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'It will fizzle out, Vicky. Eventually, everything does, even a son's love for his father.'

'Are you still upset that I couldn't send you the money?'

'No, Vicky. I never linger over the past.'

'By the way, Dad, do you know a girl called Seema Bisht?'

'Yes. I know her very well. She is a reporter for a thirdrate channel called Mashaal. How do you know her?'

'She came to my farmhouse last night, gave me your reference.'

'Yes, she told me she was going to Delhi. Did she interview you?'

'She did much more than an interview. She was angling for a role in my next film.'

'So what did you do?'

'What do you expect? (Laughs.) She seemed like a good lay. And was more than willing.'

(Long pause.)




'Hi. Seema here. I have been trying to reach you for two days. Congratulations, Mr Home Minister.'

'Don't you dare talk to me, you cheap whore!' (Disconnect.)


'Hello? Hello?'

'Thank you for calling the Novotel Hotel. How may I help?'

'Is this 00 31 20 5411123?'

'Yes it is, Sir. How may I help?'

'Please give me room number 567.'

'One moment, Sir. Your call is going through now.' Beep. Beep. Beep.

'Hello. Who is this?'

'Hello, can I speak to Guruji?'

'Guruji is busy right now. He does not want to be disturbed.'

'I know. Just tell him that Jagannath Rai is calling from Lucknow. It is very urgent.'

(Whispered.) 'Guruji, someone called Jagannath Rai is calling. Says he wants to speak to you urgently.'

'Give me the phone, and you go into the bathroom. (Pause.) Hello, Jagannath. So you have tracked me down even in Amsterdam? (Laughs.) Jai Shambhu.'

'Jai Shambhu, Guruji. Who is this woman who picked up the phone?'

'She is… Sister Reena. She coordinates my European operations. But tell me about yourself. How have you been?'

'I have been having very bad thoughts for the last few days.'

'There is nothing unusual in that. Those who have not grasped the fundamental truths of existence are bound to suffer from negative energy.'

'I feel I have been deluded and only you can show me the true path. Just as Arjuna came to Krishna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra to get his divine guidance, I have come to your refuge, Guruji, even though you are thousands of miles away.'

'Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered, Jagannath. The mind is bewildered by delusion. And delusion arises from anger. Are you angry about something?'

'I am angry about many things, Guruji. I know you always counsel me not to become tense, but what can I do? Politics means tension.'

'Tell me, how is your campaign for the Chief Ministership going? I read in the Times of India that you have got the support of a large number of MLAs. '

'That is old news, Guruji. For now I have become Home Minister once again.'

'Oh, that is excellent news. So can I return to India now? Will you be able to get the arrest warrant cancelled?'

'Not immediately, Guruji. I am still facing some difficulties. But I have a plan by which I will become Chief Minister soon.'

'Good. Then I shall return only after you have become Chief Minister. So what is your plan?'

'I don't want to go into that, Guruji. I want you to tell me something much more vital and fundamental. I want to know the real truth about existence, about life.'

(Laughs.) 'Don't we all want to know that?'

'Guruji, you have known me for a long time, long before I joined politics. Tell me, is killing someone the worst thing anyone can do?'

(Laughs.) 'Killing what? This body? But Jagannath, as I have repeatedly told you, this body, like the universe is mithya, just a false notion, like the horn of a rabbit, or the water in a mirage. It has only a temporary existence. It has to die, in any case.'

'But then why do we lament over the dead?'

'The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. Because death is certain for the one who is born, and birth is certain for the one who dies. Therefore, only fools lament over the inevitable.'

'And even if the body dies, the soul never dies?'

'Yes. That is correct. The soul is unborn, eternal, permanent and primeval. The atma is not destroyed when the body is destroyed.'

'So if someone is killed, he doesn't really die. He merely acquires another body, doesn't he?'

'Exactly. A person who knows that the atma is indestructible, eternal, unborn and imperishable, neither kills anyone nor causes anyone to be killed.'

'Even if the person being killed is a close relative?'

'There is no such thing as a relative. The essence of a true yogi is detachment. He is detached from his son, his wife, his family and his home. He is a person whose mind is unperturbed by sorrow.'

'You have cleared my doubts, Guruji. You have lightened my mind.'

'Remember what Krishna told Arjuna: "Grieve not, for I shall liberate you from all sins."'

'You have indeed liberated me, Guruji.'

'I have to go now, Jagannath, to deliver a talk. Please try and do something about that warrant. I cannot remain abroad indefinitely. Even my Schengen visa will run out in two months. I am told that bastard Brahmdeo gave an interview on the Devotion Channel in which he made all sorts of allegations against me. So my suspicion was true.'

'Don't worry, Guruji. The day I become Chief Minister, that very day Swami Brahmdeo will have an arrest warrant against his name. Jai Shambhu.'

'Jai Shambhu.'



'Yes, Boss?'

'Are you in Lucknow?'

'Yes, Boss.'

'Tell me, Mukhtar, are you a devout Muslim?'

'Not really, Boss. But I try to attend the namaz at least every Friday.'

'Still, you must be familiar with the concept of sacrifice. Have you heard of Abraham?'

'Every Muslim has. He was a great man who was prepared to sacrifice his son to please Allah.'

'It must have been very difficult for him. And the job I am going to give you now is equally difficult for me.'

'Hukum. I am ready. Just tell me what the job is.'

'I cannot talk on phone. Can you come to the house right now?'

'I am in coming, Boss. Khuda hafiz.'

'Khuda hafiz.'

11 Mail-Order Bride

THE UNITED AIRLINES plane touched down at New Delhi Airport bang on time at three ten p.m. All the other passengers seemed to be in a mad rush to get out, as though free candies were being distributed outside. I took my time stuffing the nice airline magazine and the card about all the safety precautions into my bag, even using the toilet when the other passengers had gone.

There was a long queue at the passport counter when I arrived and the man at my desk was slower than a three-legged turtle. Every ten minutes or so he would push off to have a cup of tea or chat with his friends. I was chomping at the bit by the time my turn came.

'Good day, Sir,' he said, flipping open my passport. He looked at me and checked my photo in the passport, then looked at me again. 'Is this your passport?'

'Yeah,' I said.

'Well, you look different from your photo.'

'That's coz Mom said send in your best picture. So I sent in my best picture. And that happens to be when I was in High School.'

'Please wait here,' the officer said and went out to consult with his foreman. He came back after ten minutes. 'Sorry, we cannot allow you to enter India. We suspect you have a forged passport. You will have to be deported back to the United States.' He handed the passport back to me and pointed to a corner. 'Just sit down on that bench.'