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“I don’t like to think about it,” de Roon replied.

Harvath smiled. “It hurts that your boss liked me more than you.”

“He was not my boss. He was my protectee.”

“Who are we talking about?” asked Casey.

“Geert Wilders,” answered de Roon. “He’s a member of the Dutch Parliament. Scot helped us with some trouble he was having.”

Casey looked at Harvath. “What kind of trouble?”

“Do you know who Mr. Wilders is?” he asked.

“His name is familiar.”

“He produced the movie Fitna?”

Casey’s eyebrows went up. “The one the Muslims went nuts over?”

Harvath nodded.

“I watched it on the Internet and never understood the outrage. Didn’t it show scenes of Muslim terrorism alongside passages from the Qur’an that call for violence against non-Muslims?”

“It did,” said de Roon. “Mr. Wilders was holding a mirror up to the Muslim community worldwide and exposing their hypocrisy. They riot over cartoons of Mohammed, but are silent when Muslim terror attacks happen.”

“And so they want to kill him over a movie that simply shows the truth?”

The man nodded as if to say, I know. It’s ridiculous. “The hypocrisy is completely lost on them. Remember, Islam is a religion of peace and if you say it isn’t, they’ll kill you.”

“So you met through Wilders?”

“Geert was speaking at an event in New York City to raise awareness about Islamic fundamentalism,” said Harvath. “There were several other big-name speakers at the event like Robert Spencer and former Dutch Member of Parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

“A group of bloggers at a site called the Jawa Report, which specializes in taking down Islamist Web sites, uncovered a terror plot against the event. I knew several of the security people involved and when they learned of the threat, they asked me to come in and consult.”

“And was there actually an attempt on the event?”

“Yes, but we stopped it.”

“He means that he stopped it,” said de Roon.

Casey looked at Harvath. “Is that true?”

“Some radical American Muslim wounded two police officers and three hotel security guards trying to get into the ballroom. The man was not only heavily armed, he was also wearing a bomb vest. He would have killed all of the presenters and many of the attendees if Scot hadn’t killed him first.”

“I got lucky,” replied Harvath.

“You can say that again,” replied de Roon. “If I had snuck out of the ballroom looking for a Red Bull, maybe I would have been in the right place at the right time too.”

“So that’s how you two know each other?”

Harvath nodded. “Marty invited me to come over and do some training with his unit.”

“Dumbest thing I ever did,” said de Roon.

“Why?” asked Casey.

“Because,” said Harvath, “when the powers that be saw how good he was, he got promoted. He went from being a special police officer protecting people like Geert and the royal family to AIVD where he now gets to deal with Muslim whack jobs on a daily basis.”

“And unfortunately today is no different,” added de Roon. “We need to decide what we’re going to do.”

Scot glanced at his watch. “The attack is supposed to happen during the evening rush, so we’ll have to take him at his office. Describe it to me.”

De Roon pulled up the file on his BlackBerry and rattled off the salient details. “The office is on the ground floor of a three-story building. Plate glass windows. No rear exit.”

“How many people working there?”

“Besides al-Yaqoubi? Three men.”

“Do we have histories on them?”

“No, they’re all clean.”

“Ages?” asked Harvath.

“Al-Yaqoubi is forty-five and the three other men are forty, forty-three, and fifty-five.”

“And we have no idea if they have any role in this or not?”

“No, we don’t. They could be cell members or function in some other capacity within the network.”

“Which means that if we grab him, we’re probably going to have to grab them too,” said Harvath.

“Unless being an accountant is al-Yaqoubi’s legitimate cover and these men know nothing about his terrorist activities.”

“But with no way of knowing, we have to assume that they’re involved. If their firm does the books for the most radical mosque in Amsterdam, we can guess where their sympathies probably lie.”

“That’s true,” replied de Roon.

“Is there anything covering the windows?” asked Harvath. “Shutters? Blinds?”


“Any other rooms?”

“From what we can tell, there’s a storeroom of some sort and a toilet. That’s all. The entire office is in full view of the street.”

“Which is a big problem.”

The Dutch intelligence officer nodded. “Keep in mind that if we’re going to grab all the men in the office, we have to be in and out in less than a minute. Any longer than that and it won’t happen.”

“Why? Can the locals organize a riot that fast?”

“They can. They’re experts at it. Believe me.”

“How do we transport them?” asked Harvath.

“We can use the van and my agents who are surveilling the office now.”

“Since we can’t conduct the interrogation at the accounting office, what’s our alternative?”

De Roon pulled up a picture on his BlackBerry and turned it around to show Harvath. “There’s a Liberian freighter in the port. We arrested the crew two days ago for smuggling. I have two men there now. You’ll have the whole ship to yourself.”

“How long will it take to get there?”

“Ten or fifteen minutes depending on traffic.”

“That’s too long. What do you have closer?”

“For the kind of interrogating you’re going to want to do, that’s it.”

Harvath let that sink in. “Our larger problem is that with no back door, we’re not going to be able to get them out of the office and into the van without people seeing it happen.”

“Exactly. And word travels fast in the Muslim neighborhoods.”

Harvath was frustrated. No matter how he spun it in his head, he couldn’t come up with the right way to conduct the snatch.

Casey had already given up on forcefully taking al-Yaqoubi from his office. “Can we draw him out?” she asked. “What are his pressure points? Is he married? Does he have kids?”

De Roon scrolled through the file and read. “He is a Dutch citizen of Moroccan extraction, Rabat to be exact. According to our records, he has three wives and eleven children, but despite the fact that they receive Dutch social assistance-”

“Wait a second,” said Harvath. “This guy is an accountant and his family receives welfare?”

The intelligence man shook his head. “The system has a lot of problems, including the fact that we cannot find any proof of current residency for the family.”


“No. We have no Dutch medical, Dutch school, or Dutch employment records for any of them.”

“Which means they’re probably back in Morocco.”

That gave Casey an idea. “Do we have full names and dates of birth for the family?” she asked as she removed her cell phone.

De Roon pulled it up and handed his BlackBerry to her.

“What are you doing?” asked Harvath.

Casey highlighted a number in her address book and activated the call button. “I know a few people in the Moroccan secret police,” she replied. “If that’s where this guy’s family is, we might not have to walk into his office at all.”