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Lex stared up at the endless line of stairs. “Your sister’s on the fourth floor?”


“And there’s no elevator?”

“No elevator.”

“Oliver.” Lex turned to him. “My knee’s getting better, but I still can’t go up stairs without a lot of pain.” He winced, flashing bright white teeth against his darkened skin.

“It won’t be well enough by the time you move out?”

“I don’t know. I’m working hard on my physical therapy.” Liar.

You’ve canceled the last few sessions, you coward.

“How’s that going?” He led her back to his Mercedes convertible.

“Fine. I’m healing slowly, though.”

“Yeah, that’s always the way it is. In college, I tore my meniscus, and it took me six months before I could play beach volleyball again.”

“You play beach volleyball?” Oliver did have a rather fine physique.

“Not anymore.” He gave a rueful smile. “My knees couldn’t take it, so I retired.”

“That must be awful.” Lex would have had to be in a wheelchair before she stopped playing. And even then, she might still play and run people over.

Oliver shrugged. “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. You play, right?”

“Coed on Mondays and Fridays, women’s SCVA on Wednesdays. And I coach a junior high girls’ team.”

“Oh, really? That must be fun. How are they doing?”

“Uh… they’re doing well, but I might lose funding after May.” In fact, she wouldn’t be surprised if Grandma cut funding as of Wednesday night.

“Really?” Oliver paused as he opened the passenger side door for her. “How much?”

Lex’s entire body turned into a buzzing beehive where she stood. She told him the amount they’d need until September. “It’s a lot because we’re traveling for playoffs this summer.”

His Egyptian-shaped eyes narrowed in thought. “I might be able to swing that.”

“Are you serious?”

“Well, no promises. I still need to think about it and do a few calculations, but I’ve been considering something like this for a while.

No offense, but it would be good for my business.”

“Oh, of course. I understand that.”

“And my pastor always says to give back to the community the way Jesus did.”

“What church do you go to?” Lex couldn’t believe this. Oliver became more perfect with every word he said.

“Green Pastures Church.”

“I go to Santa Clara Asian Church.” Read: We could be equally yoked, hot-stuff.

“That’s really great.” Confidence made his gaze clear as he faced her. “Actually, I wondered if you’d like to go out to dinner with me tonight.”

“Me? Tonight?” This handsome, swarthy guy actually wanted to spend more time with her?

“If you’re free.”

“Sure.” She’d have to be dead not to want to spend more time in his luxurious car.

Oh, and his company was pleasant too.

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“I had a great time, Lex.” Oliver leaned against the doorframe to her apartment, easing closer to her.

“I did too.” It was true. He reminded her of Aiden – calm, controlled. He didn’t tease her like Aiden did, but then again, she’d only been with the guy for a few hours.

“I hope we can do this again.” His voice had gone low and husky.

“I’d like that.”

Oliver’s exotic eyes dropped to her mouth. That must be some unspoken guy signal telling the girl, I’m going in!

She didn’t mind, right? He’d been easy to talk to, nothing creepy about him. He had all his teeth, he didn’t smell, he talked to her face and not her shoes.

He touched her cheek in a gesture right out of something like You’ve Got Mail or some other sappy chick flick. Lex flexed her jaw but didn’t flinch. Hey, she did pretty good.

He came in slowly. Lex would have preferred he just get it over with.

No, she needed to rearrange her attitude. She had to beat this fear. It wouldn’t impact her life anymore. She would kiss Oliver and she’d like it!

She also had to think of her girls. Oliver would be a great boyfriend who might sponsor her team.

His kiss started off very soft, sweet as honey. That’s not too bad, I’m doing okay.

Then he started breathing heavier, kissing her harder. Moving in until she leaned against the door. Lex felt suffocated. She pulled away.

His eyes were cloudy, blacker than black. Then he blinked, and they grew rueful. “Sorry. You’re so beautiful, and I had such a good time.”

She supposed that was a compliment. “Thanks for a great dinner.” He’d even paid for it. “I’ll, um… I’ll call you.” Yeah, now she sounded eager for his company.

Lex let herself into her apartment, squeezed in by all the half-unpacked boxes that would need to be re-packed soon.

Funny, that’s what her life seemed like.

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Lex flipped open her cell phone. “Hey Richard.”

“So how’d it go?”

“How’d what go?” The refrigerator stopped humming for a few seconds. Lex smacked it hard, and it started up again.

“Your dinner with Oliver.”

“How’d you know about that?”

“I asked him.”

“You asked him? Since when are you so interested in my love life?”

“Uh… just curious.”

Lex planted her hand on her hip and stared at the fridge, imagining Richard’s oh-so-innocent face. “You’re never curious.”

“Never mind. I’ll talk to you later.” Click.

Lex dialed.


“It’s Lex. I need a ride.”


“Are you free?”

Venus sighed. “Yeah, I guess. I’ll be there in thirty.”

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“Good, he’s got someone over at his apartment.” Lex tapped the glass toward a candy-apple-red Mitsubishi in one of her brother’s two alotted parking spaces.

“Can you not leave fingerprints on my window?” Venus swung the car into a visitor’s stall.

They got out and Lex took the stairs to Richard’s apartment slowly, step by step. Now her good knee started aching from all the use going up and down stairs. Just great.

Venus rang the doorbell. “This better be worth pulling me out of a relatively light day at work.”

“You’re working on a Saturday?”

“Hello – it’s a start-up. I work every Saturday.”

“But today’s a light day?”

“On light days, I can close the office door and sleep at my desk.”

The door swung open to a tall Asian girl, skinny enough to be a model. “What you want?”

“Mei-Ling?” Lex couldn’t believe it. “What are you doing here?”

Months after Richard broke up with her, Psycho-Chick herself was there in the flesh.

“You brother ask me ovah.” Heavily made-up eyes slanted over her shoulder toward the living room. “I more important now. You come back later.”

Lex slammed her hand into the closing door. “I’m his sister. Try and stop me.” She and Venus could take her, psychotic or not.

“If it’s Lex, I’m not here.” Richard’s voice boomed loud enough for his neighbors to hear him.

Venus closed her eyes and shook her head. “Are you sure you guys are related?”

“See? He no want talk to you!” Mei-Ling’s voice had risen to a falcon screech. Manicured talons fingered the plunging neckline of her straight-from-Hong-Kong fashion blouse. “You go!”

One of Richard’s neighbors peeked her head out the door at Mei-Ling’s raised voice.

Lex leaned in close. “If you don’t let me in, I’m going to key your red convertible.”

Mei-Ling gasped, her siren-red lips as wide as a rice bowl. “My baby!”

Venus pulled out her car keys and jingled them.

Mei-Ling flung open the door.

“Greetings, earthling.” Lex stalked into Richard’s living room and kicked his feet off the coffee table. “We do not come in peace.”

“Wha -? Oh, great.”

Lex turned to Venus. “See? He knows he’s in trouble.”

“I’m not in trouble.” Richard sunk lower in the couch cushions.