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"A slight chance is better than none," Tahl said thoughtfully. "If you feel strongly that you must pursue this, then you should do so. But if you find that you are right, contact me immediately. If Jenna Zan Arbor knows that someone has found her, she could kill Qui-Gon."

"I know," Obi-Wan said quietly. "But if I could get inside and find Qui-Gon without alerting her, we would have the information we need to send in the Jedi."

"But how could you do this?" Tahl asked. "And are you sure you could get out again?"

He wasn't sure if he could. But it didn't matter. He had to save Qui- Gon and Didi. That was most important. Obi-Wan glanced at Astri. "I have a plan."

"Do not take any impulsive action, Obi-Wan," Tahl warned. "Simpla-12 is not far. I can send several teams to you if they are needed. And make sure there is no surveillance on the building from the outside. Nothing must alert her that you are there."

"I would never endanger Qui-Gon's life," Obi-Wan told her soberly.

"But I feel that the longer he remains her captive, the more danger he is in."

"I believe this, too," Tah I said softly. Her comlink signaled, and she frowned. "Now I must go.

Several teams are pursuing important leads. May the Force be with you, Obi-Wan."

Tahl hurried away. Obi-Wan climbed into the transport, where Astri and the others were waiting. He powered up the engines and headed straight for the upper atmosphere. With every second, he felt Qui-Gon's life was dwindling. With all his heart, he begged Qui-Gon silently to hold on.

Quad Two was on the very outskirts of Sim-First. Here, any attempts to keep order or cleanliness were abandoned. Many of the buildings were sealed with durasteel sheeting. An occasional speeder flashed by, but there were no pedestrians on the walkways.

Astri squinted through the drizzle. "I didn't think Sim-First could get any worse," she murmured.

Obi-Wan consulted a handheld nav computer. "Block Unit Three is this way."

As they walked, the neighborhood deteriorated further. Clouds thickened until the day turned as dark as evening. It was easy to stay concealed. The area was all shadow. Many of the glow lights overhead had not been maintained. Occasionally one would send a weak spot of illumination onto the walkway.

Obi-Wan stopped. A short distance away, across the walkway, was a large, windowless building made of shiny black metal. It took up an entire block unit. He pulled Astri back into the shadow of an overhang.

"That's it."

Remembering Tahl's instruction, Obi-Wan left Astri to watch the entrance and skirted around the side of the building. He moved from shadow to shadow, checking for surveillance devices. He climbed onto the roof of a nearby building to inspect the roof below. He could see no evidence of guards. He used his macro-binoculars to study the building from all sides.

He returned to Astri. "Security must be inside. There's a visual monitor by the front door. There's no thumbprint register or retinal scan.

That's good. I have a feeling about this, Astri. This must be the lab."

She looked behind them. "Are you sure you can trust Cholly and the others to come through?"

"Don't worry. They'll do anything for credits," Obi-Wan said.

They didn't have long to wait. Before long, they heard footsteps approaching. Cholly, Tup, and Weez hurried down the street, casting apprehensive glances around.

"Woosh, I'm glad we found you," Tup said as they approached. His round eyes were full of anxiety. "I didn't know Sim-First could be so scary."

"Did you get what I asked?" Obi-Wan inquired.

Cholly unloaded a number of items from his pack. He handed one to Obi-Wan. "Hope it fits."

"It's for Astri," Obi-Wan said as he handed the black visor to her.

Astri fitted it over her head. It obscured her features and gave her a menacing look. "It's fine," she said.

She took it off and shook out her long, curly hair. Next Obi-Wan handed her a pair of high leather boots. Shrugging out of her tunic, she buckled her utility belt tighter around her waist and pulled on the boots.

"One more thing," Obi-Wan said. "I'm sorry, Astri, but — "

She gritted her teeth. "Go ahead."

Using a vibro-razor Cholly handed him, Obi-Wan first trimmed, then carefully shaved off Astri's pretty curls.

"Such a shame," Tup murmured.

Astri's face was set in determined lines. "It's worth it."

When he had finished, Astri fitted the dark visor over her eyes. Her shaved skull gleamed. Obi-Wan handed her Ona Nobis's whip. She coiled it and fastened it to her utility belt. With the extra height of her heeled boots, she resembled the bounty hunter.

"I just hope they don't look too closely," Obi-Wan said. He turned to Cholly, Weez, and Tup. "You stay here. If the real Ona Nobis turns up, do your best to keep her out of the building. She's very fast, very clever."

"It's three against one," Cholly said. "How can we fail?"

"You have surprise in your favor," Obi-Wan said. "I gave you a contact number for Tahl at the Temple. If Astri isn't out again in ten minutes, call Tahl and tell her to send the teams after us."

"We will take care of everything," Weez assured them.

Obi-Wan wasn't so sure, but he hoped that Ona Nobis wouldn't show up at all. He didn't need much time.

He and Astri strode across the walkway to the building entrance.

"What did you mean, if I don't come out?" Astri asked him under her breath. "What about you?"

"If we find Qui-Gon and can't release him, you must leave without me, " he told her. "Contact Tahl and tell her what happened."

"I can't leave you, Obi-Wan — "

"You have to," he said firmly. "I am your prisoner. Hand me over if you have to, then look for the medicines. Then leave. Promise me. You could be Qui-Gon's last hope."

He couldn't see her eyes behind the helmet, but Astri pressed her lips together grimly. "I promise."

She pressed the button. Obi-Wan noted that her fingers were shaking.

What if Ona Nobis was already inside? Once again, Obi-Wan marveled at her courage. Astri accepted her fear and charged ahead.

"You're as good as a Jedi," he told her softly.

He could not see her expression under the visor, but she reached out and briefly squeezed his hand in thanks.