Harry Turtledove
Dramatis Personae:
(* shows viewpoint character)
Almonio Constable in Gromheort
Ambaldo Colonel of dragonfliers in southern Unkerlant
Baiardo Mage attached to Plegmund's Brigade
Balastro Marquis; minister to Zuwayza
Bembo* Constable in Gromheort
Carietto Brigadier in Trapani
Domiziano Captain of dragonfliers in southern Unkerlant
Ercole Senior lieutenant with Plegmund's Brigade
Fronesia Woman at court in Trapani
Frontino Warder in Tricarico
Gastable Mage in Gromheort
Gismonda Sabrino 's wife in Trapani
Gradasso Lurcanio's adjutant in Priekule
Lurcanio Colonel on occupation duty in Priekule
Mainardo Mezentio's brother; King of Jelgava
Malindo Scholar in Trapani
Mezentio King of Algarve
Oraste Constable in Gromheort
Orosio Captain of dragonfliers in southern Unkerlant
Pesaro Constabulary sergeant in Gromheort
Raniero Mezentio's cousin; King of Grelz
Sabrino* Colonel of dragonfliers in southern Unkerlant
Saffa Sketch artist in Tricarico
Solino General in Durrwangen
Spinello* Major on leave in Trapani for wound
Turpino Captain in Wriezen
Zerbino Captain in Plegmund's Brigade
Baldred Slogan writer in Eoforwic
Brivibas Kaunian in Gromheort; Vanai's grandfather
Brorda Count of Gromheort
Ceorl Soldier in Plegmund's Brigade near Hohenroda
Daukantis Kaunian in Gromheort; Doldasai's father
Doldasai Kaunian courtesan in Gromheort
Ealstan* Bookkeeper in Eoforwic; Vanai's husband
Ethelhelm Half Kaunian band leader in Eoforwic
Feliksai Kaunian in Gromheort; Doldasai's mother
Gippias Kaunian robber in Gromheort
Hengist Sidroc 's father; Hestan's brother; in Gromheort
Hestan Bookkeeper in Gromheort; Ealstan's father
Leofsig Ealstan 's deceased brother
Nemunas Kaunian refugee leader in Zuwayza
Penda King of Forthweg
Pernavai Kaunian in Valmiera; Vatsyunas' wife
Pybba Pottery magnate in Eoforwic
Sidroc* Soldier in Plegmund's Brigade near Hohenroda
Vanai* Kaunian in Eoforwic; Ealstan's wife
Vatsyunas Kaunian in Valmiera; Pernavai's husband
Vitols Kaunian refugee leader in Zuwayza
Werferth Sergeant in Plegmund's Brigade near Hohenroda
Yadwigai Kaunian girl with Algarvian army in Unkerlant
Arpad Ekrekek (King) of Gyongyos
Borsos Major; mage in western Unkerlant
Frigyes Captain in western Unkerlant
Hevesi Soldier in western Unkerlant
Horthy Gyongyosian minister to Zuwayza
Istvan* Sergeant in western Unkerlant
Kun Corporal in western Unkerlant; minor mage
Lajos Soldier in western Unkerlant
Szonyi Soldier in western Unkerlant
Tivadar Captain in western Unkerlant
Ausra Talsu 's sister in Skrunda
Donalitu King of Jelgava; now in exile
Gailisa Talsu 's wife, living in Skrunda
Kugu Silversmith in Skrunda
Laitsina Talsu 's mother in Skrunda
Stikliu Friend of Talsu's in Skrunda
Talsu* Prisoner from Skrunda
Traku Talsu 's father; tailor in Skrunda
Zverinu Banker in Skrunda
Alkio Theoretical sorcerer; married to Raahe
Elimaki Pekka 's sister
Ilmarinen Master mage in the Naantali district
Juhainen One of the Seven Princes of Kuusamo
Leino Mage; Pekka's husband
Linna Serving woman in the Naantali district
Olavin Banker; Elimaki's husband
Parainen One of the Seven Princes of Kuusamo
Pekka* Mage in the Naantali district; Leino's wife
Piilis Theoretical sorcerer
Raahe Theoretical sorcerer; married to Alkio
Renavall One of the Seven Princes of Kuusamo
Siuntio Master mage in the Naantali district
Uto Pekka and Leino's son
Vihti Sorcerer in Naantali district
