Jawohl!” He stiffened to attention and clicked his heels, which nobody from this world did. His arm shot out in a salute nobody from this world used. “At your service, fair lady!”

“Impossible,” Drepteaza repeated, but without the iron that had been in her voice before. She turned to Zgomot. “What are we going to do with him, Lord?”

“Well, as for me, I aim to keep him as long as I possibly can,” Zgomot answered. “What you do with him is up to you, of course, but he does not seem to want to go away in spite of, ah, everything.”

In spite of Velona, he meant. Was he right? As things worked out, yes. Would he be right if Velona wanted me back? Hasso wondered. Damned if I know. Never a dull moment with her – no, not even close – but one day, sure as hell, she’d detonate and blow you to bits. Drepteaza was quieter but safer, definitely better for the long haul.

And he had something he needed to say straight to her, not just let her hear in passing: “I do love you, you know.”

She nodded. “Yes, I do. Nice of you to tell me, though.” As his ears heated, she went on, “And if you loved her, too, I have to wonder about your taste.”

“Maybe not.” Lord Zgomot threw the drowning Hasso a line. “Men don’t judge women the same way women judge men.”

“A pretty face, a nice shape, a tight snatch … I know,” Drepteaza said, and Hasso’s ears got hotter yet. She went on, “Plenty for a good-time girl, but for love 7. You ought to look for more there.”

This time, Hasso spoke for himself: “Well, I did. I found you, yes?”

“Who knows what you were looking for when you found me?” she said.

“A pretty face, a nice shape … The other I don’t know about, but I wouldn’t be surprised,” Zgomot said. Yes, Bucovinans could be very blunt. Drepteaza squeaked. Hasso might have if she didn’t beat him to the punch.

Since she did, he added, “And more.”

“Impossible,” Drepteaza repeated. He nodded, not without pride of his own. She made a face at him and said, “If I can forgive you for being big and blond, I must love you.”

“Good,” Hasso said, and kissed her again. He found Zgomot smiling once more when he broke the clinch. If Bless you, my children wasn’t written all over the Lord of Bucovin’s canny face…

If it wasn’t, then maybe Hasso was seeing sheer relief. All across the field, Zgomot’s men were slitting the throats of Lenelli or leading them off into captivity. Some would make useful laborers. Others would know things the Bucovinans didn’t, and that Hasso didn’t, either. Bucovin was still behind its neighbors most ways. Now Zgomot’s realm had more of a chance to catch up, and now the Bucovinans knew a few things the Lenelli didn’t, too.

I did that. For better or worse, I did, Hasso thought. Now he’d seen from both sides what happened when technically superior enemies who thought themselves the lords of creation came at you. It was great fun when the panzers rolled forward or the assault column of knights struck home. Being on the receiving end was a different story – yeah, just a little.

No wonder the Russians fought back so hard. No wonder they hated the German invaders so much. Hasso hadn’t got it then. Even the Red Army’s counterattacks hadn’t made him understand – he’d only understood that there were way too many Ivans. If the other guy aimed to take your land and wipe you out or enslave you forever … Nothing like putting the shoe on the other foot.

It would have happened here. It would have, but it hadn’t, and he had a lot to do with that. Maybe Velona was right after all when she said the goddess brought him here for a reason. It just wasn’t the reason she thought. He kissed Drepteaza one more time. Good-bye, Velona.