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“She works for me, remember? I had told her I was coming down here to supervise,” he said, dismissing me with a wave of his hand. “Besides, as the head of Greater and Lesser Arcana, I think she and I have to have a little chat about what just happened.”

His ominous tone made it sound like it wasn’t going to be a particularly pleasant conversation. Not that any of his conversations were pleasant.

“Is Jane in some kind of trouble?” I asked. Wesker just gave me a wicked smile. I turned to the remainder of my rescuers. Connor shrugged and looked to the Inspectre.

“Not sure, my boy,” Quimbley said. “But in all my years I’ve never seen someone do anything quite like that.”

“Liquefy rats?”

“Oh goodness, no,” he said with a chuckle. “That I’ve seen countless times. My old partner in the Department used to do it during feeding time at the reptile house out at the Bronx Zoo. Poor snakes didn’t know what to do . . . What I mean to say is that I’ve never seen it done over the phone. Technomancy. That’s something you don’t see every day.”

“I’d like to know just what the girl is doing even dabbling in it,” Wesker said. “We’re not even offering technomancy right now. Not many in-house people can do it.”

I really didn’t give a rat’s ass, liquefied or not, about the magical logistics of it all. If I could get a closer look at the winch, maybe I could figure out just what the hell had gone wrong. The gypsy was still squatting by the well.

“Aren’t there supposed to be safety features on this thing?” I asked with righteous anger in my voice. “The rules for the Oubliette state one peril and a set of tools to contend with it. I got the peril of fighting those rats plus guillotines, and I was down there with useless tools. That’s not how it’s supposed to go. I spent weeks studying it.”

Julius Heron was still crouched over, peering intently at the side of the well.

“There are safety features,” he said. “It seems that all of them failed . . . simultaneously.”

“What are the odds of that?” I asked.

Wesker laughed. “About the same as you staying in a relationship with Jane.”

I ignored him.

Sudddenly, he shot up. “This Oubliette’s been tampered with,” Julius said. He leaned down and ran his fingers over a section of the well, but I didn’t notice any difference at first. After a few seconds, though, something wavered in the pattern and I could see a spot in the stonework that differed from the rest.

Connor bent down next to it. His hair fell across his eyes. He pushed it out of the way and studied the Oubliette. “Looks like someone has it in for you, kid. Not surprising, given our line of work.”

“So who’s out to get me this time?” I asked. I turned to look specifically at Wesker. “I can probably spit on one of them from here.”

“I don’t much care for what you’re implying, boy,” Wesker said, narrowing his eyes at me.

“You did spend a lot of time working undercover with cultists,” I said. “And the only reason I trust you at all is because you helped turn Jane away from them. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve given up their ways. Maybe you had a hand in rigging the Oubliette to fail.”

Wesker looked indifferent and shrugged. “Sometimes things break,” Wesker said, his voice flat and unapologetic.

“I’m awfully sorry, gentlemen,” Julius said. He clasped his hands together. “The Brothers Heron are world renowned for their commitment to quality, and we stand by our equipment. It wasn’t our fault. There was outside interference.”

“Stand by it?” I said. “Sure, just as long as you don’t have to be in it. I could have been killed.”

“Again, my apologies,” Julius said, but his voice was much less apologetic this time. I backed down a bit. “I’ll wheel it back to my booth and my brothers and I will try to figure out what exactly happened here.”

“I say,” the Inspectre said, “I trust there will be some kind of discount, what with your machine almost killing our young charge here.”

That,” Julius said, “is a matter I will have to discuss with my brothers. If you will excuse me . . .”

Julius took up a thick piece of rope attached to the cart beneath the Oubliette and started to pull it off through the curtains. It would have taken Connor, Wesker, the Inspectre, and me to move the cart an inch, but it was no trouble for the giant of a man. Once I had watched him go, I turned back to our group.

“So where were we?” I asked. I stepped toward the director of Greater & Lesser Arcana. “Oh, yes. Wesker was just about to tell us just exactly how he was involved in this . . .”

“Simon!” the Inspectre said with such force I swung around to him. His face was expressionless. “That will be enough. May I remind you that you are still a member of F.O.G. and although you are still a fledgling, you will conduct yourself in accordance with the Order.”

The Inspectre was right. I knew better than to engage Wesker. Besides, I knew he was always wallowing in a sty of his own anger over the fact that he had been refused entry into our elite order. I shut up.

“That’s better,” the Inspectre continued.

Connor came over and slipped off his shoulder bag, handing it to me at arm’s length.

“What’s this?”

“Fresh clothes,” he said. He pointed down. A little puddle of rat goo had started to form on the ground where I was standing. I shivered from where it was still against my skin.

“Now go get yourself changed,” Connor continued. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“Thanks,” I said, picking up the bag, careful to hold it away from my body. “Really? What kind of surprise?”

Connor smiled and shook his head. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now, would it? Just go change, kid.”

“Hold on,” Wesker called out. “Aren’t you going to clean up your . . . drippings?”

I gave him a look and headed off in search of the rest-rooms.

“I expect you to clean up this mess, Thaddeus,” the Inspectre said as I walked away.

“Me?” Wesker shouted, half laughing. “Make Connor do it. Or better yet, Simon. Call him back here.”

I stopped for a moment, waiting to see if I was going to get called back. I’d rather have had a rat slither into my mouth than give Wesker control over me. “Connor and Simon are part of Other Division,” the Inspectre said, twirling the end of his gray handlebar mustache with one hand and dabbing his other into a small pool of the goo. “This ichor that used to be rats is technically the result of a magical transformation, which is a matter for someone in your division. And as there is only one representative of Greater and Lesser Arcana here—namely you—I’ll leave that matter in your capable hands.”

I turned away and hurried off. It was hard not to laugh. I just prayed I could control it, though. The thought of accidentally snorting any of the rat goo up my nose wasn’t appealing at all.

I gave myself a truck-stop shower in the sink and changed into the clothes Connor had brought for me, then checked my ears one last time for any bits of rat before hitting the show floor. Connor was waiting for me outside the rest-rooms.

“So, where’s my surprise?”

“Follow me, kid,” he said and started walking off at a brisk pace into the heart of the convention center.

The crowd was thick and I had to dart through it before I lost him.

“My surprise is in here?”

Connor nodded. “We’re gonna be working for a Department recruiting booth for a shift or two.”


Connor lowered his voice. “You’d be surprised how many Extraordinary types a convention like this attracts,” he said. “Besides, there’re a couple of side benefits to working here that I think you’ll find interesting.”

“Such as . . . ?”

“Well, two things, really,” he said. He stopped at one of the booths. Dozens of still-boxed action figures lined the booth. “First, think about the great scores you could find here with your powers.”