressed his print against the transfer register. The security door opened.

They heard Baftu's cry of dismay. Terra rushed forward.

"What is this?" she exclaimed. "Where is the treasury?"

Baftu turned to her. His face was a mask of rage. "Now I see why you were against this meeting. And why you accused the Prince of being an imposter. You had already stolen my treasure!"

"Your treasure! It is as much mine as yours!" Terra said angrily.

"So you admit that you stole it," Baftu said. His voice had dropped to a low, threatening tone.

"Of course I didn't steal it!" Terra said, exasperated. "Something is going on here, Baftu. This Prince is an imposter. Someone is trying to discredit me, or you? listen to me!"

Baftu turned. He nodded at the assassin droids.

It happened before anyone could move or even blink. The assassin droids fired their built-in blasters at Terra. There was a moment where she stood, her expression blank and uncomprehending.

"You fool." She said to Baftu, and fell.

Baftu stepped over her body as though it was stray garbage on the street. He placed his hand on Obi-Wan's elbow. "Come, Prince Beju. I have taken care of the traitor. It is a matter of time before I find where she hid the treasury. This is nothing. It will not interfere with our plans."

Qui-Gon had to pull at a shocked Guerra to get him to fade back into the next room. They waited there while Baftu left with Obi-Wan and the assassin droids. They could hear Baftu still reassuring Obi-Wan as they walked away.

As soon as they were out of sight, Qui-Gon and Guerra rushed into the sanctuary. Terra lay in the doorway of the treasury room.

Guerra knelt next to her. Tenderly, he reached one long arm underneath her body and raised here to cradle her against him.

Terra looked up at him. The light in her bright orange eyes was fading. "You don't remember me," Guerra said brokenly.

Terra's eyes cleared. For a moment, they blazed bright as memory rushed back. "No so, brother," she said softly. She reached up a trembling hand and touched Guerra's cheek. "No so."

Her eye lids fluttered closed. She curled one arm around Guerra's neck, rested her head against him, and died.

Chapter 19

They heard a cry behind them. Qui-Gon turned. Duenna stood in the doorway, her hand at her heart.

"My good mother," Guerra said, his orange eyes full of tears. "Our Terra is gone."

Duenna knelt beside her daughter. Guerra put Terra in her arms.

Qui-Gon touched Guerra's shoulder. "We must go, my good friend," he said. "If a battle begins, Obi-Wan will be in great danger. Your people will think he's taking all the bacta."

Duenna looked at her son as she cradled Terra. Her eyes were clear. "Yes so, my son. You must go. Your sister must not die in vain."

Qui-Gon only paused to lift Obi-Wan's lightsaber from the weapons rack near the door. They hurried through the street toward the warehouses.

They heard the commotion from blocks away. Blaster fire and shouting punctured what sounded like one continuous roar of rage. Qui-Gon and Guerra began to run.

As they drew closer, they began to see Phindians, their arms full of supplies, rushing past them. Qui-Gon knew the plan Kaadi had devised. She had designated runners to deliver food and medicine to the sick and restock the hospitals with med supplies.

They rounded the last corner to the warehouses. Qui-Gon saw in a quick glance that Paxxi and Kaadi had done their work well. They had passed out weapons to the rebels, who held a line of resistance against the Syndicat guards. Behind that line, Phindians passed supplies from hand to hand, passing the supplies to runners who took off with them.

He saw Paxxi toss a proton grenade into a sea of Syndicat guards. Kaadi ran forward with a force pike and attacked a guard trying to blast a runner with her hands full of medpacs.