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Lex cleared her throat. “Anyway, I was calling to let you know – ”

“Did you get my message – I left it for Judy – about the web advertising for the new PAC – 10 volleyball tournament we’re hosting?”

“Cool! You’re hosting a volleyball tournament?” That came out only a little lower than a squeal. “I mean, how exciting.” What a lucky break – she could hang with college volleyball.

“This year, we’ve invited Arizona, Washington, and Cal.”

“Oh, the game between ASU and Washington should be really good. Their new coach is building a strong team.”

“Yeah, but we’ve just got a freshman who was originally red-shirted. Outside hitter, six-foot-six.”


“Lorianne Lee.”


“Half. Mother is Swiss.”

“I’m looking forward to watching her, then.”

“Yup.” The pause seemed thoughtful rather than awkward. “You follow baseball?”

Lex racked her brain. She remembered watching a little ASU baseball. “You guys doing okay this year?”


“Well, your captain graduated. He was great last year.”

“Yeah, he held the team together like Elmer’s. The new captain’s Dave Garrett.”

“Oh, I remember him. He’s not bad. I think if they give him a few months, he’ll get the hang of it.”

“Yeah, I think so too. Well, it was nice talking to you, Lex. If you’re ever in Phoenix, give me a call. I’ll get you tickets to anything playing that weekend. Even football.”

Whoa! “Thanks, Mark. I appreciate that. Anyway, can you email to me the info on the advertising you wanted for the volleyball tournament? I’ll get right on that.” She had no clue what she needed to do, but she felt good enough to take on all those jealous chumps out there in the cubicles. “A-S-A-K-A-I at SPZ.com.”

“Sure, I’ll do that. Thanks, Lex.” Click.

“Yes!” Lex punched the air with a triumphant fist.

Blip. Oh, she got an email. A sitewide bulletin. “SPZ sponsorship program.” Huh? She clicked on it.

Suddenly, a head popped into her open doorway. Grey, peeking in at her. Except his eyes had expanded to the size and color of softballs. “Whoa.”


“You know sports.”

“Duuuh. That’s why Russell hired me.” Her gaze flickered to the email. Starting in the fall quarter, SPZ will offer -

“No, I mean you really know sports.”

Lex dragged her gaze away from her computer screen. “What -you think someone needs a Y chromosome to know sports? Think again, buddy.” She turned back to the message – SPZ will offer full sponsorship to three local youth club teams -“No, I just – ”

“Will you let me read my email?!”

Grey disappeared like smoke. Great, now she probably had a reputation for being snappy and emotional.

She returned to the email bulletin. This would be almost perfect. If SPZ picked her girls’ team to sponsor, they’d start funding in September.

After playoffs.

But supposedly Grandma would sponsor them until Mariko’s wedding in May. If Lex could fool Grandma into funding them through playoffs, she wouldn’t need to keep a boyfriend after August. SPZ would take over funding.

Could things get any better? She rocked at her new job. She had a new possibility for sponsorship. And she now worked for a 90-percent male workplace – there had to be at least one guy here who was Christian, who didn’t want her job, and who fit the items on her Ephesians List (which wasn’t really that long).

The sponsorship program just firmed her resolve. Lex needed to find a guy to date until August. She needed someone who would wow Grandma enough to keep her as sponsor through the summer. She needed to take advantage of the large population of testosterone-charged sports nuts and meet more of them (one of whom she’d just scared away – brilliant).

Oh, and she needed to fill out the application for this sponsorship. She searched her desk.

Judy had taken all the pens.


Aiden ached all over, but somehow he also felt really good.

He peppered the ball back and forth with Jill. His movements felt strong, his form good. He bumped, set, and hit with more confidence tonight. He felt more anticipation to play than in previous weeks, because of the Stanford Volleyball Camp he’d been taking on Saturdays.

“Where’s Lex?” This was late, even for her.

Jill caught the ball instead of bumping it. “She called and said she’s working late. She’s not coming tonight.”

His arms didn’t feel as strong as a second ago. He jogged in place a little, but the energy didn’t come back.

She’s only one person. Stop caring so much about -

He didn’t. He didn’t care at all. He barely knew her. She was just a cute girl, on and off the court. That was it. He was noticing a cute girl.

Wonder if she’ ll come by later tonight?

He did great on the hitting line. More accurate hits, better contact between his hand and the ball, better control over his upward momentum. No one else noticed.

Lex would have.

Yeah, but Lex noticed every flubbed hit too.

Stop thinking about her. Don’t even think her name.

The game started. Aiden shanked the first pass, but he remained impassive – he didn’t cuss or react like most players. Rather, he felt his face had been chipped out of marble, made up of stiff and hard edges.

He could do this.

“Oh, look, there’s Lex.” Carol pointed at a figure still in work clothes and heels clicking across the back of the court.

“Hey guys!” She waved and sat down on the bleachers.

“You aren’t playing?” Jill ignored the ref’s glare and turned to her.

“No.” Her mouth screwed up in a disappointed grimace. “I forgot my clothes and shoes at home, and it’ll take too long for me to go all the way there and come back.”

“Come on, guys!” The impatient ref blew her whistle.

Yeah, come on, guys. Aiden moved away from Carol and got back into position. Since when had he become so competitive? Lex must be rubbing off on him.

Then he saw them – two Caucasian guys, strangers to the league.

They stood by themselves, not watching the play.

Watching Lex.

The whistle blew. Aiden tried to focus back on the game, but he almost missed the shanked pass sailing his direction.

“Aiden, get it!” his teammates yelled.

He set the hitter too tight to the net, and the other team’s blocker pounded the ball back over.

One of the two Caucasian guys gestured at Lex. The other answered.

Lex had noticed them. She had that angry but wary look darkening her face, as if she were torn between going over and throwing a punch, or calling the psych ward to come with straitjackets.

Strange, the two men didn’t look like stalkers. They had the build of athletes. If not for their business casual dress, they’d have fit right into the crowd of volleyball players.

“Aiden, that’s you!” his team yelled again.

Get your head back in the game! He thrust his arms out to pass the serve, but it sailed too close to the net and Jill had to leap and try to punch it up. It caught in the net and dropped.

The two guys walked toward the exit doors. Aiden hadn’t realized the tension across his shoulders until the muscles loosened.

The whistle blew. Ball served. The back row sent a sweet pass. Jill set it curving toward him. Aiden leaped…

He knew the guy on the other team who would be blocking. Tall, with long arms. He couldn’t hope to slam the ball through him.

Aiden swung, but then cocked his wrist and rolled the ball over the blocker’s fingers. The spinning momentum sent the ball dropping fast into the center of the court. The two girls on wing dove from both directions to try and get it.

Point, side-out.

“Good shot.” The blocker slapped hands with him under the net.


They served. The other team set the same player. Aiden couldn’t hope to stuff him, but he posted his block the way they’d taught him at camp. Just protect your section of the court.