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Amanda drew in a deep breath, and the hand she had on his arm tightened. "Look, I told you I could predict certain events. What if I told you that I know Forrest plans to ride directly into Memphis in an attempt to take it back from the Federals?"

Jesse stared at her. Though Forrest had indeed mentioned that aim several times, it was only a distant hope, not an actual plan. He managed a careless shrug.

"Then I'd say you know what just about everyone else in northern Mississippi and western Tennessee can guess," Jesse said grimly. "It would be more of a surprise if he didn't plan to take back Memphis."

"But he will attempt it in August, and his brother will ride his horse straight into the lobby of the Gayoso House," Amanda said with convincing fervor. "A Yankee general will run away in his nightshirt, abandoning his pants and his wife. The legend will live a lot longer than Forrest, I promise you that."

"How do you know all this? You sound very sure of your facts."

"I am sure." Amanda drew in a deep breath, fastening her gaze on him, and he felt a twinge of uncertainty. "I told you I can predict certain future events. You'll just have to trust me, Jesse."

He smiled faintly. "That's asking a lot. Would you trust me under the same circumstances?"

"Probably not," she answered more honestly than he'd thought she would. "But this is very important. I know you have been given a mission, but so have I. If we find Michael and Jamie, we can prevent a family disaster. Think of Deborah's happiness. She's your sister. Will you risk her being made a widow?"

"Amanda-" Jesse paused helplessly. She sounded so damn certain. It was possible that she could actually predict future events, he supposed, but much more probable that she had somehow come across vital information concerning the two Forrest scouts. Could he take a chance that she was giving him the opportunity to save them for whatever reasons?

"Are we near the Coldwater Bottoms yet?" she asked.

Jesse's eyes narrowed. "We're on Hurricane Creek. Why?"

"Because there are Yankee soldiers hiding there, and that is where you'll find Michael and Jamie. We have to get there in time, Jesse. Please."

Her urgency penetrated his resistance, and Jesse heard himself saying, "I guess another detour won't hurt. If you're wrong, we still won't be too far out of our way."

Amanda smiled, and in the fading light of dusk, he recognized a lot more in her eyes than just concern for her family. He took a deep breath and reached for her, and she came into his arms willingly.

For several minutes, he held her to him. He could feel the rapid thud of her heart, and the gentle rhythm of her breathing. Her hair smelled of flowers, tickling his nose as he rested his chin on the top of her head. For the life of him, he couldn't understand how he'd been drawn to this woman so quickly. It was as if the first meeting of their eyes had been the thousandth, and he'd felt a jolt that even her sharp words had done nothing to erase. He'd heard of falling in love at first sight, but until now had never believed it was possible.

Finally releasing her, Jesse said gruffly, "We have to let the mules rest. Get some sleep, and I'll wake you in a little while."

She smiled up at him. "Thank you for believing me."

"I don't suppose," he muttered, "that you have any notion of exactly where in the swamps they'll be? It might help us find them a lot quicker."

"I'm afraid not," she said with obvious regret. "But I do know that if we don't find them in time, we'll all be sorry."


Amanda woke with a sudden jerk, trying to remember where she was. Then her memory returned in a rush, and she peered through the dark shadows toward Jesse. He was rolled up in his blanket a foot away, and she could hear the steady rhythm of his breathing. As her eyes adjusted to the absence of light, she could make out small details.

Jesse's arm was bent beneath his head as a pillow, his body too long for the blanket. The dull gleam of his pistol was barely discernible at his side. He was taking no chance, she saw.

"What are you looking at?" Jesse asked softly, startling her.

When her heartbeat slowed, she said, "I didn't know you were awake."

"Do you think I could sleep knowing there are a few hundred Yankees prowling around?" Jesse sat up, folding his long legs in front of him. "You didn't sleep long. Why are you awake?"

"It could be because I'm rested."

"But it's not."

"No," she said. "It's not."

There was the rustle of damp leaves as he moved closer to her. His hand cupped her cheek, warm and strong and hard. She shuddered at the contact, and he pulled away.

"Scared?" he asked softly, and she nodded.

"Yes. Terrified. I wish I were asleep. At least my dreams aren't quite as scary."

He laughed. "What do you dream about?"

She was tempted to tell him the truth, that as a child she had dreamed about him, but she didn't. "Right now, fried chicken," she replied, and her stomach growled audibly.

Chuckling, Jesse lay down next to her. For a moment he fumbled in his pocket, then drew something out and held it up. She strained to see in the dim light. "Here," he said. "It's not fried chicken, but it may help."

To her surprise, it was a stick of hard candy. "Where did you get this?"

"I've been saving it for an emergency. This qualifies, I guess."

Amanda broke it in two, thrusting a piece into his palm. “My conscience would sting if I hogged it all. I insist we share."

"Sounds fair to me."

For several minutes they lay quietly, then Jesse asked, "Did you eat yours already?"


"I thought I heard you crunching. I like to savor mine for a while, make it last." His voice lowered huskily. "Are you always in such a hurry to enjoy things?"

"Sometimes." She took a deep breath. "And sometimes I like to make things last."

She was expecting it when he rolled to his side and pulled her into his embrace, expecting his kiss. What she wasn't expecting was the depth of her fiery response. Maybe it had been too long, maybe it was the heightened sense of being in danger, or maybe it was just Jesse: but whatever it was, Amanda knew she was lost.

And he seemed to know it too.

Caressing her, hands skimming lightly over her face, arms, and then shifting to her waist, Jesse stroked her quivering body with skillful touches. Amanda wore no stays or corset, and he found that out quickly. His fingers deftly undid the buttons of her shirtwaist and slid inside to stroke her bare skin, and Amanda caught her breath. Still kissing her, Jesse put a hand on her breast.

She arched upward, unable to think clearly, unable to do more than react. Once, he lifted his head to gaze down at her through lowered lashes, his eyes a hot, narrowed blue, but Amanda could barely think by then. Nothing mattered at this moment but Jesse, his touch and kiss and the way he was murmuring soft endearments to her, telling her she was beautiful, that he'd waited for her all his life. She believed him because she wanted to, because she needed to hear it from him.

And when she gave herself to him, it was completely, wholly, body and mind and soul. With Jesse inside her, nothing in the outside world could touch or hurt her. The aching tension grew higher and hotter until the world seemed to explode around her and she was drifting earthward like a feather, twisting and turning and as light as air. Jesse's voice was against her ear, breathless and hoarse, muttering her name as he buried his hands in her hair and collapsed atop her.

Drowsy, holding him in her arms and feeling his warm, damp body next to hers, she thought that no matter what else ever happened to her, she would have this memory to hold close.