Brinco Grandmaster Pinhiero's secretary in Setubal
Fernao* Mage on duty in Kuusamo
Janira Cornelu 's lady friend in Setubal
Pinhiero Grandmaster of Lagoan Guild of Mages
Vitor King of Lagoas
Ahinadab King of Ortah
Hadadezer Ortaho minister to Zuwayza
Balio Fisherman running eatery in Setubal; Janira's father
Brindza Cornelu 's daughter in Tirgoviste town
Burebistu King of Sibiu
Cornelu* Commander; leviathan-rider in Setubal
Costache Cornelu's wife in Tirgoviste town
Addanz Archmage of Unkerlant
Ascovind Collaborator in Duchy of Grelz
Gandiluz Soldier contacting irregulars in Grelz
Garivald* Irregular fighter west of Herborn
Gundioc Captain in southern Unkerlant
Gurmun General of behemoths at Durrwangen bulge
Kiun Soldier in Leudast's company
Kyot Swemmel 's deceased twin brother
Leudast* Sergeant in Sulingen
Merovec Major; Marshal Rathar 's adjutant
Munderic Irregular leader west of Herborn
Obilot Irregular fighter west of Herborn
Rathar* Marshal of Unkerlant traveling to Cottbus
Razalic Irregular in forest west of Herborn
Recared Lieutenant in Sulingen
Sadoc Irregular fighter west of Herborn; would-be mage
Swemmel King of Unkerlant
Tantris Soldier contacting irregulars in Grelz
Vatran General in southern Unkerlant
Werbel Soldier in Sulingen
Ysolt Cook in Durrwangen
Amatu Noble returned from Valmiera
Bauska Krasta 's maidservant in Priekule
Gainibu King of Valmiera
Gedominu Skarnu and Merkela's son
Krasta* Marchioness in Priekule; Skarnu's sister
Lauzdonu Noble returned from Valmiera
Merkela Underground fighter; Skarnu's wife
Palasta Mage in Erzvilkas
Raunu Sergeant and irregular near Pavilosta
Skarnu* Marquis; fighter in Ventspils; Krasta's brother
Terbatu Marquis in Priekule
Valnu Viscount in Priekule
Zarasai Underground fighter; a nom de guerre
Iskakis Yaninan minister to Zuwayza
Hajjaj* Foreign minister of Zuwayza
Ikhshid General in Bishah
Kolthoum Hajjaj 's senior wife
Qutuz Hajjaj 's secretary in Bishah
Shazli King of Zuwayza
Tewfik Hajjaj 's majordomo
Qutuz Hajjaj 's secretary in Bishah
Ealstan added up a long column of figures. The young bookkeeper let out a sigh of relief when the answer turned out to be what he’d expected. Bearing the ledger into his employer’s private office, he told Pybba, “Those Algarvians are going to make us rich.”
“Good,” the pottery magnate rumbled. “We’ll give ‘em some of their silver back, too, and not the way they expect.” Pybba wasn’t only the biggest pottery maker in Eoforwic-and, for that matter, in all of Forthweg. He was also one of the leaders in the underground struggle against the Algarvian invaders who occupied his kingdom.
“What do you suppose they want with fifty thousand Style Seventeen sugar bowls?” Ealstan asked. The question had bothered him ever since an Algarvian colonel marched in to place the order.
Pybba’s broad shoulders went up and down in a shrug. “Powers below eat the redheads, whatever it is.” His eyes flicked down to the bottom of the column. He nodded. “That’s not a bad pile of change, eh? Why don’t you go on home now? Your wife’ll be waiting for you, I expect.”
“Aye, she will. Thanks.” Ealstan was glad to have leave to head for his flat.
Pybba showed no sign of going anywhere. His bushy beard was shot with gray, but he went home later and came to work earlier than anybody he employed. “Go on,” he growled now. “Get out of here, before I change my mind.